JGDMS Project 3.0-SNAPSHOT API Documentation

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add(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey, WeakSoftTable.SoftValue) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable
Associates an additional value with the specified key.
add(Runnable) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Add a new task.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Add all tasks in a collection, in iterator order.
addIfNew(TaskManager.Task) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Add a new task if it is not equal to (using the equals method) to any existing active or pending task.
addObserver(FutureObserver<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.FutureObserver.ObservableFuture
Adds FutureObserver's to this ObservableFuture.
addObserver(FutureObserver<T>) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService


block() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Signal the blocking of the operation this object bounds.
blocked() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Return true if at least one block has been invoked without its corresponding unblock.
blockingDeque(BlockingDeque<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a BlockingDeque for holding references so it appears as a BlockingDeque containing referents.
blockingQueue(BlockingQueue<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a BlockingQueue for holding references so it appears as a BlockingQueue containing referents.


check() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadyState
Checks if the service is ready to use, waiting if it is initializing, and throwing NoSuchObjectException if it is shutting down.
clear() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.SoftCache
Removes all associations from this map.
clear() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
Removes all associations from this map.
clear() - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
cleared(Map) - Method in interface org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference
Called with the containing map when this instance's reference is cleared, to remove the associated entry from the map.
cleared(Map) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
cleared(Map) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
collection(Collection<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a Collection for holding references so it appears as a Collection containing referents.
comparator(Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
When using a Comparator in SortedSet's and SortedMap's, the Comparator must be encapsulated using this method, to order the Set or Map by referents and not References.
ConcurrentLockException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter.ConcurrentLockException
ConcurrentLockException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter.ConcurrentLockException
concurrentMap(ConcurrentMap<Referrer<K>, Referrer<V>>, Ref, Ref, long, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a ConcurrentMap for holding references so it appears as a ConcurrentMap containing referents.
concurrentNavigableMap(ConcurrentNavigableMap<Referrer<K>, Referrer<V>>, Ref, Ref, long, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a ConcurrentNavigableMap for holding references so it appears as a ConcurrentNavigableMap containing referents.
copy(ReferenceQueue) - Method in interface org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference
Returns a copy of this instance registered with the specified queue.
copy(ReferenceQueue) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
copy(ReferenceQueue) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey


debug(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Set the debug mode on or off.
DependencyLinker - Class in org.apache.river.thread
DependencyLinker(ExecutorService, List<FutureObserver.ObservableFuture>, RunnableFuture) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.DependencyLinker
deque(Deque<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a Deque for holding references so it appears as a Deque containing referents.
done - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask
done() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask


enqueue() - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakKeyReference
Equivalence for WeakKeyReference is defined as follows: If the other reference is to this object, return true.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
Returns true if the argument is an instance of the same concrete class, and if both objects had null keys, or if neither object has had its weak key cleared and their values are ==.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
Equals is calculated on IDENTITY or EQUALITY.
error(String) - Static method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
execute(Runnable, String) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.Executor
Executes the given Runnable action asynchronously in some thread.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
Executor - Interface in org.apache.river.thread
Executor is an abstraction for a thread factory or thread pool for executing actions asynchronously.
ExtensibleExecutorService - Class in org.apache.river.thread
AbstractExecutorService introduced two protected methods in Java 1.6 to allow an ExecutorService to use customised RunnableFuture implementations other than the default FutureTask.
ExtensibleExecutorService(ExecutorService, ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory - Interface in org.apache.river.thread
Factory for creating custom RunnableFuture implementations.


