JGDMS Project 3.0-SNAPSHOT API Documentation

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AccessAtomicILFactory - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
AccessAtomicILFactory(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessAtomicILFactory
Creates an AccessILFactoryinstance with no server constraints, no permission class, and the specified class loader.
AccessAtomicILFactory(Class) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessAtomicILFactory
Creates an AccessILFactoryinstance with no server constraints, no permission class, and the specified smart proxy or service implementation class, used to determined the ClassLoader.
AccessAtomicILFactory.AccessDispatcher - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
A subclass of AtomicInvocationDispatcher that only accepts calls from the local host.
AccessDispatcher(Collection, ServerCapabilities, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessAtomicILFactory.AccessDispatcher
Constructs an invocation dispatcher for the specified methods.
AccessDispatcher(Collection, ServerCapabilities, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessILFactory.AccessDispatcher
Constructs an invocation dispatcher for the specified methods.
AccessILFactory - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
A basic invocation layer factory, used in exporting an ActivationMonitor or ActivationInstantiator to use Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI), that is similar to BasicILFactory except the returned invocation dispatcher only accepts calls from the local host.
AccessILFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessILFactory
Creates an AccessILFactoryinstance with no server constraints, no permission class, and a null class loader.
AccessILFactory(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessILFactory
Creates an AccessILFactoryinstance with no server constraints, no permission class, and the specified class loader.
AccessILFactory.AccessDispatcher - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
A subclass of BasicInvocationDispatcher that only accepts calls from the local host.
ActivationGroupData - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
Initialization data for ActivationGroupImpl, to control the activation group's configuration.
ActivationGroupData(String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.ActivationGroupData
Constructs an instance with the specified Configuration options, if any.


check() - Static method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.LocalAccess
Checks whether a call was made by a local host.
checkAccess(Remote, Method, InvocationConstraints, Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessAtomicILFactory.AccessDispatcher
Checks that the client is calling from the local host.
checkAccess(Remote, Method, InvocationConstraints, Collection) - Method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessILFactory.AccessDispatcher
Checks that the client is calling from the local host.
createInvocationDispatcher(Collection, Remote, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessAtomicILFactory
Returns an AccessAtomicILFactory.AccessDispatcher instance constructed with the specified methods, the specified server capabilities, and the class loader specified at construction.
createInvocationDispatcher(Collection, Remote, ServerCapabilities) - Method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.AccessILFactory
Returns an AccessILFactory.AccessDispatcher instance constructed with the specified methods, the specified server capabilities, and the class loader specified at construction.


getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.river.phoenix.common.ActivationGroupData
Returns the configuration options, or null.


LocalAccess - Class in org.apache.river.phoenix.common
Definition of an access control only allowing calls from the local host.


org.apache.river.phoenix.common - package org.apache.river.phoenix.common
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