View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    * 
10   *
11   * 
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16   * limitations under the License.
17   */
18  package org.apache.river.reggie;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import java.lang.reflect.Array;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
41  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
42  import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
43  import java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException;
44  import java.rmi.RemoteException;
45  import java.rmi.activation.ActivationException;
46  import java.rmi.activation.ActivationID;
47  import java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import;
51  import;
52  import;
53  import java.util.ArrayList;
54  import java.util.Arrays;
55  import java.util.Collections;
56  import java.util.Enumeration;
57  import java.util.HashMap;
58  import java.util.Iterator;
59  import java.util.LinkedList;
60  import java.util.List;
61  import java.util.Map;
62  import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
63  import java.util.PriorityQueue;
64  import java.util.Queue;
65  import java.util.Random;
66  import java.util.Set;
67  import java.util.SortedSet;
68  import java.util.TreeSet;
69  import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
70  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
71  import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
72  import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
73  import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
74  import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
75  import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
76  import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
77  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
78  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
79  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
80  import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
81  import java.util.logging.Level;
82  import java.util.logging.Logger;
83  import;
84  import;
85  import;
86  import;
87  import;
88  import net.jini.activation.ActivationExporter;
89  import net.jini.activation.ActivationGroup;
90  import net.jini.config.Configuration;
91  import net.jini.config.ConfigurationException;
92  import net.jini.config.ConfigurationProvider;
93  import net.jini.config.NoSuchEntryException;
94  import net.jini.constraint.BasicMethodConstraints;
95  import net.jini.core.constraint.InvocationConstraints;
96  import net.jini.core.constraint.MethodConstraints;
97  import net.jini.core.constraint.RemoteMethodControl;
98  import net.jini.core.discovery.LookupLocator;
99  import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
100 import net.jini.core.event.EventRegistration;
101 import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
102 import;
103 import;
104 import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceID;
105 import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
106 import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
107 import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistration;
108 import net.jini.discovery.Constants;
109 import net.jini.discovery.ConstrainableLookupLocator;
110 import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryGroupManagement;
111 import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryLocatorManagement;
112 import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryManagement;
113 import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscoveryManager;
114 import net.jini.export.Exporter;
115 import net.jini.export.ProxyAccessor;
116 import net.jini.lookup.ServiceAttributesAccessor;
117 import net.jini.export.CodebaseAccessor;
118 import net.jini.lookup.ServiceIDAccessor;
119 import net.jini.lookup.ServiceProxyAccessor;
120 import;
121 import;
122 import;
123 import;
124 import;
125 import net.jini.jeri.AtomicILFactory;
126 import net.jini.jeri.BasicILFactory;
127 import net.jini.jeri.BasicJeriExporter;
128 import net.jini.jeri.tcp.TcpServerEndpoint;
129 import net.jini.lookup.JoinManager;
130 import net.jini.lookup.entry.ServiceInfo;
131 import;
132 import;
133 import;
134 import;
135 import;
136 import;
137 import;
138 import;
139 import;
140 import;
141 import org.apache.river.api.util.Startable;
142 import org.apache.river.config.Config;
143 import org.apache.river.config.LocalHostLookup;
144 import org.apache.river.constants.ThrowableConstants;
145 import org.apache.river.constants.VersionConstants;
146 import org.apache.river.discovery.ClientSubjectChecker;
147 import org.apache.river.discovery.Discovery;
148 import org.apache.river.discovery.DiscoveryConstraints;
149 import org.apache.river.discovery.DiscoveryProtocolException;
150 import org.apache.river.discovery.EncodeIterator;
151 import org.apache.river.discovery.MulticastAnnouncement;
152 import org.apache.river.discovery.MulticastRequest;
153 import org.apache.river.discovery.UnicastResponse;
154 import org.apache.river.logging.Levels;
155 import org.apache.river.lookup.entry.BasicServiceType;
156 import org.apache.river.proxy.CodebaseProvider;
157 import org.apache.river.proxy.MarshalledWrapper;
158 import org.apache.river.reliableLog.LogHandler;
159 import org.apache.river.reliableLog.ReliableLog;
160 import org.apache.river.start.lifecycle.LifeCycle;
161 import org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread;
162 import org.apache.river.thread.InterruptedStatusThread.Interruptable;
163 import org.apache.river.thread.NamedThreadFactory;
164 import org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter;
165 import org.apache.river.thread.ReadersWriter.ConcurrentLockException;
166 import org.apache.river.thread.SynchronousExecutors;
167 import org.apache.river.reggie.proxy.*;
169 /**
170  * Base server-side implementation of a lookup service, subclassed by
171  * TransientRegistrarImpl and PersistentRegistrarImpl.  Multiple client-side
172  * proxy classes are used, for the ServiceRegistrar interface as well as for
173  * leases and administration; their methods transform the parameters and then
174  * make corresponding calls on the Registrar interface implemented on the
175  * server side.
176  *
177  * @author Sun Microsystems, Inc.
178  *
179  */
180 class RegistrarImpl implements Registrar, ProxyAccessor, ServerProxyTrust, Startable,
181 	ServiceProxyAccessor, ServiceAttributesAccessor, ServiceIDAccessor,
182 	CodebaseAccessor
183 {
185     /** Maximum minMax lease duration for both services and events */
186     private static final long MAX_LEASE = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000;
187     /** Maximum minimum renewal interval */
188     private static final long MAX_RENEW = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
189     /** Default maximum size of multicast packets to send and receive */
190     private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 512;
191     /** Default time to live value to use for sending multicast packets */
192     private static final int DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 15;
193     /** Default timeout to set on sockets used for unicast discovery */
194     private static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 1*60*1000;
195     /** Log format version */
196     private static final int LOG_VERSION = 3;
197     /** Logger and configuration component name */
198     private static final String COMPONENT = "org.apache.river.reggie";
199     /** Lease ID always assigned to self */
200     private static final Uuid myLeaseID = UuidFactory.create(0L, 0L);
201     /** Logger used by this service */
202     private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(COMPONENT + ".service");
204     private static final Logger EVENT_LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(COMPONENT + ".event");
206     private static final Logger DISCOVERY_LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(COMPONENT + ".discovery");
208     private static final Logger SNAPSHOT_LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(COMPONENT + ".snapshot");
210     /** Base set of initial attributes for self */
211     private static final Entry[] baseAttrs = {
212 	new ServiceInfo(
213 	    "Lookup", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.",
214 	    VersionConstants.SERVER_VERSION, "", ""),
215 	new BasicServiceType("Lookup")
216     };
217     /** Empty attribute set */
218     private static final EntryRep[] emptyAttrs = {};
220     /** Proxy for myself */
221     private RegistrarProxy proxy;
222     /** Exporter for myself */
223     private volatile Exporter serverExporter; // accessed without lock from DestroyThread
224     /** Remote reference for myself */
225     private Registrar myRef;
226     /** Our service ID */
227     private volatile ServiceID myServiceID; // accessed without lock from DecodeRequestTask
228     /** Our activation id, or null if not activatable */
229     private final ActivationID activationID;
230     /** Associated activation system, or null if not activatable */
231     private final ActivationSystem activationSystem;
232     /** Our LookupLocator */
233     private volatile LookupLocator myLocator; // accessed without lock from Announce
234     /** Our login context, for logging out */
235     private final LoginContext loginContext;
236     /** Shutdown callback object, or null if no callback needed */
237     private final LifeCycle lifeCycle;
239     /** Unicast socket factories */
240     private final ServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory ;
241     private final SocketFactory socketFactory;
243     /**
244      * Map from ServiceID to SvcReg.  Every service is in this map under
245      * its serviceID.
246      */
247     private final Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> serviceByID = new HashMap<ServiceID,SvcReg>(200);
248     /**
249      * Identity map from SvcReg to SvcReg, ordered by lease expiration.
250      * Every service is in this map.
251      */
252     private final SortedSet<SvcReg> serviceByTime = new TreeSet<SvcReg>();
253     /**
254      * Map from String to HashMap mapping ServiceID to SvcReg.  Every service 
255      * is in this map under its types.
256      */
257     private final Map<String,Map<ServiceID,SvcReg>> serviceByTypeName 
258             = new HashMap<String,Map<ServiceID,SvcReg>>(200);
259     /**
260      * Map from EntryClass to HashMap[] where each HashMap is a map from
261      * Object (field value) to ArrayList(SvcReg).  The HashMap array has as
262      * many elements as the EntryClass has fields (including fields defined
263      * by superclasses).  Services are in this map multiple times, once
264      * for each field of each entry it has.  The outer map is indexed by the
265      * first (highest) superclass that defines the field.  This means that a
266      * HashMap[] has null elements for fields defined by superclasses, but
267      * this is a small memory hit and is simpler than subtracting off base
268      * index values when accessing the arrays.
269      */
270     private final Map<EntryClass,Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[]> serviceByAttr 
271             = new HashMap<EntryClass,Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[]>(23);
272     /**
273      * Map from EntryClass to ArrayList(SvcReg).  Services are in this map
274      * multiple times, once for each no-fields entry it has (no fields meaning
275      * none of the superclasses have fields either).  The map is indexed by
276      * the exact type of the entry.
277      */
278     private final Map<EntryClass,List<SvcReg>> serviceByEmptyAttr 
279             = new HashMap<EntryClass,List<SvcReg>>(11);
280     /** All EntryClasses with non-zero numInstances */
281     private final List<EntryClass> entryClasses = new ArrayList<EntryClass>();
282     /**
283      * Map from Long(eventID) to EventReg.  Every event registration is in
284      * this map under its eventID.
285      */
286     private final Map<Long,EventReg> eventByID = new HashMap<Long,EventReg>(200);
287     /**
288      * Identity map from EventReg to EventReg, ordered by lease expiration.
289      * Every event registration is in this map.
290      */
291     private final Queue<EventReg> eventByTime = new PriorityQueue<EventReg>();
292     /**
293      * Map from ServiceID to EventReg or EventReg[].  An event
294      * registration is in this map if its template matches on (at least)
295      * a specific serviceID.
296      */
297     private final Map<ServiceID,Object> subEventByService = new HashMap<ServiceID,Object>(200);
298     /**
299      * Map from Long(eventID) to EventReg.  An event registration is in
300      * this map if its template matches on ANY_SERVICE_ID.
301      */
302     private final Map<Long,EventReg> subEventByID = new HashMap<Long,EventReg>(200);
304     /** Generator for resource (e.g., registration, lease) Uuids */
305     private final UuidGenerator resourceIdGenerator;
306     /** Generator for service IDs */
307     private final UuidGenerator serviceIdGenerator;
308     /** Event ID */
309     private long eventID = 0; // protected by concurrentObj
310     /** Random number generator for use in lookup */
311     private final Random random = new Random();
313     /** Preparer for received remote event listeners */
314     private final ProxyPreparer listenerPreparer;
315     /** Preparer for remote event listeners recovered from state log */
316     private final ProxyPreparer recoveredListenerPreparer;
317     /** Preparer for received lookup locators */
318     private final ProxyPreparer locatorPreparer;
319     /** Preparer for lookup locators recovered from state log */
320     private final ProxyPreparer recoveredLocatorPreparer;
322     /** Current maximum service lease duration granted, in milliseconds. */
323     private long maxServiceLease;
324     /** Current maximum event lease duration granted, in milliseconds. */
325     private long maxEventLease;
326     /** Earliest expiration time of a SvcReg */
327     private long minSvcExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
328     /** Earliest expiration time of an EventReg */
329     private long minEventExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
331     /** Manager for discovering other lookup services */
332     private final DiscoveryManagement discoer;
333     /** Manager for joining other lookup services */
334     private volatile JoinManager joiner; // accessed without lock from DestroyThread
335     /** Executors for sending events and discovery responses */
336     private final SynchronousExecutors eventNotifierExec;
337     private final Map<EventReg,ExecutorService> eventTaskMap;
338 //    private final EventTaskQueue eventTaskQueue;
339     private final ExecutorService discoveryResponseExec;
340     /** Service lease expiration thread */
341     private final Thread serviceExpirer;
342     /** Event lease expiration thread */
343     private final Thread eventExpirer;
344     /** Unicast discovery request packet receiving thread */
345     private volatile Thread unicaster; // accessed without lock from DestroyThread
346     private volatile Unicast unicast;
347     /** Multicast discovery request packet receiving thread */
348     private final Thread multicaster;
349     /** Multicast discovery announcement sending thread */
350     private final Thread announcer;
351     /** Snapshot-taking thread */
352     private final Thread snapshotter;
354     /** Concurrent object to control read and write access */
355     private final ReadersWriter concurrentObj;
356     /** Object for synchronizing with the service expire thread */
357     private final Condition serviceNotifier;
358     /** Object for synchronizing with the event expire thread */
359     private final Condition eventNotifier;
360     /** Object on which the snapshot-taking thread will synchronize */
361     private final Condition snapshotNotifier;
363     /** Canonical ServiceType for java.lang.Object */
364     private final ServiceType objectServiceType;
366     /** Log for recovering/storing state, or null if running as transient */
367     private final ReliableLog log;
368     /** Flag indicating whether system is in a state of recovery */
369     private volatile boolean inRecovery;
370     /** Current number of records in the Log File since the last snapshot */
371     private final AtomicInteger logFileSize = new AtomicInteger();
373     /** Log file must contain this many records before snapshot allowed */
374     private final int persistenceSnapshotThreshold ;
375     /** Weight factor applied to snapshotSize when deciding to take snapshot */
376     private final float persistenceSnapshotWeight;
377     /** Minimum value for maxServiceLease. */
378     private final long minMaxServiceLease;
379     /** Minimum value for maxEventLease. */
380     private final long minMaxEventLease;
381     /** Minimum average time between lease renewals, in milliseconds. */
382     private final long minRenewalInterval;
383     /** Port for unicast discovery */
384     private volatile int unicastPort;
385     private int httpsUnicastPort;
386     private boolean enableHttpsUnicast;
387     private Discovery httpsDiscovery;
388     /** The groups we are a member of */
389     private volatile String[] memberGroups; // accessed from DecodeRequestTask and Announce
390     /** The groups we should join */
391     private volatile String[] lookupGroups;
392     /** The locators of other lookups we should join */
393     private volatile LookupLocator[] lookupLocators;
394     /** The attributes to use when joining (including with myself) */
395     private volatile Entry[] lookupAttrs;
396     /** Interval to wait in between sending multicast announcements */
397     private final long multicastAnnouncementInterval;
398     /** Multicast announcement sequence number */
399     private final AtomicLong announcementSeqNo = new AtomicLong();
401     /** Network interfaces to use for multicast discovery */
402     private final NetworkInterface[] multicastInterfaces;
403     /** Flag indicating whether network interfaces were explicitly specified */
404     private final boolean multicastInterfacesSpecified;
405     /** Interval to wait in between retrying failed interfaces */
406     private final int multicastInterfaceRetryInterval;
407     /** Utility for participating in version 2 of discovery protocols */
408     private final Discovery protocol2;
409     /** Cached raw constraints associated with unicastDiscovery method*/
410     private final InvocationConstraints rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints;
411     /** Constraints specified for incoming multicast requests */
412     private final DiscoveryConstraints multicastRequestConstraints;
413     /** Constraints specified for outgoing multicast announcements */
414     private final DiscoveryConstraints multicastAnnouncementConstraints;
415     /** Constraints specified for handling unicast discovery */
416     private final DiscoveryConstraints unicastDiscoveryConstraints;
417     /** Client subject checker to apply to incoming multicast requests */
418     private final ClientSubjectChecker multicastRequestSubjectChecker;
419     /** Maximum time to wait for calls to finish before forcing unexport */
420     private final long unexportTimeout;
421     /** Time to wait between unexport attempts */
422     private final long unexportWait;
423     /** Client subject checker to apply to unicast discovery attempts */
424     private final ClientSubjectChecker unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker;
426     // Not required after start is called.
427     private String unicastDiscoveryHost;
428     private Configuration config;
429     private Exception constructionException;
430     private final AccessControlContext context;
431     private final String certFactoryType;
432     private final String certPathEncoding;
433     private final byte[] encodedCerts;
434     private final String codebase;
437     /**
438      * Constructs RegistrarImpl based on a configuration obtained using the
439      * provided string arguments.  If activationID is non-null, the created
440      * RegistrarImpl runs as activatable; if persistent is true, it
441      * persists/recovers its state to/from disk.  A RegistrarImpl instance
442      * cannot be constructed as both activatable and non-persistent.  If
443      * lifeCycle is non-null, its unregister method is invoked during shutdown.
444      */
445     RegistrarImpl(String[] configArgs,
446 		  final ActivationID activationID,
447 		  final boolean persistent,
448 		  final LifeCycle lifeCycle)
449 	throws Exception
450     {
451             this(ConfigurationProvider.getInstance(
452 		configArgs, RegistrarImpl.class.getClassLoader())
453                     ,activationID,persistent,lifeCycle);
454     }
456     /**
457      * Constructs RegistrarImpl based on the
458      * Configuration argument.  If activationID is non-null, the created
459      * RegistrarImpl runs as activatable; if persistent is true, it
460      * persists/recovers its state to/from disk.  A RegistrarImpl instance
461      * cannot be constructed as both activatable and non-persistent.  If
462      * lifeCycle is non-null, its unregister method is invoked during shutdown.
463      */
464     RegistrarImpl(final Configuration config,
465 		  final ActivationID activationID,
466 		  final boolean persistent,
467 		  final LifeCycle lifeCycle)
468 	throws Exception
469     {
470             this(loginAndRun(config,activationID,persistent,lifeCycle));
471     }
475     private static Initializer loginAndRun( final Configuration config, 
476                                             final ActivationID activationID, 
477                                             final boolean persistent, 
478                                             final LifeCycle lifeCycle)
479 	throws Exception
480     {
482 	Initializer result = null;
483         try {
484             if (activationID != null && !persistent) {
485                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
486             }
487             final LoginContext loginContext = (LoginContext) config.getEntry(
488                COMPONENT, "loginContext", LoginContext.class, null);
490             PrivilegedExceptionAction<Initializer> init = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Initializer>() {
491                 public Initializer run() throws Exception {
492                     return new Initializer(config, 
493                             activationID, persistent, lifeCycle, loginContext);
494                 }
495             };
496             if (loginContext != null) {
497                 loginContext.login();
498                 try {
499                     result = Subject.doAsPrivileged(
500                         loginContext.getSubject(), init, null);
501                 } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
502                     throw e.getCause();
503                 }
504             } else {
505                 result =;
506             }
507             return result;
508         } catch (Throwable t) {
509 	    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Reggie initialization failed", t);
510 	    if (t instanceof Exception) {
511 		throw (Exception) t;
512 	    } else {
513 		throw (Error) t;
514 	    }
515 	}
516     }
518      private RegistrarImpl(Initializer init){
519         this.concurrentObj = new ReadersWriter();
520         this.snapshotNotifier = concurrentObj.newCondition();
521         this.eventNotifier = concurrentObj.newCondition();
522         this.serviceNotifier = concurrentObj.newCondition();
523 	this.codebase = init.codebase;
524 	this.certFactoryType = init.certFactoryType;
525 	this.certPathEncoding = init.certPathEncoding;
526 	this.encodedCerts = init.encodedCerts.clone();
527         lifeCycle = init.lifeCycle;
528         serverSocketFactory = init.serverSocketFactory;
529         persistenceSnapshotThreshold = init.persistenceSnapshotThreshold;
530         socketFactory = init.socketFactory;
531         recoveredListenerPreparer = init.recoveredListenerPreparer;
532         persistenceSnapshotWeight = init.persistenceSnapshotWeight;
533         recoveredLocatorPreparer = init.recoveredLocatorPreparer;
534         inRecovery = init.inRecovery;
535         activationID = init.activationID;
536         activationSystem = init.activationSystem;
537         serverExporter = init.serverExporter;
538         lookupGroups = init.lookupGroups;
539         lookupLocators = init.lookupLocators;
540         memberGroups = init.memberGroups;
541         unicastPort = init.unicastPort;
542 	httpsUnicastPort = init.httpsUnicastPort;
543 	enableHttpsUnicast = init.enableHttpsUnicast;
544         lookupAttrs = init.lookupAttrs;
545         discoer = init.discoer;
546         listenerPreparer = init.listenerPreparer;
547         locatorPreparer = init.locatorPreparer;
548         minMaxEventLease = init.minMaxEventLease;
549         minMaxServiceLease = init.minMaxServiceLease;
550         minRenewalInterval = init.minRenewalInterval;
551         multicastAnnouncementInterval = init.multicastAnnouncementInterval;
552         multicastInterfaceRetryInterval = init.multicastInterfaceRetryInterval;
553         multicastInterfaces = init.multicastInterfaces;
554         multicastInterfacesSpecified = init.multicastInterfacesSpecified;
555         resourceIdGenerator = init.resourceIdGenerator;
556         serviceIdGenerator = init.serviceIdGenerator;
557         unexportTimeout = init.unexportTimeout;
558         unexportWait = init.unexportWait;
559         objectServiceType = init.objectServiceType;
560         unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker = init.unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker;
561         protocol2 = init.protocol2;
562         rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints = init.rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints;
563         multicastRequestConstraints = init.multicastRequestConstraints;
564         multicastAnnouncementConstraints = init.multicastAnnouncementConstraints;
565         unicastDiscoveryConstraints = init.unicastDiscoveryConstraints;
566         context = init.context;
567         eventNotifierExec = new SynchronousExecutors(init.scheduledExecutor);
568         eventTaskMap = new HashMap<EventReg,ExecutorService>(200);
569         discoveryResponseExec = init.executor;
570         ReliableLog log = null;
571         Thread serviceExpirer = null;
572         Thread eventExpirer = null;
573         Thread unicaster = null;
574         Thread multicaster = null;
575         Thread announcer = null;
576         Thread snapshotter = null;
578         try {
579             // Create threads with correct login context.
580             List<Thread> threads = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<List<Thread>>(){
582                         @Override
583                         public List<Thread> run() throws Exception {
584                             Thread t;
585                             List<Thread> list = new ArrayList<Thread>(6);
586                             list.add(newThread(new ServiceExpire(RegistrarImpl.this), "service expire"));
587                             list.add(newThread(new EventExpire(RegistrarImpl.this),"event expire"));
588                             unicast = new Unicast(RegistrarImpl.this, unicastPort);
589                             list.add(newInterruptStatusThread(unicast, "unicast request"));
590                             list.add(newInterruptStatusThread(new Multicast(RegistrarImpl.this), "multicast request"));
591                             list.add(newThread(new Announce(RegistrarImpl.this),"discovery announcement"));
592                             list.add(newThread(new Snapshot(RegistrarImpl.this),"snapshot thread"));
593                             return list;
594                         }
596                         private Thread newThread(Runnable r, String name){
597                             Thread t = new Thread(r,name);
598                             t.setDaemon(false);
599                             return t;
600                         }
602                         private Thread newInterruptStatusThread(Runnable r, String name){
603                             Thread t = new InterruptedStatusThread(r,name);
604                             t.setDaemon(false);
605                             return t;
606                         }
608                     }, context);
609             serviceExpirer = threads.get(0);
610             eventExpirer = threads.get(1);
611             unicaster =  threads.get(2);
612             multicaster = threads.get(3);
613             announcer = threads.get(4);
614             snapshotter = threads.get(5);
615             if (init.persistent){
616                 log = new ReliableLog(init.persistenceDirectory, new LocalLogHandler(this));
617                 if (SNAPSHOT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
618                     SNAPSHOT_LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "using persistence directory {0}",
619                                new Object[]{ init.persistenceDirectory });
620                 }
621             } else {
622                 log = null;
623             }
625             constructionException = null;
626         } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
627             constructionException = ex.getException();
628         } catch (IOException ex) {
629             constructionException = ex;
630         } finally {
631             this.log = log;
632             this.serviceExpirer = serviceExpirer;
633             this.eventExpirer = eventExpirer;
634             this.unicaster = unicaster;
635             this.multicaster = multicaster;
636             this.announcer = announcer;
637             this.snapshotter = snapshotter;
638         }
639         multicastRequestSubjectChecker = init.multicastRequestSubjectChecker;
640         loginContext = init.loginContext;
641         unicastDiscoveryHost = init.unicastDiscoveryHost;
642         config = init.config;
643     }
645     @Override
646     public Entry[] getServiceAttributes() throws IOException {
647 	return getLookupAttributes();
648     }
650     @Override
651     public ServiceID serviceID() throws IOException {
652 	return myServiceID;
653     }
655     @Override
656     public String getClassAnnotation() throws IOException {
657 	return "".equals(codebase) ? 
658 		CodebaseProvider.getClassAnnotation(RegistrarProxy.class) 
659 		: codebase;
660     }
662     @Override
663     public String getCertFactoryType() throws IOException {
664 	return certFactoryType;
665     }
667     @Override
668     public String getCertPathEncoding() throws IOException {
669 	return certPathEncoding;
670     }
672     @Override
673     public byte[] getEncodedCerts() throws IOException {
674 	return encodedCerts.clone();
675     }
677     /** A service item registration record. */
678     @AtomicSerial
679     private final static class SvcReg implements Comparable, Serializable {
681 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
683 	/**
684 	 * The service item.
685 	 *
686 	 * @serial
687 	 */
688 	public final Item item;
689 	/**
690 	 * The lease id.
691 	 *
692 	 * @serial
693 	 */
694 	public final Uuid leaseID;
695 	/**
696 	 * The lease expiration time.
697 	 *
698 	 * @serial
699 	 */
700 	public volatile long leaseExpiration;
702 	public SvcReg(GetArg arg) throws IOException{
703 	    this( (Item) arg.get("item", null),
704 		(Uuid) arg.get("leaseID", null),
705 		arg.get("leaseExpiration", 0L)
706 	    );
707 	}
709 	/** Simple constructor */
710 	public SvcReg(Item item, Uuid leaseID, long leaseExpiration) {
711 	    this.item = item;
712 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
713 	    this.leaseExpiration = leaseExpiration;
714 	}
716 	/**
717 	 * Primary sort by leaseExpiration, secondary by leaseID.  The
718 	 * secondary sort is immaterial, except to ensure a total order
719 	 * (required by TreeMap).
720 	 */
721 	public int compareTo(Object obj) {
722 	    SvcReg reg = (SvcReg)obj;
723 	    if (this == reg)
724 		return 0;
725 	    int i = compare(leaseExpiration, reg.leaseExpiration);
726 	    if (i != 0) {
727 		return i;
728 	    }
729 	    i = compare(leaseID.getMostSignificantBits(),
730 			reg.leaseID.getMostSignificantBits());
731 	    if (i != 0) {
732 		return i;
733 	    }
734 	    return compare(leaseID.getLeastSignificantBits(),
735 			   reg.leaseID.getLeastSignificantBits());
736 	}
738 	/**
739 	 * Compares long values, returning -1, 0, or 1 if l1 is less than,
740 	 * equal to or greater than l2, respectively.
741 	 */
742 	private static int compare(long l1, long l2) {
743 	    return (l1 < l2) ? -1 : ((l1 > l2) ? 1 : 0);
744 	}
745     }
747     /** An event registration record. */
748     @AtomicSerial
749     private final static class EventReg implements Comparable, Serializable {
751 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
753 	/**
754 	 * The event id.
755 	 * @serial
756 	 */
757 	public final long eventID;
758 	/**
759 	 * The lease id.
760 	 * @serial
761 	 */
762 	public final Uuid leaseID;
763 	/**
764 	 * The template to match.