firstPending - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Index of the first pending task; all earlier tasks are active
futureCompleted(Future) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.DependencyLinker
futureCompleted(Future<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.FutureObserver
FutureObserver<T> - Interface in org.apache.river.thread
FutureObserver.ObservableFuture<T> - Interface in org.apache.river.thread


get(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.SoftCache
Returns value associated with given key, or null if none.
get(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
Returns value associated with given key, or null if none.
get(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable
Returns the value associated with the specified key and index, or null if not found.
get(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Return the value associated with given key, or null if no value can be found.
get() - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
getMaxThreads() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Return the maximum number of threads to use on tasks.
getOrAdd(Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Return the object that this key maps to.
getPending() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Return all pending tasks.
GetThreadPoolAction - Class in org.apache.river.thread
Provides security-checked access to internal thread pools as a java.security.PrivilegedAction, to be used conveniently with an AccessController.doPrivileged or Security.doPrivileged.
GetThreadPoolAction(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.GetThreadPoolAction
Creates an action that will obtain an internal thread pool.


hasBeenInterrupted() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Method used to determine if interrupt has been called on this thread.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakKeyReference
Return the key's hashCode remembered from the time of reference creation.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
hashCode() - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
Standard hashCode calculation for IDENTITY based references, where k is the referent.


InProgress - Class in org.apache.river.thread
InProgress(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
inProgress() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Return true if at least one start has been invoked without its corresponding stop.
interrupt() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
interrupt() - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread.Interruptable
InterruptedStatusThread - Class in org.apache.river.thread
Common Thread subclass to handle potential loss of interrupted status.
InterruptedStatusThread() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread
Constructs a new InterruptedStatusThread object.
InterruptedStatusThread.Interruptable - Interface in org.apache.river.thread
A Runnable task can implement this to be interrupted if something special needs to be done to cause the Runnable to notice it's been interrupted.
isEnqueued() - Method in interface org.apache.river.concurrent.Referrer
isShutdown() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
isTerminated() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService


key - Variable in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
The associated key.
keyGC(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable.KeyGCHandler
Called by WeakTable when it notices that a key has been collected and the value still exists.


list(List<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a List for holding references so it appears as a List containing referents.
listeners - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask
loadFactor - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Threshold for creating new threads
logger - Static variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
map(Map<Referrer<K>, Referrer<V>>, Ref, Ref, long, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a Map for holding references so it appears as a Map containing referents.
maxThreads - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Maximum number of threads allowed


NamedThreadFactory - Class in org.apache.river.thread
A utility to help readability of pool threads
NamedThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.NamedThreadFactory
navigableMap(NavigableMap<Referrer<K>, Referrer<V>>, Ref, Ref, long, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a NavigableMap for holding Referrers so it appears as a NavigableMap containing referents.
navigableSet(NavigableSet<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a NavigableSet for holding references so it appears as a NavigableSet containing referents.
needThread() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Return true if a new thread should be created (ignoring maxThreads).
newCondition() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Condition for use with writeLock()
newSerialExecutor(BlockingQueue<Callable<T>>) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.SynchronousExecutors
The ExecutorService returned, supports a subset of ExecutorService methods, the intent of this executor is to serialize the execution of tasks, it is up to the BlockingQueue or caller to ensure order, only one task will execute at a time, that task will be retried if it fails, using a back off strategy of 1, 5 and 10 seconds, followed by 1, 1 and 5 minutes thereafter forever, no other task will execute until the task at the head of the queue is completed successfully.
newTaskFor(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
newTaskFor(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
newTaskFor(Runnable, T) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory
Returns a RunnableFuture for the given runnable and default value.
newTaskFor(Callable<T>) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService.RunnableFutureFactory
Returns a RunnableFuture for the given callable task.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.NamedThreadFactory
NewThreadAction - Class in org.apache.river.thread
A PrivilegedAction for creating a new thread conveniently with an AccessController.doPrivileged or Security.doPrivileged.
NewThreadAction(Runnable, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.NewThreadAction
Creates an action that will create a new thread in the system thread group.
NewThreadAction(Runnable, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.NewThreadAction
Creates an action that will create a new thread.