765 	 * @serial
766 	 */
767 	public final Template tmpl;
768 	/**
769 	 * The transitions.
770 	 *
771 	 * @serial
772 	 */
773 	public final int transitions;
774 	/**
775 	 * The current sequence number.
776 	 *
777 	 * @serial
778 	 */
779 	public long seqNo;
780 	/**
781 	 * The event listener.
782 	 */
783 	public transient RemoteEventListener listener;
784 	/**
785 	 * The handback object.
786 	 *
787 	 * @serial
788 	 */
789 	public final Object handback;
790 	/**
791 	 * The lease expiration time.
792 	 *
793 	 * @serial
794 	 */
795 	private long leaseExpiration;
796 	/**
797 	 * 
798 	 *  
799 	 */
800 	transient boolean newNotify;
802 	public EventReg(GetArg arg) throws IOException {
803 	    this(arg.get("eventID", 0L),
804 		    arg.get("leaseID", null, Uuid.class),
805 		    arg.get("tmpl", null, Template.class),
806 		    arg.get("transitions", 0),
807 		    ((RO)arg.getReader()).listener,
808 		    arg.get("handback", null),
809 		    arg.get("leaseExpiration", 0L),
810 		    true
811 		    );
812 	    seqNo = arg.get("seqNo", 0L);
813 	}
815 	@ReadInput
816 	static ReadObject getReader(){
817 	    return new RO();
818 	}
820 	private static class RO implements ReadObject {
822 	    RemoteEventListener listener;
824 	    @Override
825 	    public void read(ObjectInput input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
827 		MarshalledInstance mi = (MarshalledInstance) input.readObject();
828 		try {
829 		    listener = (RemoteEventListener) mi.get(false);
830 		} catch (Throwable e) {
831 		    if (e instanceof Error &&
832 			ThrowableConstants.retryable(e) ==
833 			    ThrowableConstants.BAD_OBJECT)
834 		    {
835 			throw (Error) e;
836 		    }
837 		    EVENT_LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,
838 			       "failed to recover event listener", e);
839 		}
840 	    }
842 	}
845 	/** Simple constructor */
846 	public EventReg(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, Template tmpl,
847 			int transitions, RemoteEventListener listener,
848 			Object handback, long leaseExpiration, boolean newNotify) {
849 	    if (listener == null) throw new NullPointerException("Listener cannot be null");
850 	    this.eventID = eventID;
851 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
852 	    this.tmpl = tmpl;
853 	    this.transitions = transitions;
854 	    this.seqNo = 0;
855 	    this.listener = listener;
856 	    this.handback = handback;
857 	    this.leaseExpiration = leaseExpiration;
858 	    this.newNotify = newNotify;
859 	}
861         long incrementAndGetSeqNo(){
862             return ++seqNo;
863         }
865         long getSeqNo(){
866             return seqNo;
867         }
869         @Override
870         public int hashCode() {
871             int hash = 7;
872             hash = 97 * hash + (int) (this.eventID ^ (this.eventID >>> 32));
873             hash = 97 * hash + (this.leaseID != null ? this.leaseID.hashCode() : 0);
874             hash = 97 * hash + this.transitions;
875             hash = 97 * hash + (this.handback != null ? this.handback.hashCode() : 0);
876             return hash;
877         }
879         @Override
880         public boolean equals(Object o){
881             if (this == o) return true;
882             if (!(o instanceof EventReg)) return false;
883             EventReg that = (EventReg) o;
884             if (this.eventID != that.eventID) return false;
885             if (this.transitions != that.transitions) return false;
886             if (!this.leaseID.equals(that.leaseID)) return false; // leaseID never null
887             return this.handback.equals(that.handback);
888         }
890 	/**
891 	 * Primary sort by leaseExpiration, secondary by eventID.  The
892 	 * secondary sort is immaterial, except to ensure a total order
893 	 * (required by TreeMap).
894 	 */
895 	public int compareTo(Object obj) {
896 	    if (equals(obj)) return 0;
897 	    EventReg reg = (EventReg)obj;
898 	    if (getLeaseExpiration() < reg.getLeaseExpiration() ||
899 		(getLeaseExpiration() == reg.getLeaseExpiration() &&
900 		 eventID < reg.eventID))
901 		return -1;
902 	    return 1;
903 	}
905 	/**
906 	 * Prepares listener (if non-null) using the given proxy preparer.  If
907 	 * preparation fails, the listener field is set to null.
908 	 */
909 	void prepareListener(ProxyPreparer preparer) {
910 	    if (listener != null) {
911 		try {
912 		    listener =
913 			(RemoteEventListener) preparer.prepareProxy(listener);
914 		} catch (Exception e) {
915 		    if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
916 			logThrow(EVENT_LOGGER, Level.WARNING,
917 			    getClass().getName(),
918 			    "prepareListener",
919 			    "failed to prepare event listener {0}",
920 			    new Object[]{ listener },
921 			    e);
922 		    }
923 		    listener = null;
924 		}
925                 seqNo += Integer.MAX_VALUE;
926 	    }
927 	}
929 	/**
930 	 * @serialData RemoteEventListener as a MarshalledInstance
931 	 */
932 	private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
933 	    throws IOException
934 	{
935 	    stream.defaultWriteObject();
936 	    stream.writeObject(new AtomicMarshalledInstance(listener));
937 	}
939 	/**
940 	 * Unmarshals the event listener.
941 	 */
942 	private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
943 	    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
944 	{
945 	    stream.defaultReadObject();
946 	    MarshalledInstance mi = (MarshalledInstance) stream.readObject();
947 	    try {
948 		listener = (RemoteEventListener) mi.get(false);
949 	    } catch (Throwable e) {
950 		if (e instanceof Error &&
951 		    ThrowableConstants.retryable(e) ==
952 			ThrowableConstants.BAD_OBJECT)
953 		{
954 		    throw (Error) e;
955 		}
957 			   "failed to recover event listener", e);
958 	    }
959 	}
961         /**
962          * @return the leaseExpiration
963          */
964         synchronized long getLeaseExpiration() {
965             return leaseExpiration;
966         }
968         /**
969          * @param leaseExpiration the leaseExpiration to set
970          */
971         synchronized void setLeaseExpiration(long leaseExpiration) {
972             this.leaseExpiration = leaseExpiration;
973         }
974     }
976     /**
977      * Interface defining the method(s) that must be implemented by each of
978      * the concrete LogObj classes. This allows for the definition of
979      * object-dependent invocations of the appropriate implementation of
980      * the method(s) declared in this interface.
981      */
982     private static interface LogRecord extends Serializable {
983 	void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl);
984     }
986     /**
987      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
988      * a new service is registered.
989      * 
990      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
991      */
992     private static class SvcRegisteredLogObj implements LogRecord {
994 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
996 	/**
997 	 * The service registration.
998 	 *
999 	 * @serial
1000 	 */
1001 	private final SvcReg reg;
1003 	/** Simple constructor */
1004 	public SvcRegisteredLogObj(SvcReg reg) {
1005 	    this.reg = reg;
1006 	}
1008 	/**
1009 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by registering the service
1010          * stored in the reg object. Also needs to delete any existing
1011 	 * service with the same serviceID; this can happen if a service
1012 	 * re-registers while an existing registration is in effect, because
1013 	 * we don't log a separate lease cancellation record for the existing
1014 	 * registration in that case.
1015          * 
1016          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1017 	 */
1018 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1019             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1020             try {
1021                 SvcReg oldReg =
1022                     (SvcReg)regImpl.serviceByID.get(reg.item.getServiceID());
1023                 if (oldReg != null)
1024                     regImpl.deleteService(oldReg, 0);
1025                 regImpl.addService(reg);
1026             } finally {
1027                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1028             }
1029 	}
1030     }
1032     /**
1033      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1034      * new attributes are added to an existing service in the Registrar.
1035      * 
1036      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1037      */
1038     private static class AttrsAddedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1040 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1042 	/**
1043 	 * The service id.
1044 	 *
1045 	 * @serial
1046 	 */
1047 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
1048 	/**
1049 	 * The lease id.
1050 	 *
1051 	 * @serial
1052 	 */
1053 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1054 	/**
1055 	 * The attributes added.
1056 	 *
1057 	 * @serial
1058 	 */
1059 	private final EntryRep[] attrSets;
1061 	/** Simple constructor */
1062 	public AttrsAddedLogObj(ServiceID serviceID,
1063 				Uuid leaseID,
1064 				EntryRep[] attrSets)
1065 	{
1066 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
1067 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1068 	    this.attrSets = attrSets;
1069 	}
1071 	/**
1072 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by adding to all of the
1073          * services matching the template, the attributes stored in
1074          * attributeSets.
1075          * 
1076          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1077 	 */
1078 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1079             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1080 	    try {
1081 		regImpl.addAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets);
1082             } catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
1083 		/* this exception should never occur when recovering  */
1084 		throw new AssertionError("an UnknownLeaseException should"
1085 					 + " never occur during recovery");
1086 	    } finally {
1087                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1088             }   
1089 	}
1090     }
1092     /**
1093      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1094      * existing attributes of an existing service in the Registrar are
1095      * modified.
1096      * 
1097      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1098      */
1099     private static class AttrsModifiedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1101 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1103 	/**
1104 	 * The service id.
1105 	 *
1106 	 * @serial
1107 	 */
1108 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
1109 	/**
1110 	 * The lease id.
1111 	 *
1112 	 * @serial
1113 	 */
1114 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1115 	/**
1116 	 * The templates to match.
1117 	 * @serial
1118 	 */
1119 	private final EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls;
1120 	/**
1121 	 * The new attributes.
1122 	 *
1123 	 * @serial
1124 	 */
1125 	private final EntryRep[] attrSets;
1127 	/** Simple constructor */
1128 	public AttrsModifiedLogObj(ServiceID serviceID,
1129 				   Uuid leaseID,
1130 				   EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls,
1131 				   EntryRep[] attrSets)
1132 	{
1133 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
1134 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1135 	    this.attrSetTmpls = attrSetTmpls;
1136 	    this.attrSets = attrSets;
1137 	}
1139 	/**
1140 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by modifying the attributes
1141          * of the services that match the template with the attributes 
1142          * stored in attributeSets.
1143          * 
1144          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1145 	 */
1146 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1147             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1148 	    try {
1149 		regImpl.modifyAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID,
1150 					   attrSetTmpls, attrSets);
1151 	    } catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
1152 		/* this exception should never occur when recovering  */
1153 		throw new AssertionError("an UnknownLeaseException should"
1154 					 + " never occur during recovery");
1155 	    } finally {
1156                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1157             }
1158 	}
1159     }
1161     /**
1162      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1163      * new attributes are set on an existing service in the Registrar.
1164      * 
1165      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1166      */
1167     private static class AttrsSetLogObj implements LogRecord {
1169 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1171 	/**
1172 	 * The service id.
1173 	 *
1174 	 * @serial
1175 	 */
1176 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
1177 	/**
1178 	 * The lease id.
1179 	 *
1180 	 * @serial
1181 	 */
1182 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1183 	/**
1184 	 * The new attributes.
1185 	 *
1186 	 * @serial
1187 	 */
1188 	private final EntryRep[] attrSets;
1190 	/** Simple constructor */
1191 	public AttrsSetLogObj(ServiceID serviceID,
1192 			      Uuid leaseID,
1193 			      EntryRep[] attrSets)
1194 	{
1195 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
1196 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1197 	    this.attrSets = attrSets;
1198 	}
1200 	/**
1201 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by replacing the attributes
1202          * of the services matching the template with the attributes stored
1203          * in attributeSets.
1204          * 
1205          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1206 	 */
1207 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1208             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1209 	    try {
1210 		regImpl.setAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets);
1211 	    } catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
1212 		/* this exception should never occur when recovering  */
1213 	    } finally {
1214                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1215             }
1216 	}
1217     }
1219     /**
1220      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1221      * a new event is registered.
1222      * 
1223      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1224      */
1225     private static class EventRegisteredLogObj implements LogRecord {
1227 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1229 	/**
1230 	 * The event registration.
1231 	 *
1232 	 * @serial
1233 	 */
1234 	private final EventReg eventReg;
1236 	/** Simple constructor */
1237 	public EventRegisteredLogObj(EventReg eventReg) {
1238 	    this.eventReg = eventReg;
1239 	}
1241 	/**
1242 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by registering the event
1243          * stored in the eventReg object; and by updating both the event
1244          * sequence number and the event ID.
1245          * 
1246          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1247 	 */
1248 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1249             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1250             try{
1251                 eventReg.prepareListener(regImpl.recoveredListenerPreparer);
1252                 regImpl.addEvent(eventReg);
1253                 regImpl.eventID++;
1254             } finally {
1255                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1256             }
1257 	}
1258     }
1262     /**
1263      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1264      * a lease on an existing service in the Registrar is cancelled.
1265      * 
1266      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1267      */
1268     private static class ServiceLeaseCancelledLogObj implements LogRecord {
1270 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1272 	/**
1273 	 * The service id.
1274 	 *
1275 	 * @serial
1276 	 */
1277 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
1278 	/**
1279 	 * The lease id.
1280 	 *
1281 	 * @serial
1282 	 */
1283 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1285 	/** Simple constructor */
1286 	public ServiceLeaseCancelledLogObj(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID) {
1287 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
1288 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1289 	}
1291 	/**
1292 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by cancelling the lease
1293          * having ID equal to the contents of the leaseID field; and
1294          * corresponding to the service with ID equal to the contents of
1295          * the serviceID field.
1296          * 
1297          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1298 	 */
1299 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1300             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1301 	    try {
1302 		regImpl.cancelServiceLeaseDo(serviceID, leaseID);
1303 	    } catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
1304 		/* this exception should never occur when recovering  */
1305 	    } finally {
1306                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1307             }
1308 	}
1309     }
1311     /**
1312      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1313      * a lease on an existing service in the Registrar is renewed.
1314      * 
1315      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1316      */
1317     private static class ServiceLeaseRenewedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1319 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1321 	/**
1322 	 * The service id.
1323 	 *
1324 	 * @serial
1325 	 */
1326 	private final ServiceID serviceID;
1327 	/**
1328 	 * The lease id.
1329 	 *
1330 	 * @serial
1331 	 */
1332 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1333 	/**
1334 	 * The new lease expiration time.
1335 	 *
1336 	 * @serial
1337 	 */
1338 	private final long leaseExpTime;
1340 	/** Simple constructor */
1341 	public ServiceLeaseRenewedLogObj(ServiceID serviceID,
1342 					 Uuid leaseID,
1343 					 long leaseExpTime)
1344 	{
1345 	    this.serviceID = serviceID;
1346 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1347 	    this.leaseExpTime = leaseExpTime;
1348 	}
1350 	/**
1351 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by renewing the lease
1352          * having ID equal to the contents of the leaseID field; and
1353          * corresponding to the service with ID equal to the contents
1354          * of the serviceID field.
1355          * 
1356          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1357 	 */
1358 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1359 	    regImpl.renewServiceLeaseAbs(serviceID, leaseID, leaseExpTime);
1360 	}
1361     }
1363     /**
1364      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1365      * a lease on a registered event is cancelled.
1366      * 
1367      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1368      */
1369     private static class EventLeaseCancelledLogObj implements LogRecord {
1371 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1373 	/**
1374 	 * The event id.
1375 	 *
1376 	 * @serial
1377 	 */
1378 	private final long eventID;
1379 	/**
1380 	 * The lease id.
1381 	 *
1382 	 * @serial
1383 	 */
1384 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1386 	/** Simple constructor */
1387 	public EventLeaseCancelledLogObj(long eventID, Uuid leaseID) {
1388 	    this.eventID = eventID;
1389 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1390 	}
1392 	/**
1393 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by cancelling the lease
1394          * corresponding to the event with ID equal to the contents of
1395          * the eventID field.
1396          * 
1397          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1398 	 */
1399 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1400             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1401 	    try {
1402 		regImpl.cancelEventLeaseDo(eventID, leaseID);
1403 	    } catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
1404 		/* this exception should never occur when recovering */
1405 	    } finally {
1406                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1407             }
1408 	}
1409     }
1411     /**
1412      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1413      * a lease on a registered event is renewed.
1414      * 
1415      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1416      */
1417     private static class EventLeaseRenewedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1419 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1421 	/**
1422 	 * The event id.
1423 	 *
1424 	 * @serial
1425 	 */
1426 	private final long eventID;
1427 	/**
1428 	 * The lease id.
1429 	 *
1430 	 * @serial
1431 	 */
1432 	private final Uuid leaseID;
1433 	/**
1434 	 * The new lease expiration time.
1435 	 *
1436 	 * @serial
1437 	 */
1438 	private final long leaseExpTime;
1440 	/** Simple constructor */
1441 	public EventLeaseRenewedLogObj(long eventID,
1442 				       Uuid leaseID,
1443 				       long leaseExpTime)
1444 	{
1445 	    this.eventID = eventID;
1446 	    this.leaseID = leaseID;
1447 	    this.leaseExpTime = leaseExpTime;
1448 	}
1450 	/**
1451 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by renewing the lease
1452          * corresponding to the event with ID equal to the contents of
1453          * the eventID field.
1454          * 
1455          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1456 	 */
1457 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1458 	    regImpl.renewEventLeaseAbs(eventID, leaseID, leaseExpTime);
1459 	}
1460     }
1462     /**
1463      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1464      * a leases in the Registrar is renewed via a LeaseMap.
1465      * 
1466      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1467      */
1468     private static class LeasesRenewedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1470 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1472 	/**
1473 	 * The service and event ids.
1474 	 *
1475 	 * @serial
1476 	 */
1477 	private final Object[] regIDs;
1478 	/**
1479 	 * The lease ids.
1480 	 *
1481 	 * @serial
1482 	 */
1483 	private final Uuid[] leaseIDs;
1484 	/**
1485 	 * The new lease expiration times.
1486 	 *
1487 	 * @serial
1488 	 */
1489 	private final long[] leaseExpTimes;
1491 	/** Simple constructor */
1492 	public LeasesRenewedLogObj(Object[] regIDs,
1493 				   Uuid[] leaseIDs,
1494 				   long[] leaseExpTimes)
1495 	{
1496 	    this.regIDs = regIDs;
1497 	    this.leaseIDs = leaseIDs;
1498 	    this.leaseExpTimes = leaseExpTimes;
1499 	}
1501 	/**
1502 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by renewing the specified
1503          * leases.
1504          * 
1505          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1506 	 */
1507 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1508 	    regImpl.renewLeasesAbs(regIDs, leaseIDs, leaseExpTimes);
1509 	}
1510     }
1512     /**
1513      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1514      * lease are cancelled via a LeaseMap.
1515      * 
1516      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1517      */
1518     private static class LeasesCancelledLogObj implements LogRecord {
1520 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1522 	/**
1523 	 * The service and event ids.
1524 	 *
1525 	 * @serial
1526 	 */
1527 	private final Object[] regIDs;
1528 	/**
1529 	 * The lease ids.
1530 	 *
1531 	 * @serial
1532 	 */
1533 	private final Uuid[] leaseIDs;
1535 	/** Simple constructor */
1536 	public LeasesCancelledLogObj(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs) {
1537 	    this.regIDs = regIDs;
1538 	    this.leaseIDs = leaseIDs;
1539 	}
1541 	/**
1542 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by cancelling the specified
1543          * leases.
1544          * 
1545          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1546 	 */
1547 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1548 	    /* Exceptions can be returned, since we didn't weed out unknown
1549 	     * leases before logging, but we can just ignore them anyway.
1550 	     */
1551             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1552             try {
1553                 regImpl.cancelLeasesDo(regIDs, leaseIDs);
1554             } finally {
1555                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1556             }
1557 	}
1558     }
1560     /**
1561      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1562      * the Unicast Port Number is set to a new value.
1563      * <p>
1564      * Note: the apply() method of this class merely sets the private field
1565      *       unicastPort. This means that during a recovery, the unicaster
1566      *       thread will be created with this new port number ONLY IF that
1567      *       thread is created AFTER recovery is complete. Thus, it is 
1568      *       important that at re-initialization during a re-activation
1569      *       of the Registrar, the recovery() method is invoked before
1570      *       the unicaster thread is created.
1571      * 
1572      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1573      */
1574     private static class UnicastPortSetLogObj implements LogRecord {
1576 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1578 	/**
1579 	 * The new port number.
1580 	 *
1581 	 * @serial
1582 	 */
1583 	private final int newPort;
1585 	/** Simple constructor */
1586 	public UnicastPortSetLogObj(int newPort) {
1587 	    this.newPort = newPort;
1588 	}
1590 	/**
1591 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by setting the value of the
1592          * private unicastPort field to the value of the newPort field.
1593          * 
1594          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1595 	 */
1596 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1597 	    regImpl.unicastPort = newPort;
1598 	}
1599     }
1601     /**
1602      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1603      * the set of groups to join is changed.
1604      * 
1605      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1606      */
1607     private static class LookupGroupsChangedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1609 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1611 	/**
1612 	 * The new groups to join.
1613 	 *
1614 	 * @serial
1615 	 */
1616 	private final String[] groups;
1618 	/** Simple constructor */
1619 	public LookupGroupsChangedLogObj(String[] groups) {
1620 	    this.groups = groups;
1621 	}
1623 	/**
1624 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by setting the private
1625          * field lookupGroups to the reference to the groups field.
1626          * 
1627          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1628 	 */
1629 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1630 	    regImpl.lookupGroups = groups;
1631 	}
1632     }
1634     /**
1635      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1636      * the set of locators of lookup services to join is changed.
1637      * 
1638      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1639      */
1640     private static class LookupLocatorsChangedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1642 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1644 	/**
1645 	 * The new locators to join.
1646 	 */
1647 	private transient LookupLocator[] locators;
1649 	/** Simple constructor */
1650 	public LookupLocatorsChangedLogObj(LookupLocator[] locators) {
1651 	    this.locators = locators;
1652 	}
1654 	/**
1655 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by setting the private
1656 	 * field lookupLocators to the reference to the locators field.
1657          * 
1658          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1659 	 */
1660 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1661 	    try {
1662 		regImpl.lookupLocators = prepareLocators(
1663 		    locators, regImpl.recoveredLocatorPreparer, true);
1664 	    } catch (RemoteException e) {
1665 		throw new AssertionError(e);
1666 	    }
1667 	}
1669 	/**
1670 	 * Writes locators as a null-terminated list of MarshalledInstances.
1671 	 */
1672 	private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
1673 	    throws IOException
1674 	{
1675 	    stream.defaultWriteObject();
1676 	    marshalLocators(locators, stream);
1677 	}
1679 	/**
1680 	 * Reads in null-terminated list of MarshalledInstances, from which
1681 	 * locators are unmarshalled.
1682 	 */
1683 	private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
1684 	    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
1685 	{
1686 	    stream.defaultReadObject();
1687 	    locators = unmarshalLocators(stream);
1688 	}
1689     }
1691     /**
1692      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1693      * the memberGroups array is set to reference a new array of strings.
1694      * 
1695      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1696      */
1697     private static class MemberGroupsChangedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1699 	private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
1701 	/**
1702 	 * The new groups to be a member of.
1703 	 *
1704 	 * @serial
1705 	 */
1706 	private final String[] groups;
1708 	/** Simple constructor */
1709 	public MemberGroupsChangedLogObj(String[] groups) {
1710 	    this.groups = groups;
1711 	}
1713 	/**
1714 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by setting the private
1715          * memberGroups field to the reference to the groups field.
1716          * 
1717          * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1718 	 */
1719 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1720             regImpl.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1721             try {
1722                 regImpl.memberGroups = groups;
1723             } finally {
1724                 regImpl.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1725             }
1726 	}
1727     }
1729     /**
1730      * LogObj class whose instances are recorded to the log file whenever
1731      * the attributes for the lookup service are changed.
1732      *
1733      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
1734      */
1735     private static class LookupAttributesChangedLogObj implements LogRecord {
1737         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
1739 	/**
1740 	 * The new lookup service attributes.
1741 	 */
1742 	private transient Entry[] attrs;
1744 	/** Simple constructor */
1745 	public LookupAttributesChangedLogObj(Entry[] attrs) {
1746 	    this.attrs = attrs;
1747 	}
1749 	/**
1750 	 * Modifies the state of the Registrar by setting the private
1751 	 * field lookupAttrs to the reference to the attrs field.
1752 	 *
1753 	 * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler#applyUpdate
1754 	 */
1755 	public void apply(RegistrarImpl regImpl) {
1756                 regImpl.lookupAttrs = attrs;
1757         }
1759 	/**
1760 	 * Writes attributes as a null-terminated list of MarshalledInstances.
1761 	 */
1762 	private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
1763 	    throws IOException
1764 	{
1765 	    stream.defaultWriteObject();
1766 	    marshalAttributes(attrs, stream);
1767 	}
1769 	/**
1770 	 * Reads in null-terminated list of MarshalledInstances, from which
1771 	 * attributes are unmarshalled.
1772 	 */
1773 	private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
1774 	    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
1775 	{
1776 	    stream.defaultReadObject();
1777 	    attrs = unmarshalAttributes(stream);
1778 	}
1779     }
1781     /**
1782      * Handler class for the persistent storage facility.
1783      * <p>
1784      * At any point during processing in a persistent Registrar instance, there
1785      * will exist both a 'snapshot' of the Registrar's state and a set of
1786      * records detailing each significant change that has occurred to the state
1787      * since the snapshot was taken. The snapshot information and the
1788      * incremental change information will be stored in separate files called,
1789      * respectively, the snapshot file and the log file. Together, these files
1790      * are used to recover the state of the Registrar when it is restarted or
1791      * reactivated (for example, after a crash or network outage).
1792      * <p>
1793      * This class contains the methods that are used to record and recover
1794      * the snapshot of the Registrar's state; as well as the method used to
1795      * apply the state changes that were recorded in the log file.
1796      * <p>
1797      * When the ReliableLog class is instantiated, a new instance of this
1798      * class is passed to its constructor so that the methods of this
1799      * class may be invoked by the methods defined in the ReliableLog.
1800      * Because this class extends the LogHandler class associated with
1801      * the ReliableLog class, this class must provide implementations of
1802      * the abstract methods declared in the LogHandler. Also, some of the
1803      * methods defined in this class override the methods of the LogHandler
1804      * in order to customize the handling of snapshot creation and
1805      * retrieval.
1806      * <p>
1807      * Each significant change to the persistent Registrar's state is written
1808      * to the log file as an individual record (when addLogRecord() is
1809      * invoked).  After the number of records logged exceeds a pre-defined
1810      * threshold, a snapshot of the state is recorded by invoking -- through
1811      * the ReliableLog and its LogHandler -- the snapshot() method defined in
1812      * this class. After the snapshot is taken, the log file is cleared and the
1813      * incremental log process starts over.
1814      * <p>
1815      * The contents of the snapshot file reflect the DATA contained in
1816      * the fields making up the current state of the Registrar. That data
1817      * represents many changes -- over time -- to the Registrar's state.
1818      * On the other hand, each record written to the log file is an object
1819      * that reflects both the data used and the ACTIONS taken to make one
1820      * change to the Registrar's state at a particular point in time.
1821      * <p>
1822      * The data written to the snapshot file is shown below:
1823      * <ul>
1824      * <li> our service ID
1825      * <li> current event ID
1826      * <li> current values of administrable parameters
1827      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered services
1828      * <li> null (termination 'marker' for the set of registered services)
1829      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered events
1830      * <li> null (termination 'marker' for the set of registered events)
1831      * </ul>
1832      * The type of state changes that will generate a new record in the log
1833      * file are:
1834      * <ul>
1835      * <li> a new service was registered
1836      * <li> a new event was registered
1837      * <li> new attributes were added to an existing service
1838      * <li> existing attributes of a service were modified
1839      * <li> a service lease was cancelled
1840      * <li> a service lease was renewed
1841      * <li> an event lease was cancelled
1842      * <li> an event lease was renewed
1843      * <li> an administrable parameter was changed
1844      * </ul>
1845      * During recovery, the state of the Registrar at the time of a crash
1846      * or outage is re-constructed by first retrieving the 'base' state from
1847      * the snapshot file; and then modifying that base state according to
1848      * the records retrieved from the log file. The reconstruction of the
1849      * base state is achieved by invoking the recover() method defined in
1850      * this class. The modifications recorded in the log file are then
1851      * applied to the base state by invoking the applyUpdate() method
1852      * defined in this class. Both recover() and applyUpdate() are invoked
1853      * through the ReliableLog and its associated LogHandler.
1854      * <p>
1855      * NOTE: The following lines must be added to the Registrar's policy file
1856      * <pre>
1857      *     permission "dirname",   "read,write,delete";
1858      *     permission "dirname/-", "read,write,delete";
1859      * </pre>
1860      *     where 'dirname' is the name of the directory path (relative or
1861      *     absolute) where the snapshot and log file will be maintained.
1862      */
1863     private static class LocalLogHandler extends LogHandler {
1864 	private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
1865 	/** Simple constructor */
1866 	public LocalLogHandler(RegistrarImpl reggie) {
1867             this.reggie = reggie;
1868         }
1870 	/* Overrides snapshot() defined in ReliableLog's LogHandler class. */
1871 	public void snapshot(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
1872             reggie.concurrentObj.readLock();
1873             try {
1874                 reggie.takeSnapshot(out);
1875             } finally {
1876                 reggie.concurrentObj.readUnlock();
1877             }
1878 	}
1880 	/* Overrides recover() defined in ReliableLog's LogHandler class. */
1881 	public void recover(InputStream in)
1882 	    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
1883 	{
1884             reggie.concurrentObj.writeLock();
1885             try {
1886                 reggie.recoverSnapshot(in);
1887             } finally {
1888                 reggie.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
1889             }
1890 	}
1892 	/**
1893 	 * Required method implementing the abstract applyUpdate()
1894 	 * defined in ReliableLog's associated LogHandler class.
1895 	 * <p>
1896 	 * During state recovery, the recover() method defined in the
1897 	 * ReliableLog class is invoked. That method invokes the method
1898 	 * recoverUpdates() which invokes the method readUpdates(). Both
1899 	 * of those methods are defined in ReliableLog. The method
1900 	 * readUpdates() retrieves a record from the log file and then
1901 	 * invokes this method.
1902 	 * <p>
1903 	 * This method invokes the version of the method apply() that
1904 	 * corresponds to the particular type of 'log record' object
1905 	 * that is input as the first argument. The log record object and its
1906 	 * corresponding apply() method are defined in one of the so-called
1907 	 * LogObj classes. Any instance of one the LogObj classes is an
1908 	 * implementation of the LogRecord interface. The particular
1909 	 * implementation that is input to this method is dependent on the
1910 	 * type of record that was originally logged. The apply() method
1911 	 * will then modify the state of the Registrar in a way dictated
1912 	 * by the type of record that was retrieved.
1913 	 */
1914 	public void applyUpdate(Object logRecObj) {
1915 	    ((LogRecord)logRecObj).apply(reggie);
1916 	}
1917     }
1919     /** Base class for iterating over all Items that match a Template. */
1920     private static abstract class ItemIter {
1921 	/** Current time */
1922 	public final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
1923 	/** True means duplicate items are possible */
1924 	public boolean dupsPossible = false;
1925 	/** Template to match */
1926 	protected final Template tmpl;
1927 	/** Next item to return */
1928 	protected SvcReg reg;
1930 	/** Subclass constructors must initialize reg */
1931 	protected ItemIter(Template tmpl) {
1932 	    this.tmpl = tmpl;
1933 	}
1935 	/** Returns true if the iteration has more elements. */
1936 	public boolean hasNext() {
1937 	    return reg != null;
1938 	}
1940 	/** Returns the next element in the iteration as an Item. */
1941 	public Item next() {
1942 	    if (reg == null)
1943 		throw new NoSuchElementException();
1944 	    Item item = reg.item;
1945 	    step();
1946 	    return item;
1947 	}
1949 	/** Returns the next element in the iteration as a SvcReg. */
1950 	public SvcReg nextReg() {
1951 	    if (reg == null)
1952 		throw new NoSuchElementException();
1953 	    SvcReg cur = reg;
1954 	    step();
1955 	    return cur;
1956 	}
1958 	/** Set reg to the next matching element, or null if none */
1959 	protected abstract void step();
1960     }
1962     /** Iterate over all Items. */
1963     private static class AllItemIter extends ItemIter {
1964 	/** Iterator over serviceByID */
1965 	private final Iterator<SvcReg> iter;
1967 	/** Assumes the empty template */
1968 	public AllItemIter(Iterator<SvcReg> it) {
1969 	    super(null);
1970 	    iter = it;
1971 	    step();
1972 	}
1974 	/** Set reg to the next matching element, or null if none */
1975         @Override
1976 	protected void step() {
1977 	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
1978 		reg = (SvcReg);
1979 		if (reg.leaseExpiration > now)
1980 		    return;
1981 	    }
1982 	    reg = null;
1983 	}
1984     }
1986     /** Iterates over all services that match template's service types */
1987     private static class SvcIterator extends ItemIter {
1988 	/** Iterator for list of matching services. */
1989         private final Iterator<SvcReg> services;
1991 	/**
1992 	 * tmpl.serviceID == null and
1993 	 * tmpl.serviceTypes is not empty
1994 	 */
1995         public SvcIterator(Template tmpl, Iterator<SvcReg> it) {
1996 	    super(tmpl);
1997 	    services = it;
1998 	    step();
1999 	}
2001         /** Set reg to the next matching element, or null if none. */
2002         protected final void step() {
2003 	    if (tmpl.serviceTypesLength() > 1) {
2004 		while (services.hasNext()) {
2005 		    reg = (SvcReg);
2006 		    if (reg.leaseExpiration > now &&
2007 			matchType(tmpl.serviceTypes(), reg.item.serviceType) &&
2008 			matchAttributes(tmpl, reg.item))
2009 			return;
2010 		}		
2011 	    } else {
2012 		while (services.hasNext()) {
2013 		    reg = (SvcReg);
2014 		    if (reg.leaseExpiration > now &&
2015 			matchAttributes(tmpl, reg.item))
2016 			return;
2017 		}
2018 	    }
2019 	    reg = null;
2020 	}
2021     }
2023     /** Iterate over all matching Items by attribute value. */
2024     private static class AttrItemIter extends ItemIter {
2025 	/** SvcRegs obtained from serviceByAttr for chosen attr */
2026 	private final List<SvcReg> svcs;
2027 	/** Current index into svcs */
2028 	private int svcidx;
2030 	/**
2031 	 * tmpl.serviceID == null and
2032 	 * tmpl.serviceTypes is empty and
2033 	 * tmpl.attributeSetTemplates[setidx].fields[fldidx] != null
2034 	 */
2035 	public AttrItemIter(Template tmpl, List<SvcReg> svcs) {
2036 	    super(tmpl);
2037 	    this.svcs = svcs;
2038             if (svcs != null) {
2039                 svcidx = svcs.size();
2040                 step();
2041             }
2042 	}
2044 	/** Set reg to the next matching element, or null if none. */
2045 	protected void step() {
2046 	    while (--svcidx >= 0) {
2047 		reg = svcs.get(svcidx);
2048 		if (reg.leaseExpiration > now 
2049                     && matchAttributes(tmpl, reg.item)) {
2050                         return;
2051                 }
2052 	    }
2053 	    reg = null;
2054 	}
2055     }
2057     /** Iterate over all matching Items by entry class, dups possible. */
2058     private class ClassItemIter extends ItemIter {
2059 	/** Entry class to match on */
2060 	private final EntryClass eclass;
2061 	/** Current index into entryClasses */
2062 	private int classidx;
2063 	/** Values iterator for current HashMap */
2064 	private Iterator<List<SvcReg>> iter;
2065 	/** SvcRegs obtained from iter or serviceByEmptyAttr */
2066 	private List<SvcReg> svcs;
2067 	/** Current index into svcs */
2068 	private int svcidx = 0;
2070 	/**
2071 	 * tmpl.serviceID == null and
2072 	 * tmpl.serviceTypes is empty and
2073 	 * tmpl.attributeSetTemplates is non-empty
2074 	 */
2075 	public ClassItemIter(Template tmpl) {
2076 	    super(tmpl);
2077 	    dupsPossible = true;
2078 	    eclass = tmpl.attributeSetTemplType();
2079 	    classidx = entryClasses.size();
2080 	    step();
2081 	}
2083 	/** Set reg to the next matching element, or null if none */
2084 	protected void step() {
2085 	    do {
2086 		while (--svcidx >= 0) {
2087 		    reg = svcs.get(svcidx);
2088 		    if (reg.leaseExpiration > now &&
2089 			matchAttributes(tmpl, reg.item))
2090 			return;
2091 		}
2092 	    } while (stepValue());
2093 	    reg = null;
2094 	}
2096 	/**
2097 	 * Step to the next HashMap value, if any, reset svcs and svcidx,
2098 	 * and return false if everything exhausted.
2099 	 */
2100 	private boolean stepValue() {
2101 	    while (true) {
2102 		if (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) {
2103 		    svcs =;
2104 		    svcidx = svcs.size();
2105 		    return true;
2106 		}
2107 		if (!stepClass())
2108 		    return false;
2109 		if (iter == null)
2110 		    return true;
2111 	    }
2112 	}
2114 	/**
2115 	 * Step to the next matching entry class, if any, reset iter
2116 	 * using the HashMap for the last field of the class (and reset
2117 	 * (svcs and svcidx if the entry class has no fields), and
2118 	 * return false if everything exhausted.
2119 	 */
2120 	private boolean stepClass() {
2121 	    while (--classidx >= 0) {
2122 		EntryClass cand = entryClasses.get(classidx);
2123 		if (!eclass.isAssignableFrom(cand))
2124 		    continue;
2125 		if (cand.getNumFields() > 0) {
2126 		    cand = getDefiningClass(cand, cand.getNumFields() - 1);
2127 		    Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps = serviceByAttr.get(cand);
2128 		    iter = attrMaps[attrMaps.length - 1].values().iterator();
2129 		} else {
2130 		    iter = null;
2131 		    svcs = serviceByEmptyAttr.get(cand);
2132 		    svcidx = svcs.size();
2133 		}
2134 		return true;
2135 	    }
2136 	    return false;
2137 	}
2138     }
2140     /** Iterate over a singleton matching Item by serviceID. */
2141     private static class IDItemIter extends ItemIter {
2143 	/** tmpl.serviceID != null */
2144 	public IDItemIter(Template tmpl, SvcReg reg) {
2145 	    super(tmpl);
2146 	    if (reg != null &&
2147 		(reg.leaseExpiration <= now || !matchItem(tmpl, reg.item))) {
2148 		reg = null;
2149             }
2150             this.reg = reg;
2151 	}
2153 	/** Set reg to null */
2154 	protected void step() {
2155 	    reg = null;
2156 	}
2157     }
2159     /** An event to be sent, and the listener to send it to. */
2160     private static final class EventTask implements Callable<Boolean>, Comparable<EventTask> {
2162 	/** The event registration */
2163 	private final EventReg reg;
2164 	/** The sequence number of this event */
2165 	private final long seqNo;
2166 	/** The service id */
2167 	private final ServiceID sid;
2168 	/** The new state of the item, or null if deleted */
2169 	private final Item item;
2170 	/** The transition that fired */
2171 	private final int transition;
2173         private final RegistrarProxy proxy;
2174         private final Registrar registrar;
2175         /* the time of the event */
2176         private final long now;
2177         /* The listener */
2178         private final RemoteEventListener listener;
2179 	private final boolean newNotify;
2181 	/** Simple constructor, except increments reg.seqNo. */
2182 	public EventTask(EventReg reg,
2183 			ServiceID sid,
2184 			Item item,
2185 			int transition,
2186 			RegistrarProxy proxy,
2187 			Registrar registrar,
2188 			long now)
2189 	{
2190 	    this.reg = reg;
2191             this.listener = reg.listener;
2192             seqNo = reg.incrementAndGetSeqNo();
2193 	    this.sid = sid;
2194 	    this.item = item;
2195 	    this.transition = transition;
2196             this.proxy = proxy;
2197             this.registrar = registrar;
2198    = now;
2199 	    this.newNotify = reg.newNotify;
2200 	}
2202 	/** Send the event */
2203         @Override
2204 	public Boolean call() throws Exception {
2205 	    if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2206 		EVENT_LOGGER.log(
2207 		    Level.FINE,
2208 		    "notifying listener {0} of event {1}",
2209 		    new Object[]{ listener, Long.valueOf(reg.eventID) });
2210 	    }
2211 	    try {
2212 		if (!newNotify){
2213 		    listener.notify(
2214 			new RegistrarEvent(proxy,
2215 			    reg.eventID,
2216 			    seqNo,
2217 			    (MarshalledObject) reg.handback,
2218 			    sid,
2219 			    transition,
2220 			    item
2221 			)
2222 		    );
2223 		} else {
2224 		    listener.notify(
2225 			new RegistrarEvent(proxy,
2226 			    reg.eventID,
2227 			    seqNo,
2228 			    (MarshalledInstance) reg.handback,
2229 			    sid,
2230 			    transition,
2231 			    item
2232 			)
2233 		    );
2234 		}
2235                 return Boolean.TRUE;
2236 	    } catch (Throwable e) {
2237 		switch (ThrowableConstants.retryable(e)) {
2238 		case ThrowableConstants.BAD_OBJECT:
2239 		    if (e instanceof Error) {
2240 			EVENT_LOGGER.log(
2241 			    Levels.HANDLED, "exception sending event", e);
2242 			throw (Error) e;
2243 		    }
2244 		case ThrowableConstants.BAD_INVOCATION:
2245 		case ThrowableConstants.UNCATEGORIZED:
2246 		    /* If the listener throws UnknownEvent or some other
2247 		     * definite exception, we can cancel the lease.
2248 		     */
2249 		    EVENT_LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "exception sending event", e);
2250 		    try {
2251 			registrar.cancelEventLease(reg.eventID, reg.leaseID);
2252 		    } catch (UnknownLeaseException ee) {
2253 			EVENT_LOGGER.log(
2254 			    Levels.HANDLED,
2255 			    "exception canceling event lease",
2256 			    e);
2257 		    } catch (RemoteException ee) {
2258 			EVENT_LOGGER.log(
2259 			    Levels.HANDLED,
2260 			    "The server has been shutdown",
2261 			    e);
2262 		    }
2263 		}
2264                 return Boolean.FALSE;
2265 	    }
2266 	}
2268         /**
2269          * Keep events going to the same listener ordered. 
2270          * This is inconsistent with Object.equals, it is simply intended to
2271          * order tasks by priority.
2272          * @param o
2273          * @return 
2274          */
2275         @Override
2276         public int compareTo(EventTask o) {
2277             if ( < return -1;
2278             if ( > return 1;
2279             if (this.seqNo < o.seqNo) return -1;
2280             if (this.seqNo > o.seqNo) return 1;
2281             return 0;
2282         }
2283     }
2285     /** Task for decoding multicast request packets. */
2286     private static final class DecodeRequestTask implements Runnable {
2287 	/** The multicast packet to decode */
2288 	private final DatagramPacket datagram;
2289 	/** The decoder for parsing the packet */
2290 	private final Discovery decoder;
2291         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2292         /* Ensures that no duplicate AddressTask is running */
2293         private final Set<AddressTask> runningTasks;
2295 	public DecodeRequestTask(
2296                 DatagramPacket datagram, Discovery decoder, RegistrarImpl reggie, Set<AddressTask> runningTasks) 
2297         {
2298 	    this.datagram = datagram;
2299 	    this.decoder = decoder;
2300             this.reggie = reggie;
2301             this.runningTasks = runningTasks;
2302 	}
2304 	/**
2305 	 * Decodes this task's multicast request packet, spawning an
2306 	 * AddressTask if the packet satisfies the configured constraints,
2307 	 * matches this registrar's groups, and does not already contain this
2308 	 * registrar's service ID in its list of known registrars.  This method
2309 	 * assumes that the protocol version of the request has already been
2310 	 * checked.
2311 	 */
2312 	public void run() {
2313 	    MulticastRequest req;
2314 	    try {
2315 		req = decoder.decodeMulticastRequest(
2316 		    datagram,
2317 		    reggie.multicastRequestConstraints.getUnfulfilledConstraints(),
2318 		    reggie.multicastRequestSubjectChecker, true);
2319 	    } catch (Exception e) {
2320 		if (!(e instanceof InterruptedIOException) &&
2321 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED))
2322 		{
2323 		    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Levels.HANDLED,
2324 			getClass().getName(),
2325 			"run",
2326 			"exception decoding multicast request from {0}:{1}",
2327 			new Object[]{
2328 			    datagram.getAddress(),
2329 			    Integer.valueOf(datagram.getPort()) },
2330 			e);
2331 		}
2332 		return;
2333 	    }
2334 	    String[] groups = req.getGroups();
2335 	    if ((groups.length == 0 || overlap(reggie.memberGroups, groups)) &&
2336 		indexOf(req.getServiceIDs(), reggie.myServiceID) < 0)
2337 	    {
2338 		try {
2339 		    req.checkConstraints();
2340 		} catch (Exception e) {
2341 		    if (!(e instanceof InterruptedIOException) &&
2342 			DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED))
2343 		    {
2344 			logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Levels.HANDLED,
2345 			    getClass().getName(),
2346 			    "run",
2347 			    "exception decoding multicast request from {0}:{1}",
2348 			    new Object[]{
2349 				datagram.getAddress(),
2350 				Integer.valueOf(datagram.getPort()) },
2351 			    e);
2352 		    }
2353 		    return;
2354 		}
2355 		AddressTask task = 
2356                         new AddressTask(req.getHost(), req.getPort(), reggie);
2357                 if (runningTasks.add(task)) {
2358                     try {
2359               ;
2360                     } finally {
2361                         runningTasks.remove(task);
2362                     }
2363                 }
2364 	    }
2365 	}
2366     }
2368     /** Address for unicast discovery response. */
2369     private static final class AddressTask implements Runnable, Comparable<AddressTask> {
2371 	/** The address */
2372 	private final String host;
2373 	/** The port */
2374 	private final int port;
2376         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2378         private final int hash;
2381 	/** Simple constructor */
2382 	public AddressTask(
2383                 String host, int port, RegistrarImpl reggie) 
2384         {
2385             this.reggie = reggie;
2386 = host;
2387 	    this.port = port;
2388             int hash = 3;
2389             hash = 37 * hash + ( != null ? : 0);
2390             hash = 37 * hash + this.port;
2391             this.hash = hash;
2392         }
2394 	/** Two tasks are equal if they have the same address and port */
2395         @Override
2396 	public int hashCode() {
2397 	    return hash;
2398 	}
2400 	/** Two tasks are equal if they have the same address and port */
2401 	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
2402 	    if (!(obj instanceof AddressTask))
2403 		return false;
2404 	    AddressTask ua = (AddressTask)obj;
2405 	    return host.equals( && port == ua.port;
2406 	}
2408 	/** Connect and then process a unicast discovery request */
2409 	public void run() {
2410 	    InetAddress[] addr = new InetAddress[]{};
2411 	    try {
2412 		try {
2413 		    addr = InetAddress.getAllByName(host);
2414 		    if (addr == null)
2415 			addr = new InetAddress[]{};
2416 		} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
2417 		    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2418 			logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Level.INFO,
2419 			    getClass().getName(),
2420 			    "run",
2421 			    "failed to resolve host {0};"
2422 			    + " connection will still be attempted",
2423 			    new Object[]{ host },
2424 			    e);
2425 		    }
2426 		}
2427 	        long deadline = DiscoveryConstraints.process(
2428 	            reggie.rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints).getConnectionDeadline(
2429 	                Long.MAX_VALUE);
2430 		long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2431 		if (deadline <= now)
2432 		    throw new SocketTimeoutException("timeout expired before"
2433 						     + " connection attempt");
2434 		long timeLeft = deadline - now;
2435 		int timeout = timeLeft >= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 
2436 		              Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) timeLeft;
2437 		// attempt connection even if host name was not resolved
2438                 int len = addr.length;
2439 		if (len == 0) {
2440 		    attemptResponse(
2441                         new InetSocketAddress(host, port), timeout);
2442 		    return;
2443 		}
2444 		for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2445 		    try {
2446 			attemptResponse(
2447 			     new InetSocketAddress(addr[i], port), timeout);
2448 			return;
2449 		    } catch (Exception e) {
2450 			if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED)) {
2451 			    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Levels.HANDLED, getClass().getName(),
2452 				     "run", "exception responding to {0}:{1}",
2453 				     new Object[] {addr[i], Integer.valueOf(port)}
2454 				     , e);
2455 			}
2456 		    }
2457 		    timeLeft = deadline - System.currentTimeMillis();
2458 		    timeout = timeLeft >= Integer.MAX_VALUE ? 
2459 			      Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) timeLeft;
2460 		    if (timeLeft <= 0)
2461 			throw new SocketTimeoutException("timeout expired"
2462 		            + " before successful response");
2463 		}
2464 	    } catch (Exception e) {
2465 		if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2466 		    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Level.INFO,
2467 			getClass().getName(),
2468 			"run",
2469 			"failed to respond to {0} on port {1}",
2470 			new Object[]{Arrays.asList(addr), Integer.valueOf(port)},
2471 			e);
2472 		}
2473 	    }
2474 	}
2476         /** attempt a connection to multicast request client */
2477         private void attemptResponse(InetSocketAddress addr, int timeout) 
2478             throws Exception 
2479         {
2480             Socket s = reggie.socketFactory.createSocket();
2481             try {
2482                 s.connect(addr, timeout);
2483                 reggie.respond(s);
2484             } finally {
2485                 try {
2486                     s.close();
2487                 } catch (IOException e) {
2488                     DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED, "exception closing socket", e);
2489                 }
2490             }
2491         }
2493         @Override
2494         public int compareTo(AddressTask o) {
2495             int hostCompare = host.compareTo(;
2496             if ( hostCompare == -1) return -1;
2497             if ( hostCompare == 1) return 1;
2498             if (port < o.port) return -1;
2499             if (port > o.port) return 1;
2500             return 0;
2501         }
2502     }
2504     /** Socket for unicast discovery response. */
2505     private static final class SocketTask implements Runnable {
2507 	/** The socket */
2508 	public final Socket socket;
2509         public final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2511 	/** Simple constructor */
2512 	public SocketTask(Socket socket, RegistrarImpl reggie) {
2513 	    this.socket = socket;
2514             this.reggie = reggie;
2515 	}
2517 	/** Process a unicast discovery request */
2518 	public void run() {
2519 	    try {
2520 		reggie.respond(socket);
2521 	    } catch (Exception e) {
2522 	        if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED)) {
2523 		    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Levels.HANDLED,
2524 			getClass().getName(),
2525 			"run",
2526 			"exception handling unicast discovery from {0}:{1}",
2527 			new Object[] {
2528 			socket.getInetAddress(),
2529 			Integer.valueOf(socket.getPort())}
2530 			,
2531 			e);
2532 		}
2533 	    }
2534 	}
2535     }
2537     /** Service lease expiration thread code */
2538     private static class ServiceExpire implements Runnable {
2539         final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2541 	public ServiceExpire(RegistrarImpl reggie) {
2542 	    this.reggie = reggie;
2543 	}
2545 	public void run() {
2546 	    try {
2547 		reggie.concurrentObj.writeLock();
2548 	    } catch (ConcurrentLockException e) {
2549 		return;
2550 	    }
2551 	    try {
2552 		while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
2553 		    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2554 		    while (true) {
2555 			SvcReg reg = reggie.serviceByTime.first();
2556 			reggie.minSvcExpiration = reg.leaseExpiration;
2557 			if (reggie.minSvcExpiration > now)
2558 			    break;
2559 			reggie.deleteService(reg, now);
2560 			reggie.addLogRecord(new ServiceLeaseCancelledLogObj(
2561 					    reg.item.getServiceID(), reg.leaseID));
2562 			if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2563 			    LOGGER.log(
2564 				Level.FINE,
2565 				"expired service registration {0}",
2566 				new Object[]{ reg.item.getServiceID() });
2567 			}
2568 		    }
2569                     try {
2570                         reggie.serviceNotifier.await(reggie.minSvcExpiration - now, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2571                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
2572                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); //Restore interrupt.
2573                         return;
2574                     }
2575 		}
2576 	     } finally {
2577 		 reggie.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
2578 	     }
2579 	}
2580     }
2582     /** Event lease expiration thread code */
2583     private static class EventExpire implements Runnable {
2584         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2585 	/** Create a daemon thread */
2586 	public EventExpire(RegistrarImpl reggie) {
2587 	    this.reggie = reggie;
2588 	}
2590 	public void run() {
2591 	    try {
2592 		reggie.concurrentObj.writeLock();
2593 	    } catch (ConcurrentLockException e) {
2594 		return;
2595 	    }
2596 	    try {
2597 		while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
2598 		    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2599 		    reggie.minEventExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2600 		    for (EventReg reg = reggie.eventByTime.poll();
2601                             reg != null; reg = reggie.eventByTime.poll()) {
2602 			if (reg.getLeaseExpiration() > now) {
2603 			    reggie.minEventExpiration = reg.getLeaseExpiration();
2604 			    break;
2605 			}
2606 			reggie.deleteEvent(reg);
2607 			if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
2608 			    EVENT_LOGGER.log(
2609 				Level.FINE,
2610 				"expired event registration {0} for {1}",
2611 				new Object[]{ reg.leaseID, reg.listener });
2612 			}
2613 		    }
2614                     try {
2615                         reggie.eventNotifier.await(reggie.minEventExpiration - now, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
2616                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
2617                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore
2618                         return;
2619                     }
2620 		}
2621 	     } finally {
2622 		 reggie.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
2623 	     }
2624 	}
2625     }
2627     /**
2628      * Termination thread code.  We do this in a separate thread to
2629      * avoid deadlock, because ActivationGroup.inactive will block until
2630      * in-progress RMI calls are finished.