ObservableFutureTask<T> - Class in org.apache.river.thread
ObservableFutureTask(Callable<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask
ObservableFutureTask(Runnable, T) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ObservableFutureTask
org.apache.river.api.util - package org.apache.river.api.util
org.apache.river.collection - package org.apache.river.collection
Various collection classes used internally by code in org.apache.river classes.
org.apache.river.concurrent - package org.apache.river.concurrent
This package provides a decorating utility that enables weak, soft, strong or time references to be used in any collection implementing standard Java Framework Interfaces Expected behaviour of reference types may vary between platforms and should not be depended upon other than; weak references will be collected when no further strong references remain and soft references may be collected at any time the JVM's available memory is under pressure and the referent is softly reachable.
org.apache.river.thread - package org.apache.river.thread
These are utility classes and interfaces for helping with tasks done in multiple threads.


plugTogether(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
plugTogether(OutputStream, InputStream) - Static method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
priorityWriteLock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Obtain a priority write lock.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.SoftCache
Associates value with given key, returning value previously associated with key, or null if none.
put(K, V) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
Associates value with given key, returning value previously associated with key, or null if none.


queue(Queue<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a Queue for holding references so it appears as a Queue containing referents.


RC - Class in org.apache.river.concurrent
This class contains static methods for decorating collections with reference capability.
ReadersWriter - Class in org.apache.river.thread
An Object to control the concurrent state.
ReadersWriter() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
ReadersWriter.ConcurrentLockException - Exception in org.apache.river.thread
InterruptedException transformed to a runtime exception.
readerWait(Object, long) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Release a read lock, wait the given period of time or until notified by notifier, then obtain a read lock again.
readLock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Obtain a read lock.
readUnlock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Release a read lock.
ready() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadyState
Marks the service ready for use.
ReadyState - Class in org.apache.river.thread
Utility class used to prevent access to a service before it has completed its initialization or after it starts to shutdown.
ReadyState() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ReadyState
Ref - Enum in org.apache.river.concurrent
Ref enum represents types of references available for use in java collection framework implementations.
Referrer<T> - Interface in org.apache.river.concurrent
The public API of package private Reference implementations, it defines the equals and hashCode contracts as well as methods identical to Reference.
register() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.DependencyLinker
remove(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.SoftCache
Removes association for given key, returning value previously associated with key, or null if none.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
Removes association for given key, returning value previously associated with key, or null if none.
remove(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey, int) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable
Removes and returns the index'th value associated with the specified key.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Remove the object that the given key maps to.
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
removeBlanks() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Remove any blank entries from the table.
removeIfPending(Runnable) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Remove a task if it is pending (not active).
roTasks - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Read-only view of tasks
run() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.GetThreadPoolAction
run() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.NewThreadAction
run() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
runAfter(List, int) - Method in interface org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager.Task
Return true if this task must be run after at least one task in the given task list with an index less than size (size may be less then tasks.size()).


set(Set<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a Set for holding references so it appears as a Set containing referents.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadyState
Marks the service as shutting down, waiting if it is initializing, and throwing NoSuchObjectException if it is already shutting down.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.SynchronousExecutors
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ExtensibleExecutorService
SoftCache<K,V> - Class in org.apache.river.collection
Map of keys to softly-referenced values which automatically removes mappings for garbage-collected values.
SoftCache() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.SoftCache
SoftValue(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey, Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
Creates a value for the associated key that retains a soft reference to value.
SoftValue(WeakSoftTable.SoftValue, ReferenceQueue) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.SoftValue
Creates a copy of the value registered with the queue.
sortedMap(SortedMap<Referrer<K>, Referrer<V>>, Ref, Ref, long, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a SortedMap for holding references so it appears as a SortedMap containing referents.
sortedSet(SortedSet<Referrer<T>>, Ref, long) - Static method in class org.apache.river.concurrent.RC
Decorate a SortedSet for holding references so it appears as a SortedSet containing referents.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.river.api.util.Startable
Called after construction, this method enables objects to delay starting threads or exporting until after construction is complete, to allow safe publication of the service in accordance with the JMM.
start() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Signal the start of the operation this object bounds.
start() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.SynchronousExecutors
Startable - Interface in org.apache.river.api.util
Implemented by an object to enable starting threads, perform remote export or any other activity after construction is complete, required to put the object into an operational state.
stop() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Signal the stop of the operation this object bounds.
StreamPlugThread - Class in org.apache.river.thread
StreamPlugThread is a utility class that "plugs" two streams, one input stream and one output stream, together by creating a thread that repeatedly reads any data available from the input stream and writes it to the output stream.
StreamPlugThread(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread
SynchronousExecutors - Class in org.apache.river.thread
The intent of this Executor is to share a single thread pool among tasks with dependencies that prevent them running concurrently.
SynchronousExecutors(ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.SynchronousExecutors