2631      */
2632     private static class Destroy implements Runnable {
2633         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2634 	/** Create a non-daemon thread */
2635 	public Destroy(RegistrarImpl reggie) {
2636             this.reggie = reggie;
2637 	}
2639 	public void run() {
2640 	    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2641 	    long endTime = now + reggie.unexportTimeout;
2642 	    if (endTime < 0)
2643 		endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
2644 	    boolean unexported = false;
2645 	    /* first try unexporting politely */
2646 	    while(!unexported && (now < endTime)) {
2647 		unexported = reggie.serverExporter.unexport(false);
2648 		if (!unexported) {
2649 		    try {
2650 			final long sleepTime = 
2651 			    Math.min(reggie.unexportWait, endTime - now);
2652 			Thread.currentThread().sleep(sleepTime);
2653 			now = System.currentTimeMillis();
2654 		    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2655                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore
2656 			LOGGER.log(
2657 			     Levels.HANDLED, "exception during unexport wait", e);
2658 		    }
2659 		}
2660 	    }
2661 	    /* if still not unexported, forcibly unexport */
2662             if(!unexported) {
2663 		reggie.serverExporter.unexport(true);
2664             }
2666 	    /* all threads must terminate before deleting persistent store */
2667 	    reggie.serviceExpirer.interrupt();
2668 	    reggie.eventExpirer.interrupt();
2669 	    reggie.unicaster.interrupt();
2670 	    reggie.multicaster.interrupt();
2671 	    reggie.announcer.interrupt();
2672 	    reggie.snapshotter.interrupt();
2673             reggie.eventNotifierExec.shutdown();
2674             List<Runnable> cancelledTasks = reggie.discoveryResponseExec.shutdownNow();
2675 	    reggie.joiner.terminate();
2676 	    reggie.discoer.terminate();
2677 	    try {
2678 		reggie.serviceExpirer.join();
2679 		reggie.eventExpirer.join();
2680 		reggie.unicaster.join();
2681 		reggie.multicaster.join();
2682 		reggie.announcer.join();
2683 		reggie.snapshotter.join();
2684 	    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
2685 	    }
2686 	    reggie.closeRequestSockets(cancelledTasks);
2687 	    if (reggie.log != null) {
2688 		reggie.log.deletePersistentStore();
2689 		SNAPSHOT_LOGGER.finer("deleted persistence directory");
2690 	    }
2691 	    if (reggie.activationID != null) {
2692 		try {
2693 		    ActivationGroup.inactive(reggie.activationID, reggie.serverExporter);
2694 		} catch (Exception e) {
2695 		    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "exception going inactive", e);
2696 		}
2697 	    }
2698 	    if (reggie.lifeCycle != null) {
2699 		reggie.lifeCycle.unregister(reggie);
2700 	    }
2701 	    if (reggie.loginContext != null) {
2702 		try {
2703 		    reggie.loginContext.logout();
2704 		} catch (LoginException e) {
2705 		    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "logout failed", e);
2706 		}
2707 	    }
2708"Reggie shutdown completed");
2709 	}
2710     }
2712     /** Multicast discovery request thread code. */
2713     private static class Multicast implements Runnable, Interruptable {
2714         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2715 	/** Multicast group address used by multicast requests */
2716 	private final InetAddress requestAddr;
2717 	/** Multicast socket to receive packets */
2718 	private final MulticastSocket socket;
2719 	/** Interfaces for which configuration failed */
2720 	private final List<NetworkInterface> failedInterfaces;
2722         private final Set<AddressTask> runningTasks;
2724         private volatile boolean interrupted = false;
2726 	/**
2727 	 * Create a high priority daemon thread.  Set up the socket now
2728 	 * rather than in run, so that we get any exception up front.
2729 	 */
2730 	public Multicast(RegistrarImpl reggie) throws IOException {
2731             this.runningTasks = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<AddressTask>();
2732             this.reggie = reggie;
2733             List<NetworkInterface> failedInterfaces = new ArrayList<NetworkInterface>();
2734 	    if (reggie.multicastInterfaces != null && reggie.multicastInterfaces.length == 0)
2735 	    {
2736 		requestAddr = null;
2737 		socket = null;
2738                 this.failedInterfaces = failedInterfaces;
2739 		return;
2740 	    }
2741 	    requestAddr = Constants.getRequestAddress();
2742 	    socket = new MulticastSocket(Constants.discoveryPort);
2743 	    if (reggie.multicastInterfaces != null) {
2744 		Level failureLogLevel = reggie.multicastInterfacesSpecified ?
2745 		    Level.WARNING : Levels.HANDLED;
2746                 int l = reggie.multicastInterfaces.length;
2747 		for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
2748 		    NetworkInterface nic = reggie.multicastInterfaces[i];
2749 		    try {
2750 			socket.setNetworkInterface(nic);
2751 			socket.joinGroup(requestAddr);
2752 		    } catch (IOException e) {
2753 			failedInterfaces.add(nic);
2754 			if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(failureLogLevel)) {
2755 			    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, failureLogLevel,
2756 				getClass().getName(),
2757 				"<init>",
2758 				"exception enabling {0}",
2759 				new Object[]{ nic },
2760 				e);
2761 			}
2762 		    }
2763 		}
2764 	    } else {
2765 		try {
2766 		    socket.joinGroup(requestAddr);
2767 		} catch (IOException e) {
2768 		    failedInterfaces.add(null);
2769 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(
2770 			Level.WARNING,
2771 			"exception enabling default interface", e);
2772 		}
2773 	    }
2774             this.failedInterfaces = failedInterfaces;
2775 	}
2777 	public void run() {
2778 	    if (reggie.multicastInterfaces != null && reggie.multicastInterfaces.length == 0)
2779 	    {
2780 		return;
2781 	    }
2782 	    byte[] buf = new byte[
2783 		reggie.multicastRequestConstraints.getMulticastMaxPacketSize(
2785 	    DatagramPacket dgram = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
2786 	    long retryTime =
2787 		System.currentTimeMillis() + reggie.multicastInterfaceRetryInterval;
2788 	    while (!interrupted) {
2789 		try {
2790 		    int timeout = 0;
2791 		    if (!failedInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
2792 			timeout =
2793 			    (int) (retryTime - System.currentTimeMillis());
2794 			if (timeout <= 0) {
2795 			    retryFailedInterfaces();
2796 			    if (failedInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
2797 				timeout = 0;
2798 			    } else {
2799 				timeout = reggie.multicastInterfaceRetryInterval;
2800 				retryTime =
2801 				    System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
2802 			    }
2803 			}
2804 		    }
2805 		    socket.setSoTimeout(timeout);
2806 		    dgram.setLength(buf.length);
2807 		    try {
2808 			socket.receive(dgram);
2809 		    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
2810 			break; // workaround for bug 4190513
2811 		    }
2813 		    int pv;
2814 		    try {
2815 			pv = ByteBuffer.wrap(dgram.getData(),
2816 					     dgram.getOffset(),
2817 					     dgram.getLength()).getInt();
2818 		    } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
2819 			throw new DiscoveryProtocolException(null, e);
2820 		    }
2821 		    reggie.multicastRequestConstraints.checkProtocolVersion(pv);
2822 		    reggie.discoveryResponseExec.execute(
2823                             new DecodeRequestTask(
2824                                     dgram, 
2825                                     reggie.getDiscovery(pv), 
2826                                     reggie,
2827                                     runningTasks
2828                             )
2829                     );
2831 		    buf = new byte[buf.length];
2832 		    dgram = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length);
2834 		} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
2835 		    // retry failed network interfaces in next iteration
2836 		} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
2837 		    break;
2838 		} catch (Exception e) {
2839 		    if (interrupted) {
2840 			break;
2841 		    }
2842 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED,
2843 			       "exception receiving multicast request", e);
2844 		}
2845 	    }
2846 	    socket.close();
2847 	}
2849 	public void interrupt() {
2850 	    // close socket to interrupt MulticastSocket.receive operation
2851             interrupted = true;
2852 	    if (socket != null) socket.close();
2853 	}
2855 	/**
2856 	 * Attempts to configure each interface contained in the
2857 	 * failedInterfaces list, removing it from the list if configuration
2858 	 * succeeds.  The null value is used to indicate the default network
2859 	 * interface.
2860 	 */
2861 	private void retryFailedInterfaces() {
2862 	    for (Iterator<NetworkInterface> i = failedInterfaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
2863 		NetworkInterface nic =;
2864 		try {
2865 		    if (nic != null) {
2866 			socket.setNetworkInterface(nic);
2867 		    }
2868 		    socket.joinGroup(requestAddr);
2869 		    i.remove();
2871 		    Level l = reggie.multicastInterfacesSpecified ?
2872 			Level.INFO : Level.FINE;
2873 		    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(l)) {
2874 			if (nic != null) {
2875 			    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(l, "enabled {0}", new Object[]{ nic });
2876 			} else {
2877 			    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(l, "enabled default interface");
2878 			}
2879 		    }
2880 		} catch (IOException e) {
2881 		    // keep nic in failedInterfaces
2882 		}
2883 	    }
2884 	}
2885     }
2887     /** Unicast discovery request thread code. */
2888     private static class Unicast implements Runnable, Interruptable {
2889         private static final Boolean arbitraryPort;
2891         static {
2892             arbitraryPort = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2893                 new PrivilegedAction<Boolean>(){
2895                     @Override
2896                     public Boolean run() {
2897                         return Boolean.valueOf(
2898                             Boolean.getBoolean(
2899                                 "net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar.portAbitraryIfInUse"
2900                             )
2901                         );
2902                     }
2904                 }
2905             );
2906         }
2907         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
2908 	/** Server socket to accepts connections on. */
2909 	private final ServerSocket listen;
2910 	/** Listen port */
2911 	public final int port;
2913         private volatile boolean interrupted = false;
2915 	/**
2916 	 * Create a daemon thread.  Set up the socket now rather than in run,
2917 	 * so that we get any exception up front.
2918 	 */
2919 	public Unicast(RegistrarImpl reggie, int port) throws IOException {
2920             this.reggie = reggie;
2921             ServerSocket listen = null;
2922             boolean ephemeral = false;
2923             if (port == 0) {
2924 		try {
2925 		    listen = reggie.serverSocketFactory.createServerSocket(Constants.discoveryPort);
2926                     port = Constants.discoveryPort;
2927 		} catch (IOException e) {
2928 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(
2929 			Levels.HANDLED, "failed to bind to default port", e);
2930 		}
2931 	    }
2932 	    if (listen == null) {
2933                 try {
2934                     listen = reggie.serverSocketFactory.createServerSocket(port);
2935                 } catch (IOException e){
2936                     DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "failed to bind to port " + port, e);
2937                     if (arbitraryPort){
2938                         listen = reggie.serverSocketFactory.createServerSocket(0);
2939                         ephemeral = true;
2940                     } else {
2941                         throw e;
2942                     }
2943                 }
2944 	    }
2945             port = listen.getLocalPort();
2946             DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Reggie Unicast Discovery listening on port {0}", port);
2947             this.listen = listen;
2948 	    this.port = port;
2949             if (ephemeral) reggie.unicastPort = port;
2950         }
2952 	public void run() {
2953 	    while (!interrupted) {
2954 		try {
2955 		    Socket socket = listen.accept();
2956 		    if (interrupted) {
2957 			try {
2958 			    socket.close();
2959 			} catch (IOException e) {
2960 			    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(
2961 				Levels.HANDLED, "exception closing socket", e);
2962 			}
2963 			break;
2964 		    }
2965 		    reggie.discoveryResponseExec.execute(new SocketTask(socket, reggie));
2966 		} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
2967 		    break;
2968 		} catch (Exception e) {
2969 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(
2970 			Levels.HANDLED, "exception listening on socket", e);
2971 		}
2972 		/* if we fail in any way, just forget about it */
2973 	    }
2974 	    try {
2975 		listen.close();
2976 	    } catch (IOException e) {
2978 		    Levels.HANDLED, "exception closing server socket", e);
2979 	    }
2980 	}
2982 	/* This is a workaround for Thread.interrupt not working on
2983 	 * ServerSocket.accept on all platforms.  ServerSocket.close
2984 	 * can't be used as a workaround, because it also doesn't work
2985 	 * on all platforms.
2986 	 */
2987 	public void interrupt() {
2988                 interrupted = true;
2989             AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction(){
2990                 public Object run(){
2991                     try {
2992                 Socket s = reggie.socketFactory.createSocket(LocalHostLookup.getLocalHost(), port);
2993                 s.close();
2994 	    } catch (IOException e) {
2995                     } finally {
2996                         return null;
2997 	    }
2998 	}
2999             });
3000     }
3001     }
3003     /** Multicast discovery announcement thread code. */
3004     private static class Announce implements Runnable {
3005         private final RegistrarImpl reggie;
3006 	/** Multicast socket to send packets on */
3007 	private final MulticastSocket socket;
3008 	/** Cached datagram packets */
3009 	private DatagramPacket[] dataPackets = null;
3010 	/** LookupLocator associated with cached datagram packets */
3011 	private LookupLocator lastLocator;
3012 	/** Groups associated with cached datagram packets */
3013 	private String[] lastGroups;
3015 	/**
3016 	 * Create a daemon thread.  Set up the socket now rather than in run,
3017 	 * so that we get any exception up front.
3018 	 */
3019 	public Announce(RegistrarImpl reggie) throws IOException {
3020             this.reggie = reggie;
3021 	    if (reggie.multicastInterfaces == null || reggie.multicastInterfaces.length > 0)
3022 	    {
3023 		socket = new MulticastSocket();
3024 		if (Constants.GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE){
3025 		    socket.setTimeToLive(
3026 			reggie.multicastAnnouncementConstraints.getMulticastTimeToLive(
3028 		} else {
3029 		    socket.setTimeToLive(
3030 			reggie.multicastAnnouncementConstraints.getMulticastTimeToLive(
3033 		}
3034 	    } else {
3035 		socket = null;
3036 	    }
3037 	}
3039 	public void run() {
3040             Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
3041             synchronized (currentThread){
3042                 if (reggie.multicastInterfaces != null && reggie.multicastInterfaces.length == 0)
3043                 {
3044                     return;
3045                 }
3046                 try {
3047                     while (!currentThread.isInterrupted() && announce(reggie.memberGroups)) {
3048                         currentThread.wait(reggie.multicastAnnouncementInterval);
3049                     }
3050                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
3051                     currentThread.interrupt(); //restore
3052                     return;
3053                 } finally {
3054                     if (reggie.memberGroups.length > 0)
3055                         announce(new String[0]);//send NO_GROUPS just before shutdown
3056                     socket.close();
3057                 }
3058             }
3059 	}
3061 	/**
3062 	 * Announce membership in the specified groups, and return false if
3063 	 * interrupted, otherwise return true.  This method is run from
3064 	 * synchronized run method in thread.
3065 	 */
3066 	private boolean announce(String[] groups) {
3067 	    if (dataPackets == null || !lastLocator.equals(reggie.myLocator) ||
3068 	        !Arrays.equals(lastGroups, groups))
3069 	    {
3070 	        List packets = new ArrayList();
3071 	        Discovery disco;
3072 	        try {
3073 		    disco = reggie.getDiscovery(reggie.multicastAnnouncementConstraints
3074 					 .chooseProtocolVersion());
3075 	        } catch (DiscoveryProtocolException e) {
3076 		    throw new AssertionError(e);
3077 	        }
3078                 LookupLocator myLocator = reggie.myLocator;// Atomic
3079 	        EncodeIterator ei = disco.encodeMulticastAnnouncement(
3080 		    new MulticastAnnouncement(reggie.announcementSeqNo.getAndIncrement(),
3081 					  myLocator.getHost(),
3082 					  myLocator.getPort(),
3083 					  groups,
3084 					  reggie.myServiceID),
3085 		    reggie.multicastAnnouncementConstraints
3086 		    .getMulticastMaxPacketSize(DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE),
3087 		    reggie.multicastAnnouncementConstraints
3088 		    .getUnfulfilledConstraints());
3089 	        while (ei.hasNext()) {
3090 		    try {
3091 		        packets.addAll(Arrays.asList(;
3092 		    } catch (Exception e) {
3093 			DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log( (e instanceof 
3094 				     UnsupportedConstraintException)
3095 				    ? Levels.HANDLED : Level.INFO,
3096 				    "exception encoding multicast"
3097 				    + " announcement", e);
3098 		    }
3099 		}
3100 		lastLocator = myLocator;
3101 		lastGroups = groups;
3102 		dataPackets = (DatagramPacket[]) packets.toArray(
3103 		    new DatagramPacket[packets.size()]);
3104 	    }
3105 	    try {
3106 	        send(dataPackets);
3107 	    } catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
3108 		return false;
3109 	    } catch (IOException e) {
3111 		    Level.INFO, "exception sending multicast announcement", e);
3112 	    }
3113 	    return true;
3114 	}
3116 	/**
3117 	 * Attempts to multicast the given packets on each of the configured
3118 	 * network interfaces.
3119 	 */
3120 	private void send(DatagramPacket[] packets)
3121 	    throws InterruptedIOException
3122 	{
3123 	    if (reggie.multicastInterfaces != null) {
3124 		Level failureLogLevel = reggie.multicastInterfacesSpecified ?
3125 		    Level.WARNING : Levels.HANDLED;
3126                 int l = reggie.multicastInterfaces.length;
3127 		for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
3128 		    send(packets, reggie.multicastInterfaces[i], failureLogLevel);
3129 		}
3130 	    } else {
3131 		send(packets, null, Level.WARNING);
3132 	    }
3133 	}
3135 	/**
3136 	 * Attempts to multicast the given packets on the specified network
3137 	 * interface, logging failures at the given logging level.  If the
3138 	 * specified network interface is null, then the default interface is
3139 	 * used.
3140 	 */
3141 	private void send(DatagramPacket[] packets,
3142 			  NetworkInterface nic,
3143 			  Level failureLogLevel)
3144 	    throws InterruptedIOException
3145 	{
3146 	    if (nic != null) {
3147 		try {
3148 		    socket.setNetworkInterface(nic);
3149 		} catch (SocketException e) {
3150 		    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(failureLogLevel)) {
3151 			logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, failureLogLevel,
3152 			    getClass().getName(),
3153 			    "send",
3154 			    "exception setting {0}",
3155 			    new Object[]{ nic },
3156 			    e);
3157 		    }
3158 		    return;
3159 		}
3160 	    }
3161 	    for (int i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) {
3162 		try {
3163 		    socket.send(packets[i]);
3164 		} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
3165 		    throw e;
3166 		} catch (IOException e) {
3167 		    if (nic != null) {
3168 			if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(failureLogLevel)) {
3169 			    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, failureLogLevel,
3170 				getClass().getName(),
3171 				"send",
3172 				"exception sending packet on {0}",
3173 				new Object[]{ nic },
3174 				e);
3175 			}
3176 		    } else {
3178 			    failureLogLevel,
3179 			    "exception sending packet on default interface",
3180 			    e);
3181 		    }
3182 		}
3183 	    }
3184 	}
3185     }
3187     /**
3188      * Snapshot-taking thread. 
3189      * <p>
3190      * A snapshot is taken when -- after writing a new record to the 
3191      * log file -- it is determined that the size of the log file has 
3192      * exceeded a certain threshold. The code which adds the new record 
3193      * to the log file and which, in turn, decides that a snapshot
3194      * must be taken is "wrapped" in a writer mutex. That is, synchronization
3195      * of processing is achieved in the Registrar through a "reader/writer"
3196      * mutex construct. This construct allows only one writer at any one
3197      * time; but allows an unlimited number of simultaneous readers as
3198      * long as no writer has locked the mutex. During steady-state, it is
3199      * anticipated that there will be far more readers (e.g. lookups) in use 
3200      * than writers (e.g. add/mod/del Attributes). Since the process of
3201      * taking a snapshot can be time-consuming, if the whole snapshot-taking
3202      * process occupies that single writer mutex, then a significant number
3203      * of read requests will be un-necessarily blocked; possibly resulting
3204      * in an unacceptable degradation in response time. 
3205      * <p>
3206      * It is for the above reason that the process of taking a snapshot is
3207      * performed in a separate thread. The thread waits on the monitor
3208      * belonging to the snapshotNotifier instance until it is notified
3209      * (or "signalled") that a snapshot must be taken. The notification
3210      * is sent by another thread, created by the Registrar, which
3211      * determines when the conditions are right for a snapshot. The
3212      * notification takes the form of an interrupt indicating that the
3213      * Snapshot monitor is available. Although the interrupt is sent 
3214      * while the writer mutex is locked, the act of sending the notification
3215      * is less time-consuming than the act of taking the snapshot itself.
3216      * When the thread receives a notification, it awakens and requests a
3217      * lock on the reader mutex (this is all done in the readerWait() method).
3218      * Because a reader -- not a writer -- mutex is locked, read-only
3219      * processes still have access to the system state, so lookups can be
3220      * performed; and the reader mutex prevents changes to the data while
3221      * the snapshot is in progress.  
3222      * <p>
3223      * Note that the current snapshot is guaranteed to complete before the
3224      * next snapshot request is received. This is because even though
3225      * the act of taking a snapshot can be viewed as a writer process, 
3226      * the fact that the next snapshot notification will be wrapped in a
3227      * writer mutex, combined with the fact that a writer mutex can not
3228      * be locked while a reader mutex is locked, allows the snapshot to
3229      * be treated as a reader process.
3230      */
3231     private static class Snapshot implements Runnable {
3232         RegistrarImpl reggie;
3233 	/** Create a daemon thread */
3234 	public Snapshot(RegistrarImpl reggie) {
3235             this.reggie = reggie;
3236 	}
3238 	public void run() {
3239 	    if (reggie.log == null) {
3240 		return;
3241 	    }
3242             reggie.concurrentObj.writeLock();
3243 	    try {
3244 		while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
3245                     try {
3246                         reggie.snapshotNotifier.await();
3247                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
3248                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // restore
3249                         return;
3250                     }
3251                     try {
3252                         reggie.log.snapshot();
3253                         reggie.logFileSize.set(0);
3254                     } catch (Exception e) {
3255                         // InterruptedException is never thrown in try
3256                         if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
3257                             return;
3258                         LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "snapshot failed", e);
3259                     }
3260 		}
3261 	    } finally {
3262 		reggie.concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3263 	    }
3264 	}
3265     }
3267     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3268     public Object getServiceProxy() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3269         concurrentObj.readLock();
3270         try {
3271             return proxy;
3272         } finally {
3273             concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3274         }
3275     }
3277     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3278     public Object getProxy() {
3279         concurrentObj.readLock();
3280         try {
3281             return myRef;
3282         } finally {
3283             concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3284         }
3285     }
3287     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3288     public TrustVerifier getProxyVerifier() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3289         concurrentObj.readLock();
3290         try {
3291             return new ProxyVerifier(myRef, myServiceID);
3292         } finally {
3293             concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3294         }
3295     }
3297     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3298     public ServiceRegistration register(Item nitem, long leaseDuration)
3299         throws NoSuchObjectException
3300     {	
3301 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3302 	try {
3303 	    ServiceRegistration reg = registerDo(nitem, leaseDuration);
3304 	    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3305 		LOGGER.log(
3306 		    Level.FINE,
3307 		    "registered instance of {0} as {1}",
3308 		    new Object[]{
3309 			nitem.serviceType.getName(), reg.getServiceID() });
3310 	    }
3311 	    return reg;
3312 	} finally {
3313 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3314 	}
3315     }
3317     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3318     public MarshalledWrapper lookup(Template tmpl) throws NoSuchObjectException
3319     {	
3320 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3321 	try {
3322 	    return lookupDo(tmpl);
3323 	} finally {
3324 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3325 	}
3326     }
3328     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3329     public Matches lookup(Template tmpl, int maxMatches)
3330 	throws NoSuchObjectException
3331     {	
3332 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3333 	try {
3334 	    return lookupDo(tmpl, maxMatches);
3335 	} finally {
3336 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3337 	}
3338     }
3340     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3341     public Object [] lookUp(Template tmpl, int maxProxys)
3342 	throws NoSuchObjectException
3343     {	
3344 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3345 	try {
3346 	    return lookupDo(tmpl, maxProxys).getProxys();
3347 	} finally {
3348 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3349 	}
3350     }
3352     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3353     public EventRegistration notify(Template tmpl,
3354 				    int transitions,
3355 				    RemoteEventListener listener,
3356 				    MarshalledObject handback,
3357 				    long leaseDuration)
3358 	throws RemoteException
3359     {	
3360 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3361 	try {
3362 	    EventRegistration reg = notifyDo(
3363 		tmpl, transitions, listener, handback, leaseDuration, false);
3364 	    if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3365 		EVENT_LOGGER.log(
3366 		    Level.FINE,
3367 		    "registered event listener {0} as {1}",
3368 		    new Object[]{
3369 			listener,
3370 			((ReferentUuid) reg.getLease()).getReferentUuid()
3371 		    });
3372 	    }
3373 	    return reg;
3374 	} finally {
3375 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3376 	}
3377     }
3379     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3380     public EventRegistration notiFy(Template tmpl,
3381 				    int transitions,
3382 				    RemoteEventListener listener,
3383 				    MarshalledInstance handback,
3384 				    long leaseDuration)
3385 	throws RemoteException
3386     {	
3387 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3388 	try {
3389 	    EventRegistration reg = notifyDo(
3390 		tmpl, transitions, listener, handback, leaseDuration, true);
3391 	    if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3392 		EVENT_LOGGER.log(
3393 		    Level.FINE,
3394 		    "registered event listener {0} as {1}",
3395 		    new Object[]{
3396 			listener,
3397 			((ReferentUuid) reg.getLease()).getReferentUuid()
3398 		    });
3399 	    }
3400 	    return reg;
3401 	} finally {
3402 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3403 	}
3404     }
3406     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3407     public EntryClassBase[] getEntryClasses(Template tmpl)
3408         throws NoSuchObjectException
3409     {
3410 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3411 	try {
3412 	    return getEntryClassesDo(tmpl);
3413 	} finally {
3414 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3415 	}
3416     }
3418     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3419     public Object[] getFieldValues(Template tmpl, int setIndex, int field)
3420         throws NoSuchObjectException
3421     {
3422 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3423 	try {
3424 	    return getFieldValuesDo(tmpl, setIndex, field);
3425 	} finally {
3426 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3427 	}
3428     }
3430     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3431     public ServiceTypeBase[] getServiceTypes(Template tmpl, String prefix)
3432         throws NoSuchObjectException
3433     {
3434 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3435 	try {
3436 	    return getServiceTypesDo(tmpl, prefix);
3437 	} finally {
3438 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3439 	}
3440     }
3442     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3443     public LookupLocator getLocator() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3444         concurrentObj.readLock();
3445         try {
3446             return myLocator;
3447         } finally {
3448             concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3449         }
3450     }
3452     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3453     public Object getAdmin() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3454         concurrentObj.readLock();
3455         try {
3456             return AdminProxy.getInstance(myRef, myServiceID);
3457         } finally {
3458             concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3459         }
3460     }
3462     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3463     public void addAttributes(ServiceID serviceID,
3464 			      Uuid leaseID,
3465 			      EntryRep[] attrSets)
3466 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3467     {
3468 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3469 	try {
3470 	    if (serviceID.equals(myServiceID))
3471 	        throw new SecurityException("privileged service id");
3472 	    addAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets);
3473 	    addLogRecord(new AttrsAddedLogObj(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets));
3474 	} finally {
3475 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3476 	}
3477     }
3479     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3480     public void modifyAttributes(ServiceID serviceID,
3481 				 Uuid leaseID,
3482 				 EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls,
3483 				 EntryRep[] attrSets)
3484 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3485     {
3486 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3487 	try {
3488 	    if (serviceID.equals(myServiceID))
3489 	        throw new SecurityException("privileged service id");
3490 	    modifyAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID, attrSetTmpls, attrSets);
3491 	    addLogRecord(new AttrsModifiedLogObj(serviceID, leaseID,
3492 						 attrSetTmpls, attrSets));
3493 	} finally {
3494 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3495 	}
3496     }
3498     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3499     public void setAttributes(ServiceID serviceID,
3500 			      Uuid leaseID,
3501 			      EntryRep[] attrSets)
3502 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3503     {
3504 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3505 	try {
3506 	    if (serviceID.equals(myServiceID))
3507 	        throw new SecurityException("privileged service id");
3508 	    setAttributesDo(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets);
3509 	    addLogRecord(new AttrsSetLogObj(serviceID, leaseID, attrSets));
3510 	} finally {
3511 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3512 	}
3513     }
3515     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3516     public void cancelServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
3517 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3518     {
3519 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3520 	try {
3521 	    cancelServiceLeaseDo(serviceID, leaseID);
3522 	    addLogRecord(new ServiceLeaseCancelledLogObj(serviceID, leaseID));
3523 	    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3524 		LOGGER.log(
3525 		    Level.FINE,
3526 		    "cancelled service registration {0}",
3527 		    new Object[]{ serviceID });
3528 	    }
3529 	} finally {
3530 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3531 	}
3532     }
3534     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3535     public long renewServiceLease(ServiceID serviceID,
3536 				  Uuid leaseID,
3537 				  long renewDuration)
3538 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3539     {	
3540 	concurrentObj.priorityWriteLock();
3541 	try {
3542 	    return renewServiceLeaseDo(serviceID, leaseID, renewDuration);
3543 	    /* addLogRecord is in renewServiceLeaseDo */
3544 	} finally {
3545 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3546 	}
3547     }
3549     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3550     public void cancelEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
3551 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3552     {
3553 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3554 	try {
3555 	    cancelEventLeaseDo(eventID, leaseID);
3556 	    addLogRecord(new EventLeaseCancelledLogObj(eventID, leaseID));
3557 	    if (EVENT_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3558 		EVENT_LOGGER.log(
3559 		    Level.FINE,
3560 		    "cancelled event registration {0}",
3561 		    new Object[]{ leaseID });
3562 	    }
3563 	} finally {
3564 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3565 	}
3566     }
3568     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3569     public long renewEventLease(long eventID, Uuid leaseID, long renewDuration)
3570 	throws NoSuchObjectException, UnknownLeaseException
3571     {	
3572 	concurrentObj.priorityWriteLock();
3573 	try {
3574 	    return renewEventLeaseDo(eventID, leaseID, renewDuration);
3575 	    /* addLogRecord is in renewEventLeaseDo */
3576 	} finally {
3577 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3578 	}
3579     }
3581     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3582     public RenewResults renewLeases(Object[] regIDs,
3583 				    Uuid[] leaseIDs,
3584 				    long[] renewDurations)
3585         throws NoSuchObjectException
3586     {	
3587 	concurrentObj.priorityWriteLock();
3588 	try {
3589 	    return renewLeasesDo(regIDs, leaseIDs, renewDurations);
3590 	    /* addLogRecord is in renewLeasesDo */
3591 	} finally {
3592 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3593 	}
3594     }
3596     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3597     public Exception[] cancelLeases(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs)
3598         throws NoSuchObjectException
3599     {
3600 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3601 	try {
3602 	    Exception[] exceptions = cancelLeasesDo(regIDs, leaseIDs);
3603 	    addLogRecord(new LeasesCancelledLogObj(regIDs, leaseIDs));
3604 	    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
3605 		for (int i = 0; i < regIDs.length; i++) {
3606 		    if (exceptions != null && exceptions[i] != null) {
3607 			continue;
3608 		    }
3609 		    if (regIDs[i] instanceof ServiceID) {
3610 			LOGGER.log(
3611 			    Level.FINE,
3612 			    "cancelled service registration {0}",
3613 			    new Object[]{ regIDs[i] });
3614 		    } else {
3615 			EVENT_LOGGER.log(
3616 			    Level.FINE,
3617 			    "cancelled event registration {0}",
3618 			    new Object[]{ leaseIDs[i] });
3619 		    }
3620 		}
3621 	    }
3622 	    return exceptions;
3623 	} finally {
3624 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3625 	}
3626     }
3628     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3629     public Entry[] getLookupAttributes() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3630 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3631 	try {
3632 	    /* no need to clone, never modified once created */
3633 	    return lookupAttrs;
3634 	} finally {
3635 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3636 	}
3637     }
3639     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3640     public void addLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSets) throws RemoteException {
3641 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3642 	try {
3643 	    EntryRep[] attrs = EntryRep.toEntryRep(attrSets, true);
3644 	    addAttributesDo(myServiceID, myLeaseID, attrs);
3645 	    joiner.addAttributes(attrSets);
3646 	    lookupAttrs = joiner.getAttributes();
3647 	    addLogRecord(new LookupAttributesChangedLogObj(lookupAttrs));
3648 	} catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
3649 	    throw new AssertionError("Self-registration never expires");
3650 	} finally {
3651 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3652 	}
3653     }
3655     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3656     public void modifyLookupAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates,
3657 				       Entry[] attrSets)
3658 	throws RemoteException
3659     {
3660 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3661 	try {
3662 	    EntryRep[] tmpls = EntryRep.toEntryRep(attrSetTemplates, false);
3663 	    EntryRep[] attrs = EntryRep.toEntryRep(attrSets, false);
3664 	    modifyAttributesDo(myServiceID, myLeaseID, tmpls, attrs);
3665 	    joiner.modifyAttributes(attrSetTemplates, attrSets, true);
3666 	    lookupAttrs = joiner.getAttributes();
3667 	    addLogRecord(new LookupAttributesChangedLogObj(lookupAttrs));
3668 	} catch (UnknownLeaseException e) {
3669 	    throw new AssertionError("Self-registration never expires");
3670 	} finally {
3671 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3672 	}
3673     }
3675     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3676     public String[] getLookupGroups() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3677 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3678 	try {
3679 	    /* no need to clone, never modified once created */
3680 	    return lookupGroups;
3681 	} finally {
3682 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3683 	}
3684     }
3686     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3687     public void addLookupGroups(String[] groups) throws NoSuchObjectException {
3688 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3689 	try {
3690 	    DiscoveryGroupManagement dgm = (DiscoveryGroupManagement) discoer;
3691 	    try {
3692 		dgm.addGroups(groups);
3693 	    } catch (IOException e) {
3694 		throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
3695 	    }
3696 	    lookupGroups = dgm.getGroups();
3697 	    addLogRecord(new LookupGroupsChangedLogObj(lookupGroups));
3698 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3700 		    Level.CONFIG,
3701 		    "added lookup groups {0}",
3702 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(groups) });
3703 	    }
3704 	} finally {
3705 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3706 	}
3707     }
3709     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3710     public void removeLookupGroups(String[] groups)
3711 	throws NoSuchObjectException
3712     {
3713 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3714 	try {
3715 	    DiscoveryGroupManagement dgm = (DiscoveryGroupManagement) discoer;
3716 	    dgm.removeGroups(groups);
3717 	    lookupGroups = dgm.getGroups();
3718 	    addLogRecord(new LookupGroupsChangedLogObj(lookupGroups));
3719 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3721 		    Level.CONFIG,
3722 		    "removed lookup groups {0}",
3723 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(groups) });
3724 	    }
3725 	} finally {
3726 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3727 	}
3728     }
3730     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3731     public void setLookupGroups(String[] groups) throws NoSuchObjectException {
3732 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3733 	try {
3734 	    DiscoveryGroupManagement dgm = (DiscoveryGroupManagement) discoer;
3735 	    try {
3736 		dgm.setGroups(groups);
3737 	    } catch (IOException e) {
3738 		throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
3739 	    }
3740 	    lookupGroups = dgm.getGroups();
3741 	    addLogRecord(new LookupGroupsChangedLogObj(lookupGroups));
3742 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3744 		    Level.CONFIG,
3745 		    "set lookup groups {0}",
3746 		    new Object[]{ 
3747 			(groups != null) ? Arrays.asList(groups) : null });
3748 	    }
3749 	} finally {
3750 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3751 	}
3752     }
3754     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3755     public LookupLocator[] getLookupLocators() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3756 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3757 	try {
3758 	    /* no need to clone, never modified once created */
3759 	    return lookupLocators;
3760 	} finally {
3761 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3762 	}
3763     }
3765     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3766     public void addLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
3767 	throws RemoteException
3768     {	
3769 	locators = prepareLocators(locators, locatorPreparer, false);
3770 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3771 	try {	    
3772 	    DiscoveryLocatorManagement dlm = 
3773 		(DiscoveryLocatorManagement) discoer;
3774 	    dlm.addLocators(locators);
3775 	    lookupLocators = dlm.getLocators();
3776 	    addLogRecord(new LookupLocatorsChangedLogObj(lookupLocators));
3777 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3779 		    Level.CONFIG,
3780 		    "added lookup locators {0}",
3781 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(locators) });
3782 	    }
3783 	} finally {
3784 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3785 	}
3786     }
3788     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3789     public void removeLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
3790 	throws RemoteException
3791     {	
3792     	locators = prepareLocators(locators, locatorPreparer, false);
3793 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3794 	try {	    
3795 	    DiscoveryLocatorManagement dlm = 
3796 		(DiscoveryLocatorManagement) discoer;
3797 	    dlm.removeLocators(locators);
3798 	    lookupLocators = dlm.getLocators();
3799 	    addLogRecord(new LookupLocatorsChangedLogObj(lookupLocators));
3800 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3802 		    Level.CONFIG,
3803 		    "removed lookup locators {0}",
3804 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(locators) });
3805 	    }
3806 	} finally {
3807 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3808 	}
3809     }
3811     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3812     public void setLookupLocators(LookupLocator[] locators)
3813 	throws RemoteException
3814     {
3815     	locators = prepareLocators(locators, locatorPreparer, false);
3816 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3817 	try {
3818 	    DiscoveryLocatorManagement dlm = 
3819 		(DiscoveryLocatorManagement) discoer;
3820 	    dlm.setLocators(locators);
3821 	    lookupLocators = dlm.getLocators();
3822 	    addLogRecord(new LookupLocatorsChangedLogObj(lookupLocators));
3823 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3825 		    Level.CONFIG,
3826 		    "set lookup locators {0}",
3827 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(locators) });
3828 	    }
3829 	} finally {
3830 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3831 	}
3832     }
3834     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3835     public void addMemberGroups(String[] groups) throws NoSuchObjectException {
3836 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3837 	try {
3838 	    for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
3839 	        if (indexOf(memberGroups, groups[i]) < 0)
3840 		    memberGroups = (String[])arrayAdd(memberGroups, groups[i]);
3841 	    }
3842 	    synchronized (announcer) {
3843 		announcer.notify();
3844 	    }
3845 	    addLogRecord(new MemberGroupsChangedLogObj(memberGroups));
3846 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3848 		    Level.CONFIG,
3849 		    "added member groups {0}",
3850 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(groups) });
3851 	    }
3852 	} finally {
3853 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3854 	}
3855     }
3857     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3858     public void removeMemberGroups(String[] groups)
3859 	throws NoSuchObjectException
3860     {
3861 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3862 	try {
3863 	    for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
3864                 int j = indexOf(memberGroups, groups[i]);
3865 	        if (j >= 0)
3866 		    memberGroups = (String[])arrayDel(memberGroups, j);
3867 	    }
3868 	    synchronized (announcer) {
3869 		announcer.notify();
3870 	    }
3871 	    addLogRecord(new MemberGroupsChangedLogObj(memberGroups));
3872 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3874 		    Level.CONFIG,
3875 		    "removed member groups {0}",
3876 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(groups) });
3877 	    }
3878 	} finally {
3879 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3880 	}
3881     }
3883     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3884     public String[] getMemberGroups() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3885 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3886 	try {
3887 	    /* no need to clone, never modified once created */
3888 	    return memberGroups;
3889 	} finally {
3890 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3891 	}
3892     }
3894     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3895     public void setMemberGroups(String[] groups) throws NoSuchObjectException {
3896 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3897 	try {
3898 	    memberGroups = (String[])removeDups(groups);
3899 	    addLogRecord(new MemberGroupsChangedLogObj(memberGroups));
3900 	    synchronized (announcer) {
3901 		announcer.notify();
3902 	    }
3903 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3905 		    Level.CONFIG,
3906 		    "set member groups {0}",
3907 		    new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(groups) });
3908 	    }
3909 	} finally {
3910 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3911 	}
3912     }
3914     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3915     public int getUnicastPort() throws NoSuchObjectException {
3916 	concurrentObj.readLock();
3917 	try {
3918 	    return unicastPort;
3919 	} finally {
3920 	    concurrentObj.readUnlock();
3921 	}
3922     }
3924     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3925     public void setUnicastPort(int port) throws IOException,RemoteException {
3926 	concurrentObj.writeLock();
3927 	try {
3928 	    if (port == unicastPort)
3929 		return;
3930 	    if ((port == 0 && unicast.port == Constants.discoveryPort) ||
3931 		port == unicast.port)
3932 	    {
3933 		unicastPort = port;
3934 		addLogRecord(new UnicastPortSetLogObj(port));
3935 		return;
3936 	    }
3937 	    /* create a UnicastThread that listens on the new port */
3938             unicast = new Unicast(this, port);
3939 	    Thread newUnicaster = new InterruptedStatusThread( unicast , "unicast request");
3940             newUnicaster.setDaemon(false);
3941 	    /* terminate the current UnicastThread listening on the old port */
3942 	    unicaster.interrupt();
3943 	    try {
3944 		unicaster.join();
3945 	    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
3946                 Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Restore the interrupt.
3947             }
3948 	    /* start the UnicastThread listening on the new port */
3949 	    unicaster = newUnicaster;
3950 	    unicaster.start();
3951 	    unicastPort = port;
3952 	    myLocator = (proxy instanceof RemoteMethodControl) ?
3953 		new ConstrainableLookupLocator(
3954 		    myLocator.getHost(), unicast.port, null) :
3955 		new LookupLocator(myLocator.getHost(), unicast.port);
3956 	    synchronized (announcer) {
3957 		announcer.notify();
3958 	    }
3959 	    addLogRecord(new UnicastPortSetLogObj(port));
3960 	    if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
3962 		    Level.CONFIG,
3963 		    "changed unicast discovery port to {0}",
3964 		    new Object[]{ Integer.valueOf(unicast.port) });
3965 	    }
3966 	} finally {
3967 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3968 	}
3969     }
3971     // This method's javadoc is inherited from an interface of this class
3972     public void destroy() throws RemoteException {
3973 	concurrentObj.priorityWriteLock();
3974 	try {
3975"starting Reggie shutdown");
3976 	    /* unregister with activation system if activatable */
3977 	    if (activationID != null) {
3978 		try {
3979 		    activationSystem.unregisterObject(activationID);
3980 		} catch (ActivationException e) {
3981 		    LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED,
3982 			       "exception unregistering activation ID", e);
3983 		} catch (RemoteException e) {
3984 		    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING,
3985 			       "aborting Reggie shutdown", e);
3986 		    throw e;
3987 		}
3988 	    }	    
3989 	    Thread destroy = new Thread(new Destroy(this), "destroy");
3990             destroy.setDaemon(false);
3991             destroy.start();
3992 	} finally {
3993 	    concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
3994 	}
3995     }
3997     /**
3998      * Return a new array containing the elements of the given array
3999      * plus the given element added to the end.
4000      */
4001     private static Object[] arrayAdd(Object[] array, Object elt) {
4002 	int len = array.length;
4003 	Object[] narray =
4004 	    (Object[])Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(),
4005 					len + 1);
4006 	System.arraycopy(array, 0, narray, 0, len);
4007 	narray[len] = elt;
4008 	return narray;
4009     }
4011     /**
4012      * Return a new array containing all the elements of the given array
4013      * except the one at the specified index.
4014      */
4015     private static Object[] arrayDel(Object[] array, int i) {
4016 	int len = array.length - 1;
4017 	Object[] narray =
4018 	    (Object[])Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(),
4019 					len);
4020 	System.arraycopy(array, 0, narray, 0, i);
4021 	System.arraycopy(array, i + 1, narray, i, len - i);
4022 	return narray;
4023     }
4025     /** Returns the first index of elt in the array, else -1. */
4026     private static int indexOf(Object[] array, Object elt) {
4027 	return indexOf(array, array.length, elt);
4028     }
4030     /** Returns the first index of elt in the array if < len, else -1. */
4031     private static int indexOf(Object[] array, int len, Object elt) {
4032 	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4033 	    if (elt.equals(array[i]))
4034 		return i;
4035 	}
4036 	return -1;
4037     }
4039     /** Return true if the array is null or zero length */
4040     private static boolean isEmpty(Object[] array) {
4041 	return (array == null || array.length == 0);
4042     }
4044     /** Return true if some object is an element of both arrays */
4045     private static boolean overlap(Object[] arr1, Object[] arr2) {
4046 	for (int i = arr1.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4047 	    if (indexOf(arr2, arr1[i]) >= 0)
4048 		return true;
4049 	}
4050 	return false;
4051     }
4053     /** Test if all elements of the array are null. */
4054     private static boolean allNull(Object[] array) {
4055 	for (int i = array.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4056 	    if (array[i] != null)
4057 		return false;
4058 	}
4059 	return true;
4060     }
4062     /** Test if all elements of the list are null. */
4063     private static boolean allNull(List array) {
4064 	for (int i = array.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
4065 	    if (array.get(i) != null)
4066 		return false;
4067 	}
4068 	return true;
4069     }
4071     /** Weed out duplicates. */
4072     private static Object[] removeDups(Object[] arr) {
4073 	for (int i = arr.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4074 	    if (indexOf(arr, i, arr[i]) >= 0)
4075 		arr = arrayDel(arr, i);
4076 	}
4077 	return arr;
4078     }
4080     /** Delete item.attributeSets[i] and return the new array. */
4081     private static EntryRep[] deleteSet(Item item, int i) {
4082 	item.setAttributeSets((EntryRep[]) arrayDel(item.getAttributeSets(), i));
4083 	return item.getAttributeSets();
4084     }
4086     /**
4087      * Do a deep copy of the item, and substitute replacements for all
4088      * embedded EntryClass instances and null for the ServiceType and
4089      * codebase (since they aren't needed on the client side).
4090      */
4091     private static Item copyItem(Item item) {
4092 	EntryRep[] attrSets = item.getAttributeSets();
4093 	for (int i = attrSets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4094             attrSets[i] = new EntryRep(attrSets[i], true);
4095 	}
4096 	return new Item(item.getServiceID(), null, null, item.service, attrSets, item.getProxy() );
4097     }
4099     /**
4100      * Return the first (highest) class that defines the given field.  This
4101      * would be a method on EntryClass, but we want to minimize code
4102      * downloaded into the client.
4103      */
4104     private static EntryClass getDefiningClass(EntryClass eclass, int fldidx) {
4105 	while (true) {
4106 	    EntryClass sup = eclass.getSuperclass();
4107 	    if (sup.getNumFields() <= fldidx)
4108 		return eclass;
4109 	    eclass = sup;
4110 	}
4111     }
4113     /** Adds a service registration to types in its hierarchy */
4114     private void addServiceByTypes(ServiceType type, SvcReg reg) {
4115 	Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> map = serviceByTypeName.get(type.getName());
4116 	if (map == null) {
4117 	    map = new HashMap<ServiceID,SvcReg>();
4118 	    serviceByTypeName.put(type.getName(), map);
4119 	}
4120 	map.put(reg.item.getServiceID(), reg);	
4121 	ServiceType[] ifaces = type.getInterfaces();
4122 	for (int i = ifaces.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4123 	    addServiceByTypes(ifaces[i], reg);
4124 	}
4125 	ServiceType sup = type.getSuperclass();
4126 	if (sup != null)
4127 	    addServiceByTypes(sup, reg);
4128     }
4130     /** Deletes a service registration from types in its hierarchy */
4131     private void deleteServiceFromTypes(ServiceType type, SvcReg reg)
4132     {
4133 	Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> map = serviceByTypeName.get(type.getName());
4134 	if (map != null) {
4135 	    map.remove(reg.item.getServiceID());
4136 	    if ((map.isEmpty()) && !type.equals(objectServiceType))
4137 		serviceByTypeName.remove(type.getName());
4138 	    ServiceType[] ifaces = type.getInterfaces();
4139 	    for (int j = ifaces.length; --j >= 0; ) {
4140 		deleteServiceFromTypes(ifaces[j], reg);
4141 	    }
4142 	    ServiceType sup = type.getSuperclass();
4143 	    if (sup != null)
4144 		deleteServiceFromTypes(sup, reg);
4145 	}
4146     }
4148     /**
4149      * Test if an item matches a template.  This would be a method on
4150      * Template, but we want to minimize code downloaded into the client.
4151      */
4152     private static boolean matchItem(Template tmpl, Item item) {
4153 	return ((tmpl.serviceID() == null ||
4154 		 tmpl.serviceID().equals(item.getServiceID())) &&
4155 		matchType(tmpl.serviceTypes(), item.serviceType) &&
4156 		matchAttributes(tmpl, item));
4157     }
4159     /** Test if a type is equal to or a subtype of every type in an array. */
4160     private static boolean matchType(ServiceType[] types, ServiceType type) {
4161 	if (types != null) {
4162 	    for (int i = types.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4163 		if (!types[i].isAssignableFrom(type))
4164 		    return false;
4165 	    }
4166 	}
4167 	return true;
4168     }
4170     /**
4171      * Test if an entry matches a template.  This would be a method on
4172      * EntryRep, but we want to minimize code downloaded into the client.
4173      */
4174     private static boolean matchEntry(EntryRep tmpl, EntryRep entry) {
4175 	return entry.matchEntry(tmpl);
4176     }
4178     /**
4179      * Test if there is at least one matching entry in the Item for
4180      * each entry template in the Template.
4181      */
4182     private static boolean matchAttributes(Template tmpl, Item item) {
4183 	EntryRep[] tmpls = tmpl.attributeSetTemplates();
4184 	if (tmpls != null) {
4185 	    EntryRep[] entries = item.getAttributeSets();
4186 	outer:
4187 	    for (int i = tmpls.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4188 		EntryRep etmpl = tmpls[i];
4189 		for (int j = entries.length; --j >= 0; ) {
4190 		    if (matchEntry(etmpl, entries[j]))
4191 			continue outer;
4192 		}
4193 		return false;
4194 	    }
4195 	}
4196 	return true;
4197     }
4199     /**
4200      * Test if an entry either doesn't match any template in an array,
4201      * or matches a template but is a subclass of the template type.
4202      */
4203     private static boolean attrMatch(EntryRep[] tmpls, EntryRep attrSet) {
4204 	boolean good = true;
4205 	if (tmpls != null) {
4206 	    for (int i = tmpls.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4207 		EntryRep tmpl = tmpls[i];
4208 		if (matchEntry(tmpl, attrSet)) {
4209 		    if (tmpl.eclass.isAssignableFrom(attrSet.eclass) &&
4210 			!tmpl.eclass.equals(attrSet.eclass))
4211 			return true;
4212 		    good = false;
4213 		}
4214 	    }
4215 	}
4216 	return good;
4217     }
4219     /**
4220      * Test if the service has an entry of the given class or subclass
4221      * with a field of the given value.
4222      */
4223     private static boolean hasAttr(SvcReg reg,
4224 				   EntryClass eclass,
4225 				   int fldidx,
4226 				   Object value)
4227     {
4228 	EntryRep[] sets = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
4229 	for (int i = sets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4230 	    EntryRep set = sets[i];
4231 	    if (eclass.isAssignableFrom(set.eclass) &&
4232 		((value == null && set.fields().get(fldidx) == null) ||
4233 		 (value != null && value.equals(set.fields().get(fldidx)))))
4234 		return true;
4235 	}
4236 	return false;
4237     }
4239     /**
4240      * Test if the service has an entry of the exact given class (assumed
4241      * to have no fields).
4242      */
4243     private static boolean hasEmptyAttr(SvcReg reg, EntryClass eclass) {
4244 	EntryRep[] sets = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
4245 	for (int i = sets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4246 	    if (eclass.equals(sets[i].eclass))
4247 		return true;
4248 	}
4249 	return false;
4250     }
4252     /**
4253      * Find the most specific types (of type) that don't match prefix and
4254      * aren't equal to or a supertype of any types in bases, and add them
4255      * to types.
4256      */
4257     private static void addTypes(List types,
4258 				 List codebases,
4259 				 ServiceType[] bases,
4260 				 String prefix,
4261 				 ServiceType type,
4262 				 String codebase)
4263     {
4264 	if (types.contains(type))
4265 	    return;
4266 	if (bases != null) {
4267 	    for (int i = bases.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4268 		if (type.isAssignableFrom(bases[i]))
4269 		    return;
4270 	    }
4271 	}
4272 	if (prefix == null || type.getName().startsWith(prefix)) {
4273 	    types.add(type);
4274 	    codebases.add(codebase);
4275 	    return;
4276 	}
4277 	ServiceType[] ifs = type.getInterfaces();
4278 	for (int i = ifs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4279 	    addTypes(types, codebases, bases, prefix, ifs[i], codebase);
4280 	}
4281 	ServiceType sup = type.getSuperclass();
4282 	if (sup != null)
4283 	    addTypes(types, codebases, bases, prefix, sup, codebase);
4284     }
4286     /** Limit leaseDuration by limit, and check for negative value. */
4287     private static long limitDuration(long leaseDuration, long limit) {
4288 	if (leaseDuration == Lease.ANY || leaseDuration > limit)
4289 	    leaseDuration = limit;
4290 	else if (leaseDuration < 0)
4291 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative lease duration");
4292 	return leaseDuration;
4293     }
4295     /**
4296      * Writes reggie's attributes to ObjectOutputStream as a
4297      * null-terminated list of MarshalledInstances.
4298      */
4299     private static void marshalAttributes(Entry[] attrs,
4300 					  ObjectOutputStream out)
4301 	throws IOException
4302     {
4303         int len = attrs.length;
4304 	for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
4305 	    out.writeObject(new MarshalledInstance(attrs[i]));
4306 	}
4307 	out.writeObject(null);
4308     }
4310     /**
4311      * Returns reggie's attributes unmarshalled from a null-terminated list of
4312      * MarshalledInstances read from the given stream, logging (but tolerating)
4313      * unmarshalling failures.
4314      */
4315     private static Entry[] unmarshalAttributes(ObjectInputStream in)
4316 	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
4317     {
4318 	List<Entry> attributes = new LinkedList<Entry>();
4319 	MarshalledInstance mi = null;
4320 	while ((mi = (MarshalledInstance) in.readObject()) != null) {
4321 	    try {
4322 		attributes.add((Entry) mi.get(false));
4323 	    } catch (Throwable e) {
4324 		if (e instanceof Error &&
4325 		    ThrowableConstants.retryable(e) ==
4326 			ThrowableConstants.BAD_OBJECT)
4327 		{
4328 		    throw (Error) e;
4329 		}
4330 		LOGGER.log(
4331 		    Level.WARNING, "failed to recover LUS attribute", e);
4332 	    }
4333 	}
4334 	Entry[] attrs = new Entry[attributes.size()];
4335 	return attributes.toArray(attrs);
4337     }
4340     /**
4341      * Writes locators to the given stream as a null-terminated list of
4342      * MarshalledInstances.
4343      */
4344     private static void marshalLocators(LookupLocator[] locators,
4345 					ObjectOutputStream out)
4346 	throws IOException
4347     {
4348         int len = locators.length;
4349 	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4350 	    out.writeObject(new MarshalledInstance(locators[i]));
4351 	}
4352 	out.writeObject(null);
4353     }
4355     /**
4356      * Returns locators unmarshalled from a null-terminated list of
4357      * MarshalledInstances read from the given stream, logging (but tolerating)
4358      * unmarshalling failures.