TaskManager - Class in org.apache.river.thread
will be removed from a future release soon.
TaskManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Create a task manager with maxThreads = 10, timeout = 15 seconds, and loadFactor = 3.0.
TaskManager(int, long, float) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Create a task manager.
TaskManager.Task - Interface in org.apache.river.thread
The interface that tasks must implement
tasks - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Active and pending tasks
terminate() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Interrupt all threads, and stop processing tasks.
terminated - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
True if manager has been terminated
ThreadPoolPermission - Class in org.apache.river.thread
Permission to use internal thread pools (see GetThreadPoolAction).
ThreadPoolPermission(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.thread.ThreadPoolPermission
Creates a new ThreadPoolPermission with the specified name.
threads - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Active threads
timeout - Variable in class org.apache.river.thread.TaskManager
Idle time before a thread should exit
toString() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable
Returns a string representation of this object.


unblock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Signal the unblocking of the operation this object bounds.
userProg(String) - Static method in class org.apache.river.thread.StreamPlugThread


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.river.concurrent.Ref
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
Returns collection containing all values currently held in this map.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.river.concurrent.Ref
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waiterNotify(Object) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Wake up any threads waiting on this notifier.
waitUntilQuiet() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Wait if the operation bounded by this object is either started or blocked.
waitWhileBlocked() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Wait if the operation bounded by this object has been blocked, i.e., between a block and a unblock.
waitWhileStarted() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.InProgress
Wait if the operation bounded by this object is in progress, i.e., between a start and a stop.
WeakIdentityMap<K,V> - Class in org.apache.river.collection
Identity-based weak hash map.
WeakIdentityMap() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakIdentityMap
WeakKey(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
Creates a key that holds a weak reference to the argument and compares it using ==.
WeakKey(WeakSoftTable.WeakKey, ReferenceQueue) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable.WeakKey
Creates a copy of the key registered with the queue.
WeakKeyReference<T> - Class in org.apache.river.collection
A weak reference to a key in a table.
WeakKeyReference(T) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakKeyReference
Create a new WeakReference to the given key.
WeakKeyReference(T, ReferenceQueue<T>) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakKeyReference
Create a new WeakReference to the given key, placing the cleared reference on the specified ReferenceQueue.
WeakSoftTable - Class in org.apache.river.collection
A table that maps a key containing a weak reference to one or more values containing soft references.
WeakSoftTable() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakSoftTable
Creates an instance of this class.
WeakSoftTable.RemovableReference - Interface in org.apache.river.collection
Implemented by classes to permit copying instances into reference queues when they are added to the table and to remove them from the table when the references are cleared.
WeakSoftTable.SoftValue - Class in org.apache.river.collection
A value that maintains a soft reference to an object.
WeakSoftTable.WeakKey - Class in org.apache.river.collection
A key that maintains a weak reference to an object which should be compared by object identity.
WeakTable - Class in org.apache.river.collection
This class is designed to allow weakly held keys to weakly held objects.
WeakTable() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Create a new WeakTable object to maintain the maps.
WeakTable(WeakTable.KeyGCHandler) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.collection.WeakTable
Create a new WeakTable object to maintain the maps that calls back the designated object when keys are collected.
WeakTable.KeyGCHandler - Interface in org.apache.river.collection
Handler for clients that need to know when a key is removed from the table because it has been collected.
writeLock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Obtain a regular write lock.
writerWait(Object, long) - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
use newCondition() and Condition instead
writeUnlock() - Method in class org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter
Release a (regular or priority) write lock.
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