4359      */
4360     private static LookupLocator[] unmarshalLocators(ObjectInputStream in)
4361 	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
4362     {
4363 	List<LookupLocator> l = new LinkedList<LookupLocator>();
4364 	MarshalledInstance mi;
4365 	while ((mi = (MarshalledInstance) in.readObject()) != null) {
4366 	    try {
4367 		l.add((LookupLocator) mi.get(false));
4368 	    } catch (Throwable e) {
4369 		if (e instanceof Error &&
4370 		    ThrowableConstants.retryable(e) ==
4371 			ThrowableConstants.BAD_OBJECT)
4372 		{
4373 		    throw (Error) e;
4374 		}
4375 		LOGGER.log(
4376 		    Level.WARNING, "failed to recover lookup locator", e);
4377 	    }
4378 	}
4379 	return l.toArray(new LookupLocator[l.size()]);
4380     }
4382     /**
4383      * Returns new array containing locators from the given non-null array
4384      * prepared using the given proxy preparer.  If tolerateFailures is false,
4385      * then any proxy preparation exception is propagated to the caller.
4386      * Otherwise, such exceptions are logged, and only successfully prepared
4387      * locators are included in the returned array.
4388      */
4389     private static LookupLocator[] prepareLocators(LookupLocator[] locators,
4390 						   ProxyPreparer preparer,
4391 						   boolean tolerateFailures)
4392 	throws RemoteException
4393     {
4394         int len = locators.length;
4395 	List<LookupLocator> l = new ArrayList<LookupLocator>(len);
4396 	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4397 	    try {
4398 		l.add((LookupLocator) preparer.prepareProxy(locators[i]));
4399 	    } catch (Exception e) {
4400 		if (!tolerateFailures) {
4401 		    if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
4402 			throw (RemoteException) e;
4403 		    } else {
4404 			throw (RuntimeException) e;
4405 		    }
4406 		}
4407 		if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
4408 		    logThrow(DISCOVERY_LOGGER, Level.WARNING,
4409 			RegistrarImpl.class.getName(),
4410 			"prepareLocators",
4411 			"failed to prepare lookup locator {0}",
4412 			new Object[]{ locators[i] },
4413 			e);
4414 		}
4415 	    }
4416 	}
4417 	return l.toArray(new LookupLocator[l.size()]);
4418     }
4420     /**
4421      * Logs a thrown exception.
4422      */
4423     private static void logThrow(Logger logger,
4424 				Level level,
4425 				String className,
4426 				String methodName,
4427 				String message,
4428 				Object[] args,
4429 				Throwable thrown)
4430     {
4431 	java.util.logging.LogRecord lr =
4432 	    new java.util.logging.LogRecord(level, message);
4433 	lr.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
4434 	lr.setSourceClassName(className);
4435 	lr.setSourceMethodName(methodName);
4436 	lr.setParameters(args);
4437 	lr.setThrown(thrown);
4438 	logger.log(lr);
4439     }
4441     /**
4442      * Add a service to our state.  This includes putting it in the
4443      * serviceByID map under the serviceID, in the serviceByTime map,
4444      * in the serviceByType map under the service's most-specific
4445      * ServiceType, and in the serviceByAttr map under all of its
4446      * attribute values, incrementing the number of instances of each
4447      * EntryClass, and updating entryClasses as necessary.  If this is
4448      * the first instance of that ServiceType registered, then we need
4449      * to add concrete class information to the type and all supertypes.
4450      */
4451     private void addService(SvcReg reg) {
4452 	serviceByID.put(reg.item.getServiceID(), reg);
4453 	serviceByTime.add(reg);
4454 	addServiceByTypes(reg.item.serviceType, reg);
4455 	EntryRep[] entries = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
4456 	for (int i = entries.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4457 	    addAttrs(reg, entries[i]);
4458 	}
4459 	computeMaxLeases();
4460     }
4462     /**
4463      * Delete given service, generating events as necessary.  This includes
4464      * deleting from the serviceByID, serviceByTime, serviceByType, and
4465      * serviceByAttr maps, decrementing the number of instances of each
4466      * EntryClass, and updating entryClasses as necessary.  If this is the
4467      * last registered instance of the service type, then we delete the
4468      * concrete class information from the type and all supertypes.
4469      */
4470     private void deleteService(SvcReg reg, long now) {
4471 	Item item = reg.item;
4472 	generateEvents(item, null, now);
4473 	serviceByID.remove(item.getServiceID());
4474 	serviceByTime.remove(reg);
4475 	deleteServiceFromTypes(item.serviceType, reg);
4476 	EntryRep[] entries = item.getAttributeSets();
4477 	for (int i = entries.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4478 	    deleteAttrs(reg, entries[i], false);
4479 	}
4480 	computeMaxLeases();
4481     }
4483     /**
4484      * Add an event registration to our state.  This includes adding a
4485      * template of each EntryClass, putting the registration in the
4486      * eventByID map, in the eventByTime map, and in either
4487      * subEventByService (if the template is for a specific service id)
4488      * or subEventByID.  Since we expect in most cases there will only
4489      * ever be a single event registration for a given service id, we
4490      * avoid creating a singleton array in that case.
4491      */
4492     private void addEvent(EventReg reg) {
4493 	if (reg.listener == null)
4494 	    return; /* failed to recover from log */
4495 	EntryRep[] tmpls = reg.tmpl.attributeSetTemplates();
4496 	if (tmpls != null) {
4497 	    for (int i = tmpls.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4498 		EntryClass eclass = tmpls[i].eclass;
4499 		eclass.setNumTemplates(eclass.getNumTemplates() + 1);
4500 	    }
4501 	}
4502 	Long id = Long.valueOf(reg.eventID);
4503 	eventByID.put(id, reg);
4504 	eventByTime.offer(reg);
4505         eventTaskMap.put(reg, eventNotifierExec.newSerialExecutor(new PriorityBlockingQueue()) );
4506 	if (reg.tmpl.serviceID() != null) {
4507 	    Object val = subEventByService.get(reg.tmpl.serviceID());
4508 	    if (val == null)
4509 		val = reg;
4510 	    else if (val instanceof EventReg)
4511 		val = new EventReg[]{(EventReg)val, reg};
4512 	    else
4513 		val = arrayAdd((EventReg[])val, reg);
4514 	    subEventByService.put(reg.tmpl.serviceID(), val);
4515 	} else {
4516 	    subEventByID.put(id, reg);
4517 	}
4518 	computeMaxLeases();
4519     }
4521     /**
4522      * Remove an event registration from our state.  This includes deleting
4523      * a template of each EntryClass, deleting the registration from the
4524      * eventByID map, the eventByTime map, and either the subEventByService
4525      * or subEventByID map.
4526      */
4527     private void deleteEvent(EventReg reg) {
4528 	EntryRep[] tmpls = reg.tmpl.attributeSetTemplates();
4529 	if (tmpls != null) {
4530 	    for (int i = tmpls.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4531 		EntryClass eclass = tmpls[i].eclass;
4532 		eclass.setNumTemplates(eclass.getNumTemplates() - 1);
4533 	    }
4534 	}
4535 	Long id = Long.valueOf(reg.eventID);
4536 	eventByID.remove(id);
4537 	eventByTime.remove(reg);
4538         eventTaskMap.remove(reg);
4539 	if (reg.tmpl.serviceID() != null) {
4540 	    Object val = subEventByService.get(reg.tmpl.serviceID());
4541 	    if (val == reg) {
4542 		subEventByService.remove(reg.tmpl.serviceID());
4543 	    } else {
4544 		Object[] array = (EventReg[])val;
4545 		array = arrayDel(array, indexOf(array, reg));
4546 		if (array.length == 1)
4547 		    val = array[0];
4548 		else
4549 		    val = array;
4550 		subEventByService.put(reg.tmpl.serviceID(), val);
4551 	    }
4552 	} else {
4553 	    subEventByID.remove(id);
4554 	}
4555 	computeMaxLeases();
4556     }
4558     /**
4559      * Put the service in the serviceByAttr map under all attribute values
4560      * in the given entry, or in the serviceByEmptyAttr map if the entry
4561      * has no attributes, add a new instance of the EntryClass, and update
4562      * entryClasses as necessary.
4563      */
4564     private void addAttrs(SvcReg reg, EntryRep entry) {
4565 	EntryClass eclass = entry.eclass;
4566 	addInstance(eclass);
4567 	List fields = entry.fields();
4568 	if ( fields.size() > 0) {
4569 	    /* walk backwards to make getDefiningClass more efficient */
4570 	    for (int i = fields.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
4571 		eclass = getDefiningClass(eclass, i);
4572 		addAttr(reg, eclass, i, fields.get(i));
4573 	    }
4574 	    return;
4575 	}
4576 	List regs = serviceByEmptyAttr.get(eclass);
4577 	if (regs == null) {
4578 	    regs = new ArrayList(2);
4579 	    regs.add(reg);
4580 	    serviceByEmptyAttr.put(eclass, regs);
4581 	} else if (!regs.contains(reg)) {
4582 	    regs.add(reg);
4583 	}
4584     }
4586     /**
4587      * If checkDups is false, delete the service (if present) from
4588      * serviceByAttr under all attribute values of the given entry or
4589      * from serviceByEmptyAttr if the entry has no attributes.
4590      * If checkDups is true, only delete for a given attribute value if the
4591      * service has no other entries of similar type that still have the
4592      * same value.  Either way, delete an instance of the EntryClass,
4593      * and update entryClasses as necessary.
4594      */
4595     private void deleteAttrs(SvcReg reg, EntryRep entry, boolean checkDups) {
4596 	EntryClass eclass = entry.eclass;
4597 	deleteInstance(eclass);
4598 	List fields = entry.fields();
4599 	if ( fields.isEmpty()) {
4600 	    List regs = serviceByEmptyAttr.get(eclass);
4601 	    if (regs == null || (checkDups && hasEmptyAttr(reg, eclass)))
4602 		return;
4603 	    int idx = regs.indexOf(reg);
4604 	    if (idx >= 0) {
4605 		regs.remove(idx);
4606 		if (regs.isEmpty())
4607 		    serviceByEmptyAttr.remove(eclass);
4608 	    }
4609 	    return;
4610 	}
4611 	/* walk backwards to make getDefiningClass more efficient */
4612 	for (int fldidx = fields.size(); --fldidx >= 0; ) {
4613 	    eclass = getDefiningClass(eclass, fldidx);
4614 	    Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps = serviceByAttr.get(eclass);
4615 	    if (attrMaps == null ||
4616 		attrMaps[fldidx] == null ||
4617 		(checkDups && hasAttr(reg, eclass, fldidx, fields.get(fldidx))))
4618 		continue;
4619 	    Map<Object,List<SvcReg>> map = attrMaps[fldidx];
4620 	    Object value = fields.get(fldidx);
4621 	    List<SvcReg> regs = map.get(value);
4622 	    if (regs == null)
4623 		continue;
4624 	    int idx = regs.indexOf(reg);
4625 	    if (idx < 0)
4626 		continue;
4627 	    regs.remove(idx);
4628 	    if (!regs.isEmpty())
4629 		continue;
4630 	    map.remove(value);
4631 	    if (!map.isEmpty())
4632 		continue;
4633 	    attrMaps[fldidx] = null;
4634 	    if (allNull(attrMaps))
4635 		serviceByAttr.remove(eclass);
4636 	}
4637     }
4639     /**
4640      * Store all non-null elements of values into the given entry,
4641      * and update serviceByAttr to match.
4642      */
4643     private void updateAttrs(SvcReg reg, EntryRep entry, List values)
4644     {
4645 	EntryClass eclass = entry.eclass;
4646 	/* walk backwards to make getDefiningClass more efficient */
4647 	for (int fldidx = values.size(); --fldidx >= 0; ) {
4648 	    Object oval = entry.fields().get(fldidx);
4649 	    Object nval = values.get(fldidx);
4650 	    if (nval != null && !nval.equals(oval)) {
4651 		eclass = getDefiningClass(eclass, fldidx);
4652 		Map<Object,List<SvcReg>> map = addAttr(reg, eclass, fldidx, nval);
4653 		entry.fields().set(fldidx, nval);
4654 		if (hasAttr(reg, eclass, fldidx, oval))
4655 		    continue;
4656 		List regs = map.get(oval);
4657 		regs.remove(regs.indexOf(reg));
4658 		if (regs.isEmpty())
4659 		    map.remove(oval); /* map cannot become empty */
4660 	    }
4661 	}
4662     }
4664     /**
4665      * Put the service under the given attribute value for the given
4666      * defining class and field, if it isn't already there.  Return
4667      * the HashMap for the given class and field.
4668      */
4669     private Map<Object,List<SvcReg>> addAttr(SvcReg reg,
4670 			    EntryClass eclass,
4671 			    int fldidx,
4672 			    Object value)
4673     {
4674 	Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps = serviceByAttr.get(eclass);
4675 	if (attrMaps == null) {
4676 	    attrMaps = new Map[eclass.getNumFields()];
4677 	    serviceByAttr.put(eclass, attrMaps);
4678 	}
4679 	Map<Object,List<SvcReg>> map = attrMaps[fldidx];
4680 	if (map == null) {
4681 	    map = new HashMap(11);
4682 	    attrMaps[fldidx] = map;
4683 	}
4684 	List<SvcReg> regs = map.get(value);  //REMIND: Null field value ok?
4685 	if (regs == null) {
4686 	    regs = new ArrayList(3);
4687 	    map.put(value, regs);
4688 	} else if (regs.contains(reg))
4689 	    return map;
4690 	regs.add(reg);
4691 	return map;
4692     }
4694     /**
4695      * Add an instance of the EntryClass, and add the class to entryClasses
4696      * if this is the first such instance.
4697      */
4698      private void addInstance(EntryClass eclass) {
4699 	int idx = entryClasses.indexOf(eclass);
4700 	if (idx < 0) {
4701 	    entryClasses.add(eclass);
4702 	    idx = entryClasses.size() - 1;
4703 	}
4704 	eclass = (EntryClass) entryClasses.get(idx);
4705 	eclass.setNumInstances(eclass.getNumInstances() + 1);	
4706     }
4708     /**
4709      * Delete an instance of the EntryClass, and remove the class from
4710      * entryClasses if this is the last such instance.
4711      */
4712     private void deleteInstance(EntryClass eclass) {
4713 	int idx = entryClasses.indexOf(eclass);
4714 	eclass = (EntryClass) entryClasses.get(idx);
4715 	int num = eclass.getNumInstances() - 1;
4716 	if (num == 0)
4717 	    entryClasses.remove(idx);
4718 	eclass.setNumInstances(num);
4719     }
4721     /** Return an appropriate iterator for Items matching the Template. */
4722     private ItemIter matchingItems(Template tmpl) {
4723 	if (tmpl.serviceID() != null)
4724 	    return new IDItemIter(tmpl, serviceByID.get(tmpl.serviceID()));
4725 	if (tmpl.serviceTypesLength() > 0){
4726             Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> map = serviceByTypeName.get(
4727 	       tmpl.serviceTypeAtIndex(0).getName());
4728 	    Iterator<SvcReg> services = map != null ? map.values().iterator() :
4729 		Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
4730 	    return new SvcIterator(tmpl, services);
4731         }
4732 	EntryRep[] sets = tmpl.attributeSetTemplates();
4733 	if (isEmpty(sets))
4734 	    return new AllItemIter(serviceByID.values().iterator());
4735 	for (int i = sets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
4736 	    List fields = sets[i].fields();
4737 	    if (fields.isEmpty()) {
4738 		EntryClass eclass = getEmptyEntryClass(sets[i].eclass);
4739 		if (eclass != null)
4740 		    return new AttrItemIter(tmpl, serviceByEmptyAttr.get(eclass));
4741 	    } else {
4742 		/* try subclass fields before superclass fields */
4743 		for (int j = fields.size(); --j >= 0; ) {
4744 		    if (fields.get(j) != null){
4745                         EntryRep set = tmpl.attributeSetTemplateAtIndex(i);
4746                         Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps =
4747                             serviceByAttr.get(getDefiningClass(set.eclass,j));
4748                         List<SvcReg> svcs = null;
4749                         if (attrMaps != null && attrMaps[j] != null) {
4750                             svcs = attrMaps[j].get(set.fields().get(j));
4751                         }                   
4752 			return new AttrItemIter(tmpl, svcs);
4753                     }
4754 		}
4755 	    }
4756 	}
4757 	return new ClassItemIter(tmpl);
4758     }
4760     /**
4761      * Return member of entryClasses that is equal to or a subclass of
4762      * the specified class, provided there is exactly one such member
4763      * and it has no fields.
4764      */
4765     private EntryClass getEmptyEntryClass(EntryClass eclass) {
4766 	EntryClass match = null;
4767 	for (int i = entryClasses.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
4768 	    EntryClass cand = (EntryClass)entryClasses.get(i);
4769 	    if (eclass.isAssignableFrom(cand)) {
4770 		if (cand.getNumFields() != 0 || match != null)
4771 		    return null;
4772 		match = cand;
4773 	    }
4774 	}
4775 	return match;
4776     }
4778     /** Returns a list of services that match all types passed in */
4779     private List<SvcReg> matchingServices(ServiceType[] types) {
4780 	List<SvcReg> matches = new LinkedList<SvcReg>();
4781 	if (isEmpty(types)) {
4782 	    Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> map = serviceByTypeName.get(objectServiceType.getName());
4783 	    matches.addAll(map.values());
4784 	} else {
4785 	    Map map = (Map) serviceByTypeName.get(types[0].getName());
4786 	    if (map != null)
4787 	        matches.addAll(map.values());
4788 	    if (types.length > 1) {
4789 	        for (Iterator<SvcReg> it = matches.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
4790 		    SvcReg reg =;
4791 		    if (!matchType(types, reg.item.serviceType))
4792 		        it.remove();
4793 	        }
4794 	    }
4795 	}
4796 	return matches;
4797     }
4799     /** Return any valid codebase for an entry class that has instances. */
4800     private String pickCodebase(EntryClass eclass, long now)
4801 	throws ClassNotFoundException
4802     {
4803 	if (eclass.getNumFields() == 0)
4804 	    return pickCodebase(eclass,
4805 				serviceByEmptyAttr.get(eclass),
4806 				now);
4807 	int fldidx = eclass.getNumFields() - 1;
4808 	Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps =
4809 	    serviceByAttr.get(getDefiningClass(eclass, fldidx));
4810 	for (Iterator<List<SvcReg>> iter = attrMaps[fldidx].values().iterator();
4811 	     iter.hasNext(); )
4812 	{
4813 	    try {
4814 		return pickCodebase(eclass,, now);
4815 	    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
4816 	    }
4817 	}
4818 	throw new ClassNotFoundException();
4819     }
4821     /** Return any valid codebase for an entry of the exact given class. */
4822     private String pickCodebase(EntryClass eclass, List<SvcReg> svcs, long now)
4823 	throws ClassNotFoundException
4824     {
4825 	for (int i = svcs.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
4826 	    SvcReg reg = svcs.get(i);
4827 	    if (reg.leaseExpiration <= now)
4828 		continue;
4829 	    EntryRep[] sets = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
4830 	    for (int j = sets.length; --j >= 0; ) {
4831 		if (eclass.equals(sets[j].eclass))
4832 		    return sets[j].codebase;
4833 	    }
4834 	}
4835 	throw new ClassNotFoundException();
4836     }
4838     /**
4839      * Compute new maxServiceLease and maxEventLease values.  This needs to
4840      * be called whenever the number of services (#S) or number of events
4841      * (#E) changes, or whenever any of the configuration parameters change.
4842      * The two base equations driving the computation are:
4843      *     #S/maxServiceLease + #E/maxEventLease <= 1/minRenewalInterval
4844      *     maxServiceLease/maxEventLease = minMaxServiceLease/minMaxEventLease
4845      */
4846     private void computeMaxLeases() {
4847 	if (inRecovery)
4848 	    return;
4849 	maxServiceLease =
4850 	    Math.max(minMaxServiceLease,
4851 		     minRenewalInterval *
4852 		     (serviceByID.size() +
4853 		      ((eventByID.size() * minMaxServiceLease) /
4854 		       minMaxEventLease)));
4855 	maxEventLease = Math.max(minMaxEventLease,
4856 				 ((maxServiceLease * minMaxEventLease) /
4857 				  minMaxServiceLease));
4858     }
4860     //TODO: finish https discovery
4861     private void respondHttps(Socket socket) throws Exception {
4862 	try {
4863 	    try {
4864 		socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
4865 		socket.setKeepAlive(true);		
4866 	    } catch (SocketException e) {
4867 		if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED))
4868 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED,
4869 			       "problem setting socket options", e);
4870 	    }
4871 	    socket.setSoTimeout(
4872 	       unicastDiscoveryConstraints.getUnicastSocketTimeout(
4873 	           DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT));
4875 	    httpsDiscovery.handleUnicastDiscovery(
4876 		new UnicastResponse(myLocator.getHost(),
4877 				    myLocator.getPort(),
4878 				    memberGroups,
4879 				    proxy),
4880 		socket,
4881 		unicastDiscoveryConstraints.getUnfulfilledConstraints(),
4882 		unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker,
4883 		Collections.EMPTY_LIST);	
4884 	} finally {
4885 	    try {
4886 		socket.close();
4887 	    } catch (IOException e) {
4888 		DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED, "exception closing socket", e);
4889 	    }
4890 	}
4891     }
4893     /** Process a unicast discovery request, and respond. */
4894     private void respond(Socket socket) throws Exception {
4895 	try {
4896 	    try {
4897 		socket.setTcpNoDelay(true);
4898 		socket.setKeepAlive(true);		
4899 	    } catch (SocketException e) {
4900 		if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Levels.HANDLED))
4901 		    DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED,
4902 			       "problem setting socket options", e);
4903 	    }
4904 	    socket.setSoTimeout(
4905 	       unicastDiscoveryConstraints.getUnicastSocketTimeout(
4906 	           DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT));
4907 	    int pv = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()).readInt();
4908 	    unicastDiscoveryConstraints.checkProtocolVersion(pv);
4909 	    getDiscovery(pv).handleUnicastDiscovery(
4910 		new UnicastResponse(myLocator.getHost(),
4911 				    myLocator.getPort(),
4912 				    memberGroups,
4913 				    proxy),
4914 		socket,
4915 		unicastDiscoveryConstraints.getUnfulfilledConstraints(),
4916 		unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker,
4917 		Collections.EMPTY_LIST);	
4918 	} finally {
4919 	    try {
4920 		socket.close();
4921 	    } catch (IOException e) {
4922 		DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Levels.HANDLED, "exception closing socket", e);
4923 	    }
4924 	}
4925     }
4927     /** Returns Discovery instance implementing the given protocol version */
4928     private Discovery getDiscovery(int version)
4929 	throws DiscoveryProtocolException
4930     {
4931 	switch (version) {
4932 	    case Discovery.PROTOCOL_VERSION_1:
4933 		return Discovery.getProtocol1();
4934 	    case Discovery.PROTOCOL_VERSION_2:
4935 		return protocol2;
4936 	    default:
4937 		throw new DiscoveryProtocolException(
4938 		    "unsupported protocol version: " + version);
4939 	}
4940     }
4942     /** Close any sockets that were sitting in the task queue. */
4943     private void closeRequestSockets(List<Runnable> tasks) {
4944 	for (int i = tasks.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
4945 	    Runnable obj = tasks.get(i);
4946 	    if (obj instanceof SocketTask) {
4947 		try {
4948 		    ((SocketTask)obj).socket.close();
4949 		} catch (IOException e) {
4950 		}
4951 	    }
4952 	}
4953     }
4955     /**
4956      * Reggie Initializer
4957      */
4958     private static final class Initializer{
4959          LifeCycle lifeCycle;
4960          ServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory;
4961          int persistenceSnapshotThreshold;
4962          SocketFactory socketFactory;
4963          ProxyPreparer recoveredListenerPreparer;
4964          float persistenceSnapshotWeight;
4965          ProxyPreparer recoveredLocatorPreparer;
4966          boolean inRecovery;
4967          ActivationID activationID;
4968          ActivationSystem activationSystem;
4969          Exporter serverExporter;
4970          String[] lookupGroups = DiscoveryGroupManagement.NO_GROUPS;
4971          LookupLocator[] lookupLocators = {};
4972          String[] memberGroups = {""};
4973          int unicastPort = 0;
4974          Entry[] lookupAttrs;
4975          DiscoveryManagement discoer;
4976          ProxyPreparer listenerPreparer;
4977          ProxyPreparer locatorPreparer;
4978          long minMaxEventLease;
4979          long minMaxServiceLease;
4980          long minRenewalInterval;
4981          long multicastAnnouncementInterval;
4982          int multicastInterfaceRetryInterval;
4983          NetworkInterface[] multicastInterfaces;
4984          boolean multicastInterfacesSpecified;
4985          UuidGenerator resourceIdGenerator;
4986          UuidGenerator serviceIdGenerator;
4987          long unexportTimeout;
4988          long unexportWait;
4989          ServiceType objectServiceType;
4990          ClientSubjectChecker unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker;
4991          Discovery protocol2;
4992          InvocationConstraints rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints;
4993          DiscoveryConstraints multicastRequestConstraints;
4994          DiscoveryConstraints multicastAnnouncementConstraints;
4995          DiscoveryConstraints unicastDiscoveryConstraints;
4996          ClientSubjectChecker multicastRequestSubjectChecker;
4997          LoginContext loginContext;
4998          String persistenceDirectory = null;
4999          boolean persistent;
5000          String unicastDiscoveryHost;
5001          Configuration config;
5002          AccessControlContext context;
5003          ExecutorService executor;
5004          ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor;
5005 	 String certFactoryType;
5006 	 String certPathEncoding;
5007 	 byte [] encodedCerts;
5008 	 private int httpsUnicastPort;
5009 	 boolean enableHttpsUnicast;
5010 	 Discovery httpsDiscovery;
5011 	 String codebase;
5015         Initializer ( Configuration config, ActivationID activationID, 
5016                 boolean persistent, LifeCycle lifeCycle, LoginContext loginContext)
5017 	throws IOException, ConfigurationException, ActivationException {
5018             if (activationID != null && !persistent) {
5019                 throw new IllegalArgumentException();
5020             }
5021             this.lifeCycle = lifeCycle;
5022             this.loginContext = loginContext;
5023             this.persistent = persistent;
5024             this.config = config;
5025             context = AccessController.getContext();
5026             ProxyPreparer p = new BasicProxyPreparer();
5028             this.serverSocketFactory = (ServerSocketFactory) config.getEntry(
5029                     COMPONENT, "serverSocketFactory", ServerSocketFactory.class,
5030                     ServerSocketFactory.getDefault(), Configuration.NO_DATA);
5031             this.socketFactory = (SocketFactory) config.getEntry(
5032                     COMPONENT, "socketFactory", SocketFactory.class,
5033                     SocketFactory.getDefault(), Configuration.NO_DATA);
5035             /* persistence-specific initialization */
5036             if (persistent) {
5037                 this.persistenceSnapshotThreshold = Config.getIntEntry(
5038                     config, COMPONENT, "persistenceSnapshotThreshold",
5039                     200, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
5040                 this.persistenceDirectory = (String) config.getEntry(
5041                     COMPONENT, "persistenceDirectory", String.class);
5042                 this.recoveredListenerPreparer = (ProxyPreparer) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5043                     config, COMPONENT, "recoveredListenerPreparer",
5044                     ProxyPreparer.class, p);
5045                 this.recoveredLocatorPreparer = (ProxyPreparer) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5046                     config, COMPONENT, "recoveredLocatorPreparer",
5047                     ProxyPreparer.class, p);
5048                 this.persistenceSnapshotWeight = Config.getFloatEntry(
5049                     config, COMPONENT, "persistenceSnapshotWeight",
5050                     10, 0F, Float.MAX_VALUE);
5051             }
5053             /* activation-specific initialization */
5054             if (activationID != null) {
5055                 ProxyPreparer activationIdPreparer = (ProxyPreparer)
5056                     Config.getNonNullEntry(
5057                         config, COMPONENT, "activationIdPreparer",
5058                         ProxyPreparer.class, new BasicProxyPreparer());
5059                 ProxyPreparer activationSystemPreparer = (ProxyPreparer)
5060                     Config.getNonNullEntry(
5061                         config, COMPONENT, "activationSystemPreparer",
5062                         ProxyPreparer.class, new BasicProxyPreparer());
5064                 this.activationID = (ActivationID)
5065                     activationIdPreparer.prepareProxy(activationID);
5066                 this.activationSystem = (ActivationSystem)
5067                     activationSystemPreparer.prepareProxy(
5068                         net.jini.activation.ActivationGroup.getSystem());
5070                 this.serverExporter = (Exporter) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5071                     config, COMPONENT, "serverExporter", Exporter.class,
5072                     new ActivationExporter(
5073                         this.activationID,
5074                         new BasicJeriExporter(
5075                             TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
5076                             new AtomicILFactory(null, null, Registrar.class.getClassLoader()))),
5077                     this.activationID);
5078             } else {
5079                 this.activationID = null;
5080                 activationSystem = null;
5082                 serverExporter = (Exporter) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5083                     config, COMPONENT, "serverExporter", Exporter.class,
5084                     new BasicJeriExporter(
5085                         TcpServerEndpoint.getInstance(0),
5086                         new AtomicILFactory(null, null, Registrar.class.getClassLoader())));
5087             }
5089             /* fetch "initial*" config entries, first time starting up */
5090             Entry[] initialLookupAttributes = (Entry[]) config.getEntry(
5091                 COMPONENT, "initialLookupAttributes", Entry[].class,
5092                 new Entry[0]);
5093             this.lookupGroups = (String[]) config.getEntry(
5094                 COMPONENT, "initialLookupGroups", String[].class,
5095                 DiscoveryGroupManagement.NO_GROUPS);
5096             this.lookupLocators = (LookupLocator[]) config.getEntry(
5097                 COMPONENT, "initialLookupLocators", LookupLocator[].class,
5098                 lookupLocators);
5099             this.memberGroups = (String[]) config.getEntry(
5100                 COMPONENT, "initialMemberGroups", String[].class,
5101                 memberGroups);
5102             if (memberGroups == null) {
5103                 throw new ConfigurationException(
5104                     "member groups cannot be ALL_GROUPS (null)");
5105             }
5106             memberGroups = (String[]) removeDups(memberGroups);
5107             this.unicastPort = Config.getIntEntry(
5108                 config, COMPONENT, "initialUnicastDiscoveryPort",
5109                 0, 0, 0xFFFF);
5111 	    this.httpsUnicastPort = Config.getIntEntry(
5112 		    config, COMPONENT, "httpsUnicastDiscoveryPort",
5113 		    443, 0, 0xFFFF);
5114 	    this.enableHttpsUnicast = config.getEntry(COMPONENT, 
5115 		    "enableHttpsUnicast" ,Boolean.class , Boolean.FALSE);	    
5116             if (initialLookupAttributes != null && 
5117                 initialLookupAttributes.length > 0)
5118             {
5119                 List l = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(baseAttrs));
5120                 l.addAll(Arrays.asList(initialLookupAttributes));
5121                 this.lookupAttrs = (Entry[]) l.toArray(new Entry[l.size()]);
5122             } else {
5123                 lookupAttrs = baseAttrs;
5124             }
5126             /* fetch remaining config entries */
5127             MethodConstraints discoveryConstraints = 
5128                 (MethodConstraints) config.getEntry(COMPONENT, 
5129                                                     "discoveryConstraints",
5130                                                     MethodConstraints.class, null);
5131             if (discoveryConstraints == null) {
5132                 discoveryConstraints = 
5133                     new BasicMethodConstraints(InvocationConstraints.EMPTY);
5134             }
5135             try {
5136                 this.discoer = (DiscoveryManagement) config.getEntry(
5137                     COMPONENT, "discoveryManager", DiscoveryManagement.class);
5138             } catch (NoSuchEntryException e) {
5139                 discoer = new LookupDiscoveryManager(
5140                     DiscoveryGroupManagement.NO_GROUPS, null, null, config);
5141             }
5142             this.listenerPreparer = (ProxyPreparer) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5143                 config, COMPONENT, "listenerPreparer", ProxyPreparer.class, p);
5144             this.locatorPreparer = (ProxyPreparer) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5145                 config, COMPONENT, "locatorPreparer", ProxyPreparer.class, p);
5146             this.minMaxEventLease = Config.getLongEntry(
5147                 config, COMPONENT, "minMaxEventLease",
5148                 1000 * 60 * 30 , 1, MAX_LEASE);
5149             this.minMaxServiceLease = Config.getLongEntry(
5150                 config, COMPONENT, "minMaxServiceLease",
5151                 1000 * 60 * 5 , 1, MAX_LEASE);
5152             this.minRenewalInterval = Config.getLongEntry(
5153                 config, COMPONENT, "minRenewalInterval",
5154                 100, 0, MAX_RENEW);
5155             this.multicastAnnouncementInterval = Config.getLongEntry(
5156                 config, COMPONENT, "multicastAnnouncementInterval",
5157                 1000 * 60 * 2 , 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
5159             this.multicastInterfaceRetryInterval = Config.getIntEntry(
5160                 config, COMPONENT, "multicastInterfaceRetryInterval",
5161                 1000 * 60 * 5 , 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
5162             try {
5163                 this.multicastInterfaces = (NetworkInterface[]) config.getEntry(
5164                     COMPONENT, "multicastInterfaces", NetworkInterface[].class);
5165                 this.multicastInterfacesSpecified = true;
5166             } catch (NoSuchEntryException e) {
5167                 Enumeration en = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
5168                 List l = (en != null) ?
5169                     Collections.list(en) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
5170                 multicastInterfaces = (NetworkInterface[])
5171                     l.toArray(new NetworkInterface[l.size()]);
5172                 multicastInterfacesSpecified = false;
5173             }
5174             if (multicastInterfaces == null) {
5175                 DISCOVERY_LOGGER.config("using system default interface for multicast");
5176             } else if (multicastInterfaces.length == 0) {
5177                 if (multicastInterfacesSpecified) {
5178                     DISCOVERY_LOGGER.config("multicast disabled");
5179                 } else {
5180                     DISCOVERY_LOGGER.severe("no network interfaces detected");
5181                 }
5182             } else if (DISCOVERY_LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
5183                 DISCOVERY_LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "multicasting on interfaces {0}",
5184                            new Object[]{ Arrays.asList(multicastInterfaces) });
5185             }
5187             try {
5188                 this.multicastRequestSubjectChecker =
5189                     (ClientSubjectChecker) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5190                         config, COMPONENT, "multicastRequestSubjectChecker",
5191                         ClientSubjectChecker.class);
5192             } catch (NoSuchEntryException e) {
5193                 // leave null
5194             }
5195             UuidGenerator u = new UuidGenerator();
5196             this.resourceIdGenerator = (UuidGenerator) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5197                 config, COMPONENT, "resourceIdGenerator", UuidGenerator.class,
5198                 u);
5199             this.serviceIdGenerator = (UuidGenerator) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5200                 config, COMPONENT, "serviceIdGenerator", UuidGenerator.class,
5201                 u);
5202             // Set up Executor to perform remote event notifications
5203             double blocking_coefficient = 0.7; // 0 CPU intensive to 0.9 IO intensive
5204             int numberOfCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
5205             int poolSizeLimit = (int) (numberOfCores / ( 1 - blocking_coefficient));
5206             this.scheduledExecutor = Config.getNonNullEntry(
5207                 config, 
5208                 COMPONENT, 
5209                 "eventNotifierExecutor",
5210                 ScheduledExecutorService.class, 
5211                 new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(
5212                     poolSizeLimit,
5213                     new NamedThreadFactory("Reggie_Event_Notifier", false)   
5214                 )
5215             );
5216             // Set up Executor to perform discovery responses
5217             this.executor = Config.getNonNullEntry(
5218                 config, 
5219                 COMPONENT, 
5220                 "discoveryResponseExecutor", 
5221                 ExecutorService.class, 
5222                 new ThreadPoolExecutor(
5223                     poolSizeLimit, 
5224                     poolSizeLimit, /* Ignored */
5225                     15L, 
5226                     TimeUnit.MINUTES, 
5227                     new LinkedBlockingQueue(), /* Unbounded Queue */
5228                     new NamedThreadFactory("Reggie_Discovery_Response", false)
5229                 ) 
5230             );
5231 	    this.codebase = Config.getNonNullEntry(config, COMPONENT,
5232 		    "Codebase_Annotation", String.class, "");
5233 	    this.certFactoryType = Config.getNonNullEntry(config, COMPONENT,
5234 		    "Codebase_CertFactoryType", String.class, "X.509");
5235 	    this.certPathEncoding = Config.getNonNullEntry(config, COMPONENT,
5236 		    "Codebase_CertPathEncoding", String.class, "PkiPath");
5237 	    this.encodedCerts = Config.getNonNullEntry(config, COMPONENT,
5238 		    "Codebase_Certs", byte[].class, new byte[0]);
5239             this.unexportTimeout = Config.getLongEntry(
5240                    config, COMPONENT, "unexportTimeout", 20000L,
5241                    0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
5242             this.unexportWait = Config.getLongEntry(
5243                    config, COMPONENT, "unexportWait", 10000L,
5244                    0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
5245             try {
5246                 unicastDiscoveryHost = (String) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5247                     config, COMPONENT, "unicastDiscoveryHost", String.class);
5248             } catch (NoSuchEntryException e) {
5249                 // fix for 4906732: only invoke getCanonicalHostName if needed
5250                 unicastDiscoveryHost =
5251                     LocalHostLookup.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName();
5252             }
5253             try {
5254                 this.unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker =
5255                     (ClientSubjectChecker) Config.getNonNullEntry(
5256                         config, COMPONENT, "unicastDiscoverySubjectChecker",
5257                         ClientSubjectChecker.class);
5258             } catch (NoSuchEntryException e) {
5259                 // leave null
5260             }
5262             /* initialize state based on recovered/configured values */
5263             this.objectServiceType = new ServiceType(Object.class, null, null);
5264             this.protocol2 = Discovery.getProtocol2(null);
5265             /* cache unprocessed unicastDiscovery constraints to handle
5266                reprocessing of time constraints associated with that method */
5267             this.rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints = discoveryConstraints.getConstraints(
5268                    DiscoveryConstraints.unicastDiscoveryMethod);    
5269             this.multicastRequestConstraints = DiscoveryConstraints.process(
5270                 discoveryConstraints.getConstraints(
5271                     DiscoveryConstraints.multicastRequestMethod));
5272            this.multicastAnnouncementConstraints = DiscoveryConstraints.process(
5273                 discoveryConstraints.getConstraints(
5274                     DiscoveryConstraints.multicastAnnouncementMethod));
5275             this.unicastDiscoveryConstraints = DiscoveryConstraints.process(
5276                 this.rawUnicastDiscoveryConstraints);
5277         }
5278     }
5280     public void start() throws Exception {
5281         if (constructionException != null) throw constructionException;
5282         concurrentObj.writeLock();
5283         try {
5284             if (log != null) {
5285                 inRecovery = true;
5286                 log.recover();
5287                 inRecovery = false;
5288             }
5289 	    if (enableHttpsUnicast){
5290 		httpsDiscovery = Discovery.getUnicastHttps(null);
5291 	    }
5292             // log snapshot recovers myServiceID
5293             if (myServiceID == null) {
5294                 myServiceID = newServiceID();
5295             }
5296             computeMaxLeases();
5297             // Make sure we're exporting with correct login context.
5298             AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>(){
5300                 public Object run() throws Exception {
5301                     myRef = (Registrar) serverExporter.export(RegistrarImpl.this);
5302                     proxy = RegistrarProxy.getInstance(myRef, myServiceID);
5303 		    String uri;
5304 		    if (enableHttpsUnicast){
5305 			uri = "https://" + unicastDiscoveryHost + ":"+ httpsUnicastPort; 
5306 			myLocator = (proxy instanceof RemoteMethodControl) ?
5307 			    new ConstrainableLookupLocator(uri, null) :
5308 			    new LookupLocator(uri);
5309 		    } else {
5310 			myLocator = (proxy instanceof RemoteMethodControl) ?
5311 			    new ConstrainableLookupLocator(
5312 				unicastDiscoveryHost, unicast.port, null) :
5313 			    new LookupLocator(unicastDiscoveryHost, unicast.port);
5314 		    }
5315                     /* register myself */
5316                     Item item = new Item(new ServiceItem(myServiceID,
5317                                                          proxy,
5318                                                          lookupAttrs));
5319                     SvcReg reg = new SvcReg(item, myLeaseID, Long.MAX_VALUE);
5320                     addService(reg);
5321                     if (log != null) {
5322                         log.snapshot();
5323                     }
5325                     try {
5326                         DiscoveryGroupManagement dgm = (DiscoveryGroupManagement) discoer;
5327                         String[] groups = dgm.getGroups();
5328                         if (groups == null || groups.length > 0) {
5329                             throw new ConfigurationException(
5330                                 "discoveryManager must be initially configured with " +
5331                                 "no groups");
5332                         }
5333                         DiscoveryLocatorManagement dlm =
5334                             (DiscoveryLocatorManagement) discoer;
5335                         if (dlm.getLocators().length > 0) {
5336                             throw new ConfigurationException(
5337                                 "discoveryManager must be initially configured with " +
5338                                 "no locators");
5339                         }
5340                         dgm.setGroups(lookupGroups);
5341                         dlm.setLocators(lookupLocators);
5342                     } catch (ClassCastException e) {
5343                         throw new ConfigurationException(null, e);
5344                     }
5345                     joiner = new JoinManager(proxy, lookupAttrs, myServiceID,
5346                                              discoer, null, config);
5348                     /* start up all the daemon threads */
5349                     serviceExpirer.start();
5350                     eventExpirer.start();
5351                     unicaster.start();
5352                     multicaster.start();
5353                     announcer.start();
5354                     eventNotifierExec.start();
5356                     /* Shutdown hook so reggie sends a final announcement
5357                      * packet if VM is terminated.  If reggie is terminated
5358                      * through DestroyAdmin.destroy() this hook will have no effect.
5359                      * A timeout on announcer.join() was considered but not deemed
5360                      * necessary at this point in time.  
5361                      */
5362                     Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread( new Runnable() {
5363                         public void run() {
5364                             try {
5365                                 announcer.interrupt();
5366                                 announcer.join();
5367                             } catch (Throwable t) {
5368                                 logThrow(LOGGER, Level.FINEST, getClass().getName(), 
5369                                     "run", "exception shutting announcer down",
5370                                     new Object[]{}, t);
5371                             }
5372                         }
5373                     }));
5375                     snapshotter.start();
5376                     if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
5377                         LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "started Reggie: {0}, {1}, {2}",
5378                                    new Object[]{ myServiceID,
5379                                                  Arrays.asList(memberGroups),
5380                                                  myLocator });
5381                     }
5382                     return null;
5383                 }
5385                     }, context);
5386         } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
5387             throw ex.getException();
5388         } finally {
5389             // These object no longer needed, set free.
5390             config = null;
5391             unicastDiscoveryHost = null;
5392             concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
5393         }
5395     }
5397     /** The code that does the real work of register. */
5398     private ServiceRegistration registerDo(Item nitem, long leaseDuration)
5399     {
5400 	if (nitem.service == null)
5401 	    throw new NullPointerException("null service");
5402 	if (myServiceID.equals(nitem.getServiceID()))
5403 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("reserved service id");
5404 	if (nitem.getAttributeSets() == null)
5405 	    nitem.setAttributeSets(emptyAttrs);
5406 	else
5407 	    nitem.setAttributeSets((EntryRep[]) removeDups(nitem.getAttributeSets()));
5408 	leaseDuration = limitDuration(leaseDuration, maxServiceLease);
5409 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5410 	if (nitem.getServiceID() == null) {
5411 	    /* new service, match on service object */
5412 	    Map<ServiceID,SvcReg> svcs = serviceByTypeName.get(nitem.serviceType.getName());
5413 	    if (svcs != null) {
5414 		for (Iterator<SvcReg> it = svcs.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
5415 		    SvcReg reg =;
5416 		    if (nitem.service.equals(reg.item.service)) {
5417 			nitem.setServiceID(reg.item.getServiceID());
5418 			deleteService(reg, now);
5419 			break;
5420 		    }
5421 		}
5422 	    }
5423 	    if (nitem.getServiceID() == null) // TODO: atomicity
5424 		nitem.setServiceID(newServiceID());
5425 	} else {
5426 	    /* existing service, match on service id */
5427 	    SvcReg reg = serviceByID.get(nitem.getServiceID());
5428 	    if (reg != null)
5429 		deleteService(reg, now);
5430 	}
5431 	Util.checkRegistrantServiceID(nitem.getServiceID(), LOGGER, Level.FINE);
5432 	SvcReg reg = new SvcReg(nitem, newLeaseID(), now + leaseDuration);
5433 	addService(reg);
5434 	generateEvents(null, nitem, now);
5435 	addLogRecord(new SvcRegisteredLogObj(reg));
5436 	/* see if the expire thread needs to wake up earlier */
5437 	if (reg.leaseExpiration < minSvcExpiration) {
5438 	    minSvcExpiration = reg.leaseExpiration;
5439             serviceNotifier.signal();
5440 	}
5441 	return Registration.getInstance(
5442 	    myRef,
5443 	    ServiceLease.getInstance(
5444 		myRef,
5445 		myServiceID, 
5446 		nitem.getServiceID(),
5447 		reg.leaseID,
5448 		reg.leaseExpiration));
5449     }
5451    /**
5452     * The code that does the real work of lookup.  As a special case,
5453     * if the template specifies at least one service type to match,
5454     * and there are multiple items that match the template, then we
5455     * make a random pick among them, in an attempt to load balance
5456     * use of "equivalent" services and avoid starving any of them.
5457     */
5458     private MarshalledWrapper lookupDo(Template tmpl)
5459     {
5460 	if (tmpl.serviceTypesLength() == 0 || tmpl.serviceID() != null)
5461 	{
5462 	    ItemIter iter = matchingItems(tmpl);
5463 	    if (iter.hasNext())
5464 		return;
5465 	    return null;
5467 	}
5468 	List<SvcReg> services = matchingServices(tmpl.serviceTypes());
5469 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5470 	int slen = services.size();
5471 	if (slen == 0)
5472 	    return null;
5473 	int srand = random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) % slen;
5474 	for (int i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
5475 	    SvcReg reg = services.get((i + srand) % slen);
5476 	    if (reg.leaseExpiration > now && matchAttributes(tmpl, reg.item))
5477 		    return reg.item.service;
5478 	}
5479 	return null;
5480     }
5482     /**
5483      * The code that does the real work of lookup.  We do a deep copy of the
5484      * items being returned, both to avoid having them modified while being
5485      * marshalled (by a concurrent update method), and to substitute
5486      * replacements for embedded EntryClass and ServiceType instances, to
5487      * minimize data sent back to the client.  If duplicates are possible
5488      * from the iterator, we save all matches, weeding out duplicates as we
5489      * go, then trim to maxMatches and deep copy.
5490      */
5491     private Matches lookupDo(Template tmpl, int maxMatches)
5492     {
5493 	if (maxMatches < 0)
5494 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative maxMatches");
5495 	int totalMatches = 0;
5496 	List matches = null;
5497 	ItemIter iter = matchingItems(tmpl);
5498 	if (maxMatches > 0 || iter.dupsPossible)
5499 	    matches = new LinkedList();
5500 	if (iter.dupsPossible) {
5501 	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
5502 		Item item =;
5503 		if (!matches.contains(item))
5504 		    matches.add(item);
5505 	    }
5506 	    totalMatches = matches.size();
5507 	    if (maxMatches > 0) {
5508 		for (int i = matches.size(); --i >= maxMatches; )
5509 		    matches.remove(i);
5510 		for (int i = matches.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
5511 		    matches.set(i, copyItem((Item)matches.get(i)));
5512 		}
5513 	    } else {
5514 		matches = null;
5515 	    }
5516 	} else {
5517 	    while (iter.hasNext()) {
5518 		Item item =;
5519 		totalMatches++;
5520 		if (--maxMatches >= 0)
5521 		    matches.add(copyItem(item));
5522 	    }
5523 	}
5524 	return new Matches(matches, totalMatches);
5525     }
5527     /**
5528      * The code that does the real work of notify.
5529      * Every registration is given a unique event id.  The event id
5530      * can thus also serve as a lease id.
5531      *
5532      */
5533     private EventRegistration notifyDo(Template tmpl,
5534 				       int transitions,
5535 				       RemoteEventListener listener,
5536 				       Object handback,
5537 				       long leaseDuration,
5538 				       boolean newNotify)
5539 	throws RemoteException
5540     {
5541 	if (transitions == 0 ||
5542 	    transitions !=
5543 	    (transitions & (ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_NOMATCH |
5544 			    ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_NOMATCH_MATCH |
5545 			    ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_MATCH)))
5546 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid transitions");
5547 	if (listener == null)
5548 	    throw new NullPointerException("listener");
5549 	listener =
5550 	    (RemoteEventListener) listenerPreparer.prepareProxy(listener);
5551 	leaseDuration = limitDuration(leaseDuration, maxEventLease);
5552 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5553 	EventReg reg = new EventReg(eventID, newLeaseID(), tmpl, transitions,
5554 			    listener, handback, now + leaseDuration, newNotify);
5555 	eventID++;
5556 	addEvent(reg);
5557 	addLogRecord(new EventRegisteredLogObj(reg));
5558 	/* see if the expire thread needs to wake up earlier */
5559 	if (reg.getLeaseExpiration() < minEventExpiration) {
5560 	    minEventExpiration = reg.getLeaseExpiration();
5561             eventNotifier.signal();
5562 	}
5563 	return new EventRegistration(
5564 	    reg.eventID,
5565 	    proxy,
5566 	    EventLease.getInstance(
5567 		myRef,
5568 		myServiceID,
5569 		reg.eventID,
5570 		reg.leaseID, reg.getLeaseExpiration()),
5571 	    reg.getSeqNo());
5572     }
5574     /**
5575      * The code that does the real work of getEntryClasses. If the
5576      * template is empty, then we can just use entryClasses, without
5577      * having to iterate over items, but we have to work harder to
5578      * get codebases.
5579      */
5580     private EntryClassBase[] getEntryClassesDo(Template tmpl)
5581     {
5582 	List<EntryClass> classes = new LinkedList<EntryClass>();
5583 	List<String> codebases = new LinkedList<String>();
5584 	if (tmpl.serviceID() == null &&
5585 	    tmpl.serviceTypesLength()==0 &&
5586 	    tmpl.attributeSetTemplatesLength()==0) {
5587 	    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5588 	    for (int i = entryClasses.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
5589 		EntryClass eclass = entryClasses.get(i);
5590 		try {
5591 		    codebases.add(pickCodebase(eclass, now));
5592 		    classes.add(eclass);
5593 		} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
5594 		}
5595 	    }
5596 	} else {
5597 	    EntryRep[] tmplAttrSetTmpl = tmpl.attributeSetTemplates();
5598 	    for (ItemIter iter = matchingItems(tmpl); iter.hasNext(); ) {
5599 		Item item =;
5600 		EntryRep[] attrSetTmpl = item.getAttributeSets();
5601 		for (int i = attrSetTmpl.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5602 		    EntryRep attrSet = attrSetTmpl[i];
5603 		    if (attrMatch(tmplAttrSetTmpl, attrSet) &&
5604 			!classes.contains(attrSet.eclass)) {
5605 			classes.add(attrSet.eclass);
5606 			codebases.add(attrSet.codebase);
5607 		    }
5608 		}
5609 	    }
5610 	}
5611 	if (classes.isEmpty())
5612 	    return null; /* spec says null */
5613 	EntryClassBase[] vals = new EntryClassBase[classes.size()];
5614 	for (int i = vals.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5615 	    vals[i] = new EntryClassBase(
5616 				classes.get(i).getReplacement(),
5617 				codebases.get(i));
5618 	}
5619 	return vals;
5620     }
5622     /**
5623      * The code that does the real work of getFieldValues.  If the
5624      * template is just a singleton entry with all null fields, then
5625      * we can do a faster computation by iterating over keys in the
5626      * given attribute's serviceByAttr map, rather than iterating
5627      * over items.
5628      */
5629     private Object[] getFieldValuesDo(Template tmpl, int setidx, int fldidx)
5630     {
5631 	List values = new LinkedList();
5632 	EntryRep etmpl = tmpl.attributeSetTemplateAtIndex(setidx);
5633 	boolean allNull = false;
5634 	if (tmpl.serviceID() == null &&
5635 	    tmpl.serviceTypesLength() == 0 &&
5636 	    tmpl.attributeSetTemplatesLength() == 1)
5637 	{
5638 	    allNull = allNull(etmpl.fields());
5639 	}
5640 	if (allNull) {
5641 	    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5642 	    EntryClass eclass = getDefiningClass(etmpl.eclass, fldidx);
5643 	    boolean checkAttr = !eclass.equals(etmpl.eclass);
5644 	    Map<Object,List<SvcReg>>[] attrMaps = serviceByAttr.get(eclass);
5645 	    if (attrMaps != null && attrMaps[fldidx] != null) {
5646 		for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Object,List<SvcReg>>> iter = attrMaps[fldidx].entrySet().iterator();
5647 		     iter.hasNext(); )
5648 		{
5649 		    Map.Entry<Object,List<SvcReg>> ent =;
5650 		    List<SvcReg> regs = ent.getValue();
5651 		    Object value = ent.getKey();
5652 		    for (int i = regs.size(); --i >= 0; ) {
5653 			SvcReg reg = regs.get(i);
5654 			if (reg.leaseExpiration > now &&
5655 			    (!checkAttr ||
5656 			     hasAttr(reg, etmpl.eclass, fldidx, value))) {
5657 			    values.add(value);
5658 			    break;
5659 			}
5660 		    }
5661 		}
5662 	    }
5663 	} else {
5664 	    for (ItemIter iter = matchingItems(tmpl); iter.hasNext(); ) {
5665 		Item item =;
5666 		EntryRep [] attributeSets = item.getAttributeSets();
5667 		for (int j = attributeSets.length; --j >= 0; ) {
5668 		    if (matchEntry(etmpl, attributeSets[j])) {
5669 			Object value = attributeSets[j].fields().get(fldidx);
5670 			if (!values.contains(value)) values.add(value);
5671 		    }
5672 		}
5673 	    }
5674 	}
5675 	if (values.isEmpty())
5676 	    return null;
5677 	return values.toArray();
5678     }
5680     /**
5681      * The code that does the real work of getServiceTypes.  If the
5682      * template has at most service types, then we can do a fast
5683      * computation based solely on concrete classes, without having
5684      * to iterate over items, but we have to work a bit harder to
5685      * get codebases.
5686      */
5687     private ServiceTypeBase[] getServiceTypesDo(Template tmpl, String prefix)
5688     {
5689 	List<ServiceType> classes = new LinkedList<ServiceType>();
5690 	List<String> codebases = new LinkedList<String>();
5691 	if (tmpl.serviceID() == null && tmpl.attributeSetTemplatesLength() == 0) {
5692 	    List services = matchingServices(tmpl.serviceTypes());
5693 	    for (Iterator it = services.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
5694 		Item item = ((SvcReg);
5695 		addTypes(classes, codebases, tmpl.serviceTypes(), prefix,
5696 			 item.serviceType, item.codebase);
5697 	    }
5698 	} else {
5699 	    for (ItemIter iter = matchingItems(tmpl); iter.hasNext(); ) {
5700 		Item item =;
5701 		addTypes(classes, codebases, tmpl.serviceTypes(), prefix,
5702 			 item.serviceType, item.codebase);
5703 	    }
5704 	}
5705 	if (classes.isEmpty())
5706 	    return null; /* spec says null */
5707 	ServiceTypeBase[] vals = new ServiceTypeBase[classes.size()];
5708 	for (int i = vals.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5709 	    vals[i] = new ServiceTypeBase(
5710 			       classes.get(i).getReplacement(),
5711 			       codebases.get(i));
5712 	}
5713 	return vals;
5714     }
5716     /**
5717      * The code that does the real work of addAttributes.
5718      * Add every element of attrSets to item, updating serviceByAttr as
5719      * necessary, incrementing the number of EntryClass instances, and
5720      * updating entryClasses as necessary.
5721      */
5722     private void addAttributesDo(ServiceID serviceID,
5723 				 Uuid leaseID,
5724 				 EntryRep[] attrSets)
5725 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5726     {
5727 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5728 	SvcReg reg = checkLease(serviceID, leaseID, now);
5729 	Item pre = (Item)reg.item.clone();
5730 	EntryRep[] sets = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
5731 	int i = 0;
5732 	/* don't add if it's a duplicate */
5733 	for (int j = 0; j < attrSets.length; j++) {
5734 	    EntryRep set = attrSets[j];
5735 	    if (indexOf(sets, set) < 0 && indexOf(attrSets, j, set) < 0) {
5736 		attrSets[i++] = set;
5737 		addAttrs(reg, set);
5738 	    }
5739 	}
5740 	if (i > 0) {
5741 	    int len = sets.length;
5742 	    EntryRep[] nsets = new EntryRep[len + i];
5743 	    System.arraycopy(sets, 0, nsets, 0, len);
5744 	    System.arraycopy(attrSets, 0, nsets, len, i);
5745 	    reg.item.setAttributeSets(nsets);
5746 	}
5747 	generateEvents(pre, reg.item, now);
5748     }
5750     /**
5751      * The code that does the real work of modifyAttributes.
5752      * Modify the attribute sets that match attrSetTmpls, updating
5753      * or deleting based on attrSets, updating serviceByAttr as necessary,
5754      * decrementing the number of EntryClass instances, and updating
5755      * entryClasses as necessary.
5756      */
5757     private void modifyAttributesDo(ServiceID serviceID,
5758 				    Uuid leaseID,
5759 				    EntryRep[] attrSetTmpls,
5760 				    EntryRep[] attrSets)
5761 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5762     {
5763 	if (attrSetTmpls.length != attrSets.length)
5764 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
5765 				       "attribute set length mismatch");
5766 	for (int i = attrSets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5767 	    if (attrSets[i] != null &&
5768 		!attrSets[i].eclass.isAssignableFrom(attrSetTmpls[i].eclass))
5769 		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
5770 					   "attribute set type mismatch");
5771 	}
5772 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5773 	SvcReg reg = checkLease(serviceID, leaseID, now);
5774 	Item pre = (Item)reg.item.clone();
5775 	EntryRep[] preSets = pre.getAttributeSets();
5776 	EntryRep[] sets = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
5777 	for (int i = preSets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5778 	    EntryRep preSet = preSets[i];
5779 	    EntryRep set = sets[i];
5780 	    for (int j = attrSetTmpls.length; --j >= 0; ) {
5781 		if (matchEntry(attrSetTmpls[j], preSet)) {
5782 		    EntryRep attrs = attrSets[j];
5783 		    if (attrs == null) {
5784 			sets = deleteSet(reg.item, i);
5785 			deleteAttrs(reg, set, true);
5786 			break;
5787 		    } else {
5788 			updateAttrs(reg, set, attrs.fields());
5789 		    }
5790 		}
5791 	    }
5792 	}
5793 	for (int i = sets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5794 	    EntryRep set = sets[i];
5795 	    if (indexOf(sets, i, set) >= 0) {
5796 		sets = deleteSet(reg.item, i);
5797 		deleteInstance(set.eclass);
5798 	    }
5799 	}
5800 	reg.item.setAttributeSets(sets);
5801 	generateEvents(pre, reg.item, now);
5802     }
5804     /**
5805      * The code that does the real work of setAttributes.
5806      * Replace all attributes of item with attrSets, updating serviceByAttr
5807      * as necessary, incrementing the number of EntryClass instances, and
5808      * updating entryClasses as necessary.
5809      */
5810     private void setAttributesDo(ServiceID serviceID,
5811 				 Uuid leaseID,
5812 				 EntryRep[] attrSets)
5813 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5814     {
5815 	if (attrSets == null)
5816 	    attrSets = emptyAttrs;
5817 	else
5818 	    attrSets = (EntryRep[])removeDups(attrSets);
5819 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5820 	SvcReg reg = checkLease(serviceID, leaseID, now);
5821 	Item pre = (Item)reg.item.clone();
5822 	EntryRep[] entries = reg.item.getAttributeSets();
5823 	for (int i = entries.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5824 	    deleteAttrs(reg, entries[i], false);
5825 	}
5826 	reg.item.setAttributeSets(attrSets);
5827 	for (int i = attrSets.length; --i >= 0; ) {
5828 	    addAttrs(reg, attrSets[i]);
5829 	}
5830 	generateEvents(pre, reg.item, now);
5831     }
5833     /** The code that does the real work of cancelServiceLease. */
5834     private void cancelServiceLeaseDo(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID)
5835 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5836     {
5837 	if (serviceID.equals(myServiceID))
5838 	    throw new SecurityException("privileged service id");
5839 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5840 	SvcReg reg = checkLease(serviceID, leaseID, now);
5841 	deleteService(reg, now);
5842 	/* wake up thread if this might be the (only) earliest time */
5843 	if (reg.leaseExpiration == minSvcExpiration)
5844             serviceNotifier.signal();
5845     }
5847     /** The code that does the real work of renewServiceLease. */
5848     private long renewServiceLeaseDo(ServiceID serviceID,
5849 				     Uuid leaseID,
5850 				     long renewDuration)
5851 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5852     {
5853 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5854 	long renewExpiration = renewServiceLeaseInt(serviceID, leaseID,
5855 						    renewDuration, now);
5856 	addLogRecord(new ServiceLeaseRenewedLogObj(serviceID, leaseID,
5857 						   renewExpiration));
5858 	return renewExpiration - now;
5859     }
5861     private SvcReg checkLease(ServiceID serviceID, Uuid leaseID, long now) 
5862             throws UnknownLeaseException
5863     {
5865 	SvcReg reg = serviceByID.get(serviceID);
5866         if (reg == null) throw new UnknownLeaseException("No service recorded for ID: " + serviceID);
5867         if (!reg.leaseID.equals(leaseID)) throw new UnknownLeaseException("Incorrect lease ID: " + leaseID + " not equal to reg lease ID: " + reg.leaseID);
5868 	if (reg.leaseExpiration <= now) throw new UnknownLeaseException("Lease expired");
5869         return reg;
5870     }
5872     private EventReg checkEvent(Uuid leaseID, long eventID, long now)
5873             throws UnknownLeaseException
5874     {
5875         EventReg reg = eventByID.get(Long.valueOf(eventID));
5876 	if (reg == null) throw new UnknownLeaseException("No event recorded for ID: " + eventID);
5877         if (!reg.leaseID.equals(leaseID)) throw new UnknownLeaseException("Incorrect lease ID: " + eventID + " not equal to reg lease ID: " + reg.leaseID);
5878 	if (reg.getLeaseExpiration() <= now) throw new UnknownLeaseException("Lease expired");
5879         return reg;
5880     }
5882     /** Renew a service lease for a relative duration from now. */
5883     private long renewServiceLeaseInt(ServiceID serviceID,
5884 				      Uuid leaseID,
5885 				      long renewDuration,
5886 				      long now)
5887 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5888     {
5889 	if (serviceID.equals(myServiceID))
5890 	    throw new SecurityException("privileged service id");
5891 	if (renewDuration == Lease.ANY)
5892 	    renewDuration = maxServiceLease;
5893 	else if (renewDuration < 0)
5894 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative lease duration");
5895         SvcReg reg = checkLease(serviceID, leaseID, now);
5896 	if (renewDuration > maxServiceLease &&
5897 	    renewDuration > reg.leaseExpiration - now)
5898 	    renewDuration = Math.max(reg.leaseExpiration - now,
5899 				     maxServiceLease);
5900 	long renewExpiration = now + renewDuration;
5901 	/* force a re-sort: must remove before changing, then reinsert */
5902 	serviceByTime.remove(reg);
5903 	reg.leaseExpiration = renewExpiration;
5904 	serviceByTime.add(reg);
5905 	/* see if the expire thread needs to wake up earlier */
5906 	if (renewExpiration < minSvcExpiration) {
5907 	    minSvcExpiration = renewExpiration;
5908             serviceNotifier.signal();
5909 	}
5910 	return renewExpiration;
5911     }
5913     /** Renew the service lease for an absolute expiration time. */
5914     private void renewServiceLeaseAbs(ServiceID serviceID,
5915 				      Uuid leaseID,
5916 				      long renewExpiration)
5917     {
5918         concurrentObj.writeLock();
5919         try {
5920             SvcReg reg = serviceByID.get(serviceID);
5921             if (reg == null || !reg.leaseID.equals(leaseID))
5922                 return;
5923             /* force a re-sort: must remove before changing, then reinsert */
5924             serviceByTime.remove(reg);
5925             reg.leaseExpiration = renewExpiration;
5926             serviceByTime.add(reg);
5927         } finally {
5928             concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
5929         }
5930     }
5932     /** The code that does the real work of cancelEventLease. */
5933     private void cancelEventLeaseDo(long eventID, Uuid leaseID)
5934 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5935     {
5936 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5937 	EventReg reg = checkEvent(leaseID, eventID, now);
5938 	deleteEvent(reg);
5939 	/* wake up thread if this might be the (only) earliest time */
5940 	if (reg.getLeaseExpiration() == minEventExpiration)
5941             eventNotifier.signal();
5942     }
5944     /** The code that does the real work of renewEventLease. */
5945     private long renewEventLeaseDo(long eventID,
5946 				   Uuid leaseID,
5947 				   long renewDuration)
5948 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5949     {
5950 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
5951 	long renewExpiration = renewEventLeaseInt(eventID, leaseID,
5952 						  renewDuration, now);
5953 	addLogRecord(new EventLeaseRenewedLogObj(eventID, leaseID,
5954 						 renewExpiration));
5955 	return renewExpiration - now;
5956     }
5958     private long renewEventLeaseInt(long eventID,
5959 				    Uuid leaseID,
5960 				    long renewDuration,
5961 				    long now)
5962 	throws UnknownLeaseException
5963     {
5964 	if (renewDuration == Lease.ANY)
5965 	    renewDuration = maxEventLease;
5966 	else if (renewDuration < 0)
5967 	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative lease duration");
5968 	EventReg reg = checkEvent(leaseID, eventID, now);
5969 	if (renewDuration > maxEventLease &&
5970 	    renewDuration > reg.getLeaseExpiration() - now)
5971 	    renewDuration = Math.max(reg.getLeaseExpiration() - now, maxEventLease);
5972 	long renewExpiration = now + renewDuration;
5973 	/* force a re-sort: must remove before changing, then reinsert */
5974 	eventByTime.remove(reg);
5975 	reg.setLeaseExpiration(renewExpiration);
5976 	eventByTime.offer(reg);
5977 	/* see if the expire thread needs to wake up earlier */
5978 	if (renewExpiration < minEventExpiration) {
5979 	    minEventExpiration = renewExpiration;
5980             eventNotifier.signal();
5981 	}
5982 	return renewExpiration;
5983     }
5985     /** Renew the event lease for an absolute expiration time. */
5986     private void renewEventLeaseAbs(long eventID,
5987 				    Uuid leaseID,
5988 				    long renewExpiration)
5989     {
5990         concurrentObj.writeLock();
5991         try {
5992             EventReg reg = eventByID.get(Long.valueOf(eventID));
5993             if (reg == null || !reg.leaseID.equals(leaseID))
5994                 return;
5995             /* force a re-sort: must remove before changing, then reinsert */
5996             eventByTime.remove(reg);
5997             reg.setLeaseExpiration(renewExpiration);
5998             eventByTime.offer(reg);
5999         } finally {
6000             concurrentObj.writeUnlock();
6001         }
6002     }
6004     /**
6005      * The code that does the real work of renewLeases.  Each element of
6006      * regIDs must either be a ServiceID (for a service lease) or a Long
6007      * (for an event lease).  Renewals contains durations.  All three
6008      * arrays must be the same length.
6009      */
6010     private RenewResults renewLeasesDo(Object[] regIDs,
6011 				       Uuid[] leaseIDs,
6012 				       long[] renewals)
6013     {
6014 	long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
6015 	Exception[] exceptions = null;
6016         int l = regIDs.length;
6017 	for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
6018 	    Object id = regIDs[i];
6019 	    try {
6020 		if (id instanceof ServiceID)
6021 		    renewals[i] = renewServiceLeaseInt((ServiceID)id,
6022 						       leaseIDs[i],
6023 						       renewals[i], now);
6024 		else
6025 		    renewals[i] = renewEventLeaseInt(((Long)id).longValue(),
6026 						     leaseIDs[i], renewals[i],
6027 						     now);
6028 	    } catch (Exception e) {
6029 		renewals[i] = -1;
6030 		if (exceptions == null)
6031 		    exceptions = new Exception[]{e};
6032 		else
6033 		    exceptions = (Exception[])arrayAdd(exceptions, e);
6034 	    }
6035 	}
6036 	/* don't bother to weed out problem leases */
6037 	addLogRecord(new LeasesRenewedLogObj(regIDs, leaseIDs, renewals));
6038 	for (int i = regIDs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
6039 	    if (renewals[i] >= 0)
6040 		renewals[i] -= now;
6041 	}
6042 	return new RenewResults(renewals, exceptions);
6043     }
6045     /**
6046      * Renew the leases for absolute expiration times.  Skip any leases
6047      * with negative expiration times.
6048      */
6049     private void renewLeasesAbs(Object[] regIDs,
6050 				Uuid[] leaseIDs,
6051 				long[] renewExpirations)
6052     {
6053 	for (int i = regIDs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
6054 	    long expiration = renewExpirations[i];
6055 	    if (expiration < 0)
6056 		continue;
6057 	    Object id = regIDs[i];
6058 	    if (id instanceof ServiceID)
6059 		renewServiceLeaseAbs((ServiceID)id, leaseIDs[i], expiration);
6060 	    else
6061 		renewEventLeaseAbs(((Long)id).longValue(), leaseIDs[i],
6062 				   expiration);
6063 	}
6064     }
6066     /**
6067      * The code that does the real work of cancelLeases.  Each element of
6068      * regIDs must either be a ServiceID (for a service lease) or a Long
6069      * (for an event lease).  The two arrays must be the same length.
6070      * If there are no exceptions, the return value is null.  Otherwise,
6071      * the return value has the same length as regIDs, and has nulls for
6072      * leases that successfully renewed.
6073      */
6074     private Exception[] cancelLeasesDo(Object[] regIDs, Uuid[] leaseIDs) {
6075 	Exception[] exceptions = null;
6076 	for (int i = regIDs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
6077 	    Object id = regIDs[i];
6078 	    try {
6079 		if (id instanceof ServiceID)
6080 		    cancelServiceLeaseDo((ServiceID)id, leaseIDs[i]);
6081 		else
6082 		    cancelEventLeaseDo(((Long)id).longValue(), leaseIDs[i]);
6083 	    } catch (Exception e) {
6084 		if (exceptions == null)
6085 		    exceptions = new Exception[regIDs.length];
6086 		exceptions[i] = e;
6087 	    }
6088 	}
6089 	return exceptions;
6090     }
6092     /**
6093      * Generate events for all matching event registrations.  A null pre
6094      * represents creation of a new item, a null post represents deletion
6095      * of an item.
6096      */
6097     private void generateEvents(Item pre, Item post, long now) {
6098 	if (inRecovery)
6099 	    return;
6100 	ServiceID sid = (pre != null) ? pre.getServiceID() : post.getServiceID();
6101 	Object val = subEventByService.get(sid);
6102 	if (val instanceof EventReg) {
6103 	    generateEvent((EventReg)val, pre, post, sid, now);
6104 	} else if (val instanceof EventReg[]) {
6105 	    EventReg[] regs = (EventReg[])val;
6106 	    for (int i = regs.length; --i >= 0; ) {
6107 		generateEvent(regs[i], pre, post, sid, now);
6108 	    }
6109 	}
6110 	for (Iterator iter = subEventByID.values().iterator();
6111 	     iter.hasNext(); )
6112 	{
6113 	    generateEvent((EventReg), pre, post, sid, now);
6114 	}
6115     }
6117     /**
6118      * Generate an event if the event registration matches.  A null pre
6119      * represents creation of a new item, a null post represents deletion
6120      * of an item.  sid is the serviceID of the item.
6121      */
6122     private void generateEvent(EventReg reg,
6123 			       Item pre,
6124 			       Item post,
6125 			       ServiceID sid,
6126 			       long now)
6127     {
6128 	if (reg.getLeaseExpiration() <= now)
6129 	    return;
6130 	if ((reg.transitions &
6131 		  ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_NOMATCH_MATCH) != 0 &&
6132 		 (pre == null || !matchItem(reg.tmpl, pre)) &&
6133 		 (post != null && matchItem(reg.tmpl, post)))
6134 	    pendingEvent(reg, sid, post,
6135 			 ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_NOMATCH_MATCH, now);
6136 	else if ((reg.transitions &
6137 		  ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_NOMATCH) != 0 &&
6138 		 (pre != null && matchItem(reg.tmpl, pre)) &&
6139 		 (post == null || !matchItem(reg.tmpl, post)))
6140 	    pendingEvent(reg, sid, post,
6141 			 ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_NOMATCH, now);
6142 	else if ((reg.transitions &
6143 		  ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_MATCH) != 0 &&
6144 		 (pre != null && matchItem(reg.tmpl, pre)) &&
6145 		 (post != null && matchItem(reg.tmpl, post)))
6146 	    pendingEvent(reg, sid, post,
6147 			 ServiceRegistrar.TRANSITION_MATCH_MATCH, now);
6148     }
6150     /** Add a pending EventTask for this event registration. */
6151     private void pendingEvent(EventReg reg, ServiceID sid, Item item, int transition, long now)
6152     {
6153 	if (item != null)
6154 	    item = copyItem(item);
6155         // Should never be null.
6156 	eventTaskMap.get(reg).submit(
6157 	    Security.withContext(
6158 		new EventTask(reg, sid, item, transition, proxy, this, now),
6159 		context
6160 	    )
6161 	);
6162     }
6164     /** Generate a new service ID */
6165     private ServiceID newServiceID() {
6166 	Uuid uuid = serviceIdGenerator.generate();
6167 	return new ServiceID(
6168 	    uuid.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid.getLeastSignificantBits());
6169     }
6171     /** Generate a new lease ID */
6172     private Uuid newLeaseID() {
6173 	return resourceIdGenerator.generate();
6174     }
6176     /**
6177      * Write the current state of the Registrar to persistent storage.
6178      * <p>
6179      * A 'snapshot' of the Registrar's current state is represented by
6180      * the data contained in certain fields of the Registrar. That data
6181      * represents many changes -- over time -- to the Registrar's state.
6182      * This method will record that data to a file referred to as the
6183      * snapshot file.
6184      * <p>
6185      * The data written by this method to the snapshot file -- as well as
6186      * the format of the file -- is shown below:
6187      * <ul>
6188      * <li> our class name
6189      * <li> log format version number
6190      * <li> our service ID
6191      * <li> current event ID
6192      * <li> current values of administrable parameters and current multicast
6193      * announcement sequence number
6194      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered services
6195      * <li> null (termination 'marker' for the set of registered services)
6196      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered events
6197      * <li> null (termination 'marker' for the set of registered events)
6198      * </ul>
6199      * Each data item is written to the snapshot file in serialized form.
6200      * 
6201      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
6202      */
6203     private void takeSnapshot(OutputStream  out) throws IOException {
6204 	ObjectOutputStream stream = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
6206 	stream.writeUTF(getClass().getName());
6207 	stream.writeInt(LOG_VERSION);
6208 	stream.writeObject(myServiceID);
6209 	stream.writeLong(eventID);
6210 	stream.writeInt(unicastPort);
6211 	stream.writeObject(memberGroups);
6212 	stream.writeObject(lookupGroups);
6213 	stream.writeLong(announcementSeqNo.get());
6214 	marshalAttributes(lookupAttrs, stream);
6215 	marshalLocators(lookupLocators, stream);
6216 	for (Iterator iter = serviceByID.entrySet().iterator(); 
6217 	     iter.hasNext(); )
6218 	{
6219 	    Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
6220 	    if (myServiceID != entry.getKey())
6221 		stream.writeObject(entry.getValue());
6222 	}
6223 	stream.writeObject(null);
6224 	for (Iterator iter = eventByID.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
6225 	{
6226 	    stream.writeObject(;
6227 	}
6228 	stream.writeObject(null);
6229 	stream.writeInt(httpsUnicastPort);
6230 	stream.writeBoolean(enableHttpsUnicast);
6231 	stream.flush();
6232 	LOGGER.finer("wrote state snapshot");
6233     }
6235     /**
6236      * Retrieve the contents of the snapshot file and reconstitute the 'base'
6237      * state of the Registrar from the retrieved data.
6238      * <p>
6239      * The data retrieved by this method from the snapshot file is shown
6240      * below:
6241      * <ul>
6242      * <li> our class name
6243      * <li> log format version number
6244      * <li> our service ID
6245      * <li> current event ID
6246      * <li> current values of administrable parameters and multicast
6247      * announcement sequence number at time of last snapshot
6248      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered services
6249      * <li> contents of the container holding the current registered events
6250      * </ul>
6251      * During recovery, the state of the Registrar at the time of a crash
6252      * or outage is re-constructed by first reconstituting the 'base state'
6253      * from the snapshot file; and then modifying that base state according
6254      * to the records retrieved from the log file. This method is invoked to
6255      * perform the first step in that reconstruction. As each registered
6256      * service or event is retrieved, it is resolved and then inserted into
6257      * its appropriate container object.
6258      * <p>
6259      * Because events can be generated before the next snapshot is taken,
6260      * the event sequence numbers must be incremented. This is because the
6261      * event specification requires that set of event sequence numbers
6262      * be monotonically increasing. Since the number of events that might
6263      * have been sent is arbitrary, each sequence number will be incremented
6264      * by a 'large' number so as to guarantee adherence to the specification.
6265      * 
6266      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
6267      */
6268     private void recoverSnapshot(InputStream in)
6269 	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
6270     {
6271 	ObjectInputStream stream = new ObjectInputStream(in);
6272 	if (!getClass().getName().equals(stream.readUTF()))
6273 	    throw new IOException("log from wrong implementation");
6274 	int logVersion = stream.readInt();
6275 	if (logVersion != LOG_VERSION)
6276 	    throw new IOException("wrong log format version");
6277 	myServiceID = (ServiceID)stream.readObject();
6278 	eventID = stream.readLong();
6279 	unicastPort = stream.readInt();
6280 	memberGroups = (String[])stream.readObject();
6281 	lookupGroups = (String[])stream.readObject();
6282 	announcementSeqNo.set( stream.readLong() + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
6283 	lookupAttrs = unmarshalAttributes(stream);
6284 	lookupLocators = prepareLocators(
6285 	    unmarshalLocators(stream), recoveredLocatorPreparer, true);
6286 	recoverServiceRegistrations(stream, logVersion);
6287 	recoverEventRegistrations(stream);
6288 	httpsUnicastPort = stream.readInt();
6289 	enableHttpsUnicast = stream.readBoolean();
6290 	LOGGER.finer("recovered state from snapshot");
6291     }
6293     /** Recovers service registrations and reggie's lookup attributes */
6294     private void recoverServiceRegistrations(ObjectInputStream stream,
6295 					     int logVersion)
6296 	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
6297     {
6298 	SvcReg sReg;
6299 	while ((sReg = (SvcReg)stream.readObject()) != null) {
6300 	    addService(sReg);
6301 	}
6302     }
6304     /** Recovers event registrations */
6305     private void recoverEventRegistrations(ObjectInputStream stream)
6306 	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
6307     {
6308 	EventReg eReg;
6309 	while ((eReg = (EventReg)stream.readObject()) != null) {
6310 	    eReg.prepareListener(recoveredListenerPreparer);
6311 	    addEvent(eReg);
6312 	}
6313     }
6315     /**
6316      * Add a state-change record to persistent storage.
6317      * <p>
6318      * Whenever a significant change occurs to the Registrar's state, this
6319      * method is invoked to record that change in a file called a log file.
6320      * Each record written to the log file is an object reflecting both
6321      * the data used and the ACTIONS taken to make one change to the
6322      * Registrar's state at a particular point in time. If the number of
6323      * records contained in the log file exceeds the pre-defined threshold,
6324      * a snapshot of the current state of the Registrar will be recorded.
6325      * <p>
6326      * Whenever one of the following state changes occurs, this method
6327      * will be invoked with the appropriate implementation of the
6328      * LogRecord interface as the input argument.
6329      * <ul>
6330      * <li> a new service was registered
6331      * <li> a new event was registered
6332      * <li> new attributes were added to an existing service
6333      * <li> existing attributes of a service were modified
6334      * <li> new attributes were set in an existing service
6335      * <li> a single service lease was renewed
6336      * <li> a single service lease was cancelled
6337      * <li> a single event lease was renewed
6338      * <li> a single event lease was cancelled
6339      * <li> a set of service leases were renewed
6340      * <li> a set of service leases were cancelled
6341      * <li> a set of event leases were renewed
6342      * <li> a set of event leases were cancelled
6343      * <li> the unicast port number was set
6344      * <li> the set of Lookup Groups were changed
6345      * <li> the set of Lookup Locators were changed
6346      * <li> the set of Member Groups were changed
6347      * </ul>
6348      * 
6349      * @see RegistrarImpl.LocalLogHandler
6350      */
6351     private void addLogRecord(LogRecord rec) {
6352 	if (log == null) {
6353 	    return;
6354 	}
6355 	try {
6356 	    log.update(rec, true);
6357 	    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
6358 		LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "wrote log record {0}",
6359 			   new Object[]{ rec });
6360 	    }
6361 	    if (logFileSize.incrementAndGet() >= persistenceSnapshotThreshold) {
6362 		int snapshotSize = serviceByID.size() + eventByID.size();
6363 		if (logFileSize.get() >= persistenceSnapshotWeight * snapshotSize) {
6364                     snapshotNotifier.signal();
6365 		}
6366 	    }
6367 	} catch (Exception e) {
6368 	    if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
6369 		LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "log update failed", e);
6370 	    }
6371 	}
6372     }
6373 